What is happiness of life?

Poverty, joblessness and illnesses are factors that contribute to suffering.
Rich people are normally much happier than poor people, I wish I have a lot of money to spend, to clear my debt.
Rich people are only afraid of sickness and accident that they cannot control.
Like cancer might not be cured even though you are rich - like Steve Job.
Rich people also die in air crash and car accidents.
Sex? Money? Fame? naahhh

Happiness is finally finding the lost car keys under the sand in a summer day on the beach.
Happiness is a fleeting state, something to be appreciated when you have it but not something to expect to exist all the time. Having a fulfilling life is probably the thing to shoot for.

I saw a documentary about happiness once and it concluded that happiness basically revolves around people and you social life. It's not about whether you are rich, are married, have kids...all those things may offer some fulfillment but they don't necessarily make you happy.

You love your kids, you worry about them, but that's not "happiness". It's the same with marriage and money.

If you don't have a roof over your head or food in your stomach then of course you will be "happier" with a little more money. Otherwise, money just reduces some basic stress but that's about it.

Largely, you determine your own happiness.
Childs are generaly happyer.
Furthermore, life has much more taste and perspectives much bigger for those who have no experience in life.
Remaining young makes one happy.
What is happiness of life?:p

From what I have read both very poor people as well as some of the rich can
achieve happiness in life and based on the Dr. Masaru Emoto research on water I think that
GRATITUDE and LOVE get us started on the path to genuine happiness in this life!
From what I have read both very poor people as well as some of the rich can
achieve happiness in life and based on the Dr. Masaru Emoto research on water I think that
GRATITUDE and LOVE get us started on the path to genuine happiness in this life!

Yes you are right.
At least, i am very happy when i can help little animals to feel good, and my old mother too (altought she is very attracted to useless things like expensive objects).
Yes you are right.
At least, i am very happy when i can help little animals to feel good, and my old mother too (altought she is very attracted to useless things like expensive objects).

Dr. Ken Ring found that about one near death experience in six included a meeting with a previously deceased pet.....
so... you will be pleasantly surprised how those investments in making animals happier will eventually pay off!

One of the most fascinating NDE accounts I ever read is where a woman has a brush with death and meets here previously deceased dog.. .a Springer.....
