What is Love?


I see that you assume I fear God -- not true. No, I didn't know exactly what you meant, hence I asked for a clarification -- it's called communication -- a skill that all can improve on.


I suggest using dictionary next time

Which dictionary should I go by for a definition of love? You probably don't have a constructive answer, but I thought I would ask anyway.

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.
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Duendy said,

ok, i'll be bold and say what i feels it is then:

Love is seeing THROUGH falsness. it is being strong enough to stand on its own and say...ok, 200, 000,000 of you say that--but i feel it's wrong and i dont want no part of it. and when they say 'so that means you hate us?' you say 'no i dont hate yous, i just see what you are belivin is false and is destructive

a child can sometimes see through the false. see through false masks/personas. that is love

Love is for Nature. If you get cuaght up in midsets that seek to trash and destry Nature is that love? no, it's ignorance' same with dodgy beliefs that divide people. they may feel loving with their own side, but their ignorance is FUELLING potential hatred, conflict that causes all forms of violence. so love then is standing up and say to all your loved ones...'i am seeing through this game' and wehn they turn on you, then it still is love what you are doing. but joining a gang or war to blow the other side (who are also lost in ignorance/the game) to bits aint love, is it? ...if you go and blow some little chhild;'s head off, or their legs sos they cant EVEr play EVEr again. that's that! is THAt love?

Duendy, are you on dope? :m:
Woody: Duendy, are you on dope? :m:
M*W: What in the hell are you saying? The very nerve of you suggesting that Duendy is on dope when you are totally addicted to that horrid delusion called xianity! May you burn in hell for your delusions.