In case (b), the incumbent model potentially falls and is replaced by the alternative model. Although, one data set alone probably won't immediately bring on that result. Scientists tend to be careful about overturning hugely successful theories.
Hmmm, I disagree. Unless any new theory makes any further predictions, or matches any further observations above and beyond any incumbent theory, then the incumbent theory stands. I believe we do have examples of this.
I agree that this title looks sensationalist.
That's nice.
Probably not.
While the chances of that happening is certainly non zero, it's far closer to zero then 1.
Notice that the opening post does not refer to work done here on this science forum, but to external work that I suppose is done by an "expert".
The OP makes the outrageous, unsupported claim that GR type GW's are impossible. That is totally wrong.
And while the work done maybe external to this forum, it is still not peer reviewed and is overwhelmingly invalidated by the many many reputable, peer reviewed papers and the excellence of the precision of the experiments themselves and the thousands of scientists around the world, helping in achieving the known confirmations.
I believe I haven't said anything about the importance of the LIGO discovery. What leads you to the conclusion that I have somehow underestimated its importance?
The best that can be said about the LIGO data, so far,
With all due respect, perhaps you may be unaware of the efforts that were initiated to allow for all possible contingencies and of course the best possible accurracies and precisions that were undertaken to make this experiment [aLIGO] along with GP-B as two of the greatest experiments of recent times, and perhaps since the start of the age of cosmology. There are many papers alluding to that fact.
Why are you so desperate to convince people that they are possible? Isn't your own conviction that you have all the answers the same kind of conviction that Q-reeus has?
My desperation comment was in reply to the remark by q-reeus thus......
In a 'conversation' aka PM some time back, you were privately acknowledged as being a troll, by someone in admin. Live with that thought.
Now I'm not sure if you as the owner of this forum, condone the less than decent and reasonable tactics of divulging PM's but I see it as a mark of desperation, performed by desperate trolls that resent being brought face to face with the truth, as I have presented to q-reeus.
Whether what he claims is true or not, I don't give a flying fuck, but I do know that PM's I have had with mods and yourself, stay as PM's and will not be disclosed, unless with express permission and extenuating circumstances.
BTW, the same desperate tactic is also pulled by the less then reputable charecter, expletive deleted.
But hey!, If you condone that sort of stuff, [revealing PM's] then great! I'll withdraw the comment/s.
Q-reeus isn't "doing" anything here, other than pointing to work done by somebody else. Q-reeus apparently believes on the basis of that work done by somebody else that gravitational waves as described by general relativity are impossible. At this stage, I can't say I understand why he has come to that conclusion, but as I said I don't have time to delve into the article he is relying on and he apparently isn't keen on explaining the smoking gun that he believes kills GR GWs.
Pointing out?
I refer you to the thread title once again...and the other thread title claiming GR is invalidated.
And if you have the time, perhaps you can afford that time in checking out q-reeus's posts and his continued claim of liars, trolls, etc etc, including of course me, PhysBang, and less then complimentary remarks to another professional
Schmelzer . BTW, before we get any remarks from the peanut gallery, Schmelzer and myself, have been also known to be in fervent disagreement about a few things. Yet he also writes off the q-reeus claim as bunkum.
Nor will you validate them.
I'm not a physicist James: Like the god, expletive deleted, dmoe, and others, I'm a lay person.
Plus of course I do not need to validate the aLIGO results: That has already been done. All I'm doing is spreading the incredible message that again, GR and Einstein have been further validated.
Does this mean that we shouldn't discuss different interpretations of the LIGO results here - either your preferred reading of them or Q-reeus's?
I don't believe there are different interpretations of the aLIGO results within aLIGO. The only result that has been confirmed is GR type GW's, caused by binary BH systems.
Any other interpretations are rather few, if we can go by the Internet and subsequent news. The only one so far is the yet to be reviewed hypothetical raised by q-reeus. When that is done, and when proper peer review express the misgivings of the ridiculous thread title, then we may have something.Some free advice though...Don't hold your breath.