What is Quantum Wave Cosmology discussion thread

I skipped the useless lying drivel part.
I am not peddling my pet theory.
You are a crank because you can’t use the quote feature to show where I present QWC as theory. And I’m not sure you have the ability to even do “theory”. I put theory in quotes to show that it is in reference to your use of the word in the sentence to which I am referring.
I am not ignorant of what I speak.
On the contrary. Denying ignorance is the first clue to ignorance. You have shown nothing but ignorance in regard to QWC. Why should anyone think you are not ignorant in other respects? (Rhetorical)
I am not claiming omniscience or a theory of everything.
By saying that you insinuate that I am; if you call what I am saying a claim of “omniscience” you are a crank. I use the word sparingly but in your case “sparingly” occurs quite often as you pointed out.
You're getting frustrated and if all you can do is throw back "crank!" at me you're running low on creativity.
I think you don’t know what creativity is.
Calling me a girl wouldn't change my gender, calling me a crank doesn't make me magically call into that category.
No magic necessary in your case. And I didn’t know you were gender confused. There is a thread for that I bet.
prometheus said:
and there is strong evidence that the standard model particles are, in fact, fundamental.

You were a fool to challenge me on that. I say it like it is everyone knows that when I say someone said something, they said it. You could never make such a claim and I have proven that you say people say things that they didn’t say. I asked you on another thread to deny that and gave an example at that time. You didn’t reply. Do you deny that because I could link you to that post.

I've got quite a lot on at the moment, so I'm afraid my participation in this thread will be going down. I would like to comment generally that as soon as the thread poster starts throwing insults around you know the game is up for the "ideas" he is advocating.

To clarify this seeming point of contention, the standard model predicts particular particles like electrons and quarks are fundamental. Other theories like strings then predict that there is an underlying structure - ie the particles are not points, they are something else. Of course, quarks are still quarks and can't be broken down into more fundamental particles, so what I said was reasonable. You seem to think slinging mud and hoping it sticks will improve your cred. You have succeed in neither.
I've got quite a lot on at the moment, so I'm afraid my participation in this thread will be going down. I would like to comment generally that as soon as the thread poster starts throwing insults around you know the game is up for the "ideas" he is advocating.

To clarify this seeming point of contention, the standard model predicts particular particles like electrons and quarks are fundamental. Other theories like strings then predict that there is an underlying structure - ie the particles are not points, they are something else. Of course, quarks are still quarks and can't be broken down into more fundamental particles, so what I said was reasonable. You seem to think slinging mud and hoping it sticks will improve your cred. You have succeed in neither.
You can't stay away so don't kid us.

And darn, I thought you just proved my point. But you say it won't improve my cred. And why don't you bother to go back and look at who started throwing insults. It was you and AlphaNumeric. So I will agree with you generally, but in this case if I didn't defend my ideas that is when they wouldn't mean anything.
You can't stay away so don't kid us.

You'll notice I haven't been replying line by line. I'm still reading this thread. If you go back and re read what I wrote you'll find I didn't say I was "leaving," at all. Doesn't bode well for confidence in your internet brainstorming does it?

And darn, I thought you just proved my point. But you say it won't improve my cred. And why don't you bother to go back and look at who started throwing insults. It was you and AlphaNumeric. So I will agree with you generally, but in this case if I didn't defend my ideas that is when they wouldn't mean anything.

Your ideas don't mean anything whether you defend them or not. It's a hard fact but it's true. Also, I would encourage you to stop being a hypocrite and use the quote function when you make accusations or I'll say things like "you're a filthy liar. QED."
You'll notice I haven't been replying line by line. I'm still reading this thread. If you go back and re read what I wrote you'll find I didn't say I was "leaving," at all. Doesn't bode well for confidence in your internet brainstorming does it?

Your ideas don't mean anything whether you defend them or not. It's a hard fact but it's true. Also, I would encourage you to stop being a hypocrite and use the quote function when you make accusations or I'll say things like "you're a filthy liar. QED."
Whew. I thought you might not come back.

Say anything you like; it is like a window into your character and self-image.
You are a crank because you can’t use the quote feature to show where I present QWC as theory.
No, if that were true I'd be dishonest, not a crank. You have claimed, have you not, that QWC attempts to explain things? You've claimed you've got good, sound methodology, have you not?

The crux of the point Prom and I are making is that your claim that you are proceeding in a viable manner is not true.

And I’m not sure you have the ability to even do “theory”. I put theory in quotes to show that it is in reference to your use of the word in the sentence to which I am referring.
Where have I been attempting to 'do theory'? Like I said, I'm not peddling my pet idea here, you are. I'm not claiming to have some insight or model or concept or understanding far and away beyond what I'm capable of. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed anything about my own work, in regards to its validity, applicability or justification, I've done little more than refer in passing to the fact I do physics research.

Of course if you wish to engage me in a discussion of my research then I'm more than willing to discuss such things in another thread. I have nothing to hide, I'm willing to give a quick walk through of what I do, starting with basic assumptions and showing/discussing how to work through to particular predictions or results. I've got nothing to hide here. And the fact I (and Prom) have published work to my name would seem to suggest that, as Prom says, you're slinging mud and hoping some sticks.

On the contrary. Denying ignorance is the first clue to ignorance. You have shown nothing but ignorance in regard to QWC. Why should anyone think you are not ignorant in other respects? (Rhetorical)
On the question of scientific methodology, general structure of physics models, ideas and theories, historical derivation of concepts and results by physicists and working, first hand, knowledge of how physics research is done I'm not ignorant of what I speak. The very area I do research in is one where there's almost no experimental reason to believe it, yet due to it's mathematical, quantitative structure it holds the interest of physicists. String theory has no experimental motivation/justification, like QWC, but unlike QWC it has a rich and broadly applicable quantitative structure which has been rigorously developed from a few simple to state postulates. That's an example of how an idea with little experimental justification can still be widely accepted as legitimate work. Given QWC has zero experimental motivation for it's claims, if it's going to be even close to being viable as physics research it needs coherent logical structure, as string theory has, but it does not.

You want QWC to be taken seriously but you refuse to listen to the criticisms of people who know what science and research involves. You want the approval of physicists but don't want to listen when they say things you don't like. Seems a silly way to go about things, in my opinion.

By saying that you insinuate that I am; if you call what I am saying a claim of “omniscience” you are a crank. I use the word sparingly but in your case “sparingly” occurs quite often as you pointed out.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself. I was referring to common behavioural traits in cranks.

You aren't claiming omniscience but you're pulling ideas randomly out of thin air and then heaping assumptions upon them, such as your whole 'interesting arenas' thing. Assumption built on a guess built on a whim. No method or logic, just guesses. Now there must be some reason you're telling yourself why that particular guess/idea is more valid than any other possible one, would you mind sharing it with us? Why do you think you, someone who deliberately avoids learning physics, are the person to guide QWC's development? You must have some reason why you think you're worth listening to and we should be ignored, why our random postulations about fairies are less worthwhile than you random postulations about 'arena action'. The simple fact of the matter is you want your ideas to be discussed by other people, but the problem you're finding if that you can't justify why anyone should hold your ideas in higher regard than any other random suggestion and it definitely seems to be ticking you off.

I think you don’t know what creativity is.
Nowhere in this thread have I tried to be creative. I do not need to be creative to point out flaws in your logic or the lack of rigour in your claims or your failure to have anything close to a sound methodology. Can you point me to some posts of mine in this thread where I tried, and clearly failed, to be creative and original in coming up with a viable physics result/concept/topic/prediction? I make no attempt to talk about the specifics of my research here, though I do ask a question now and again related to a particular mathematical problem I might be having. The fact I have published work to my name shows I have creativity in research level physics because you don't get published for copying someone else. I am sufficiently creative to write papers, heck I don't even have any input from my supervisor because she doesn't understand the work I'm doing.

Come on, you must be aware of how weak your attempts at insults are. You can't have a go at Prom or myself for lack of results or lack of understanding or lack of knowledge when it comes to physics, compared to you, we have quantifiable proof that your whining is baseless.

No magic necessary in your case. And I didn’t know you were gender confused. There is a thread for that I bet.
Ah, such a poor way to finish your post, calling my sexuality into question. For someone trying to take the high road that's hardly a good thing to do, is it? Rather than insinuating I'm gay to try and annoy or upset me (besides, those kinds of attacks are often Freudian in nature....) why don't you put me in my place by responding clearly and concisely to some of our criticisms? When someone says to me "Oh yeah, how do you justify that then?" when I make a claim about some particle physics theory I show them. I put my maths where my mouth is. And despite having been annoying cranks on internet forums for many years now not one, not one, has ever turned around and done the same to me.

Funny that......
No, if that were true I'd be dishonest, not a crank. You have claimed, have you not, that QWC attempts to explain things? You've claimed you've got good, sound methodology, have you not?

The crux of the point Prom and I are making is that your claim that you are proceeding in a viable manner is not true.

Where have I been attempting to 'do theory'? Like I said, I'm not peddling my pet idea here, you are. I'm not claiming to have some insight or model or concept or understanding far and away beyond what I'm capable of. Nowhere in this thread have I claimed anything about my own work, in regards to its validity, applicability or justification, I've done little more than refer in passing to the fact I do physics research.

Of course if you wish to engage me in a discussion of my research then I'm more than willing to discuss such things in another thread. I have nothing to hide, I'm willing to give a quick walk through of what I do, starting with basic assumptions and showing/discussing how to work through to particular predictions or results. I've got nothing to hide here. And the fact I (and Prom) have published work to my name would seem to suggest that, as Prom says, you're slinging mud and hoping some sticks.

On the question of scientific methodology, general structure of physics models, ideas and theories, historical derivation of concepts and results by physicists and working, first hand, knowledge of how physics research is done I'm not ignorant of what I speak. The very area I do research in is one where there's almost no experimental reason to believe it, yet due to it's mathematical, quantitative structure it holds the interest of physicists. String theory has no experimental motivation/justification, like QWC, but unlike QWC it has a rich and broadly applicable quantitative structure which has been rigorously developed from a few simple to state postulates. That's an example of how an idea with little experimental justification can still be widely accepted as legitimate work. Given QWC has zero experimental motivation for it's claims, if it's going to be even close to being viable as physics research it needs coherent logical structure, as string theory has, but it does not.

You want QWC to be taken seriously but you refuse to listen to the criticisms of people who know what science and research involves. You want the approval of physicists but don't want to listen when they say things you don't like. Seems a silly way to go about things, in my opinion.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I'm perfectly capable of speaking for myself. I was referring to common behavioural traits in cranks.

You aren't claiming omniscience but you're pulling ideas randomly out of thin air and then heaping assumptions upon them, such as your whole 'interesting arenas' thing. Assumption built on a guess built on a whim. No method or logic, just guesses. Now there must be some reason you're telling yourself why that particular guess/idea is more valid than any other possible one, would you mind sharing it with us? Why do you think you, someone who deliberately avoids learning physics, are the person to guide QWC's development? You must have some reason why you think you're worth listening to and we should be ignored, why our random postulations about fairies are less worthwhile than you random postulations about 'arena action'. The simple fact of the matter is you want your ideas to be discussed by other people, but the problem you're finding if that you can't justify why anyone should hold your ideas in higher regard than any other random suggestion and it definitely seems to be ticking you off.

Nowhere in this thread have I tried to be creative. I do not need to be creative to point out flaws in your logic or the lack of rigour in your claims or your failure to have anything close to a sound methodology. Can you point me to some posts of mine in this thread where I tried, and clearly failed, to be creative and original in coming up with a viable physics result/concept/topic/prediction? I make no attempt to talk about the specifics of my research here, though I do ask a question now and again related to a particular mathematical problem I might be having. The fact I have published work to my name shows I have creativity in research level physics because you don't get published for copying someone else. I am sufficiently creative to write papers, heck I don't even have any input from my supervisor because she doesn't understand the work I'm doing.

Come on, you must be aware of how weak your attempts at insults are. You can't have a go at Prom or myself for lack of results or lack of understanding or lack of knowledge when it comes to physics, compared to you, we have quantifiable proof that your whining is baseless.

Ah, such a poor way to finish your post, calling my sexuality into question. For someone trying to take the high road that's hardly a good thing to do, is it? Rather than insinuating I'm gay to try and annoy or upset me (besides, those kinds of attacks are often Freudian in nature....) why don't you put me in my place by responding clearly and concisely to some of our criticisms? When someone says to me "Oh yeah, how do you justify that then?" when I make a claim about some particle physics theory I show them. I put my maths where my mouth is. And despite having been annoying cranks on internet forums for many years now not one, not one, has ever turned around and done the same to me.

Funny that......
Wow, you really nailed me there big boy.
Wow, you really nailed me there big boy.
I must have, given you could only mass quote and then not respond to any single point I made. Clearly I hit pretty close to home and now you're moving onto the "I'll pretend to ignore you" method.

You're another in the long line of cranks who've failed to rise to the challenge. ;)
I must have, given you could only mass quote and then not respond to any single point I made. Clearly I hit pretty close to home and now you're moving onto the "I'll pretend to ignore you" method.

You're another in the long line of cranks who've failed to rise to the challenge. ;)
I know how to pull your strings :thankyou:.

I was updating the link with some introductory info. It wouldn't be of any interest to you. Fortunately you keep my thread hot and you are partially to blame for any visits I get there.

I must have, given you could only mass quote and then not respond to any single point I made. Clearly I hit pretty close to home and now you're moving onto the "I'll pretend to ignore you" method.

You're another in the long line of cranks who've failed to rise to the challenge. ;)
There are cranks of all kinds. You are not the only one of your kind.
The last meaningful post was http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2319567&postcount=125

I spent a few enjoyable hours at USF Riverfront Park this morning updating QWC documents and reposting the latest update to the blog. I have taken into account the meaningful comments from this thread in the updates so it is current and includes all of the appropriate fixes.

Particularly, I have added an updated Preface and done a pretty extensive rewrite of the Introduction to Cosmic Wave Cosmology.

To read the preface and introduction will take about five minutes and will give you a good idea of what QWC is about. Another ten minutes or so to read through the steps of speculation will give you plenty of material to comment about, and it might raise questions which I will be glad to address.

Please spend some time on the following link to get current on the document and if you haven't, read the Opening Post on this thread and review the link to the most recent meaningful post. Thank you for any time you decide to spend on QWC.

I noticed that I left the images off on the recent QWC update. Since then I have added a link to begin to support the idea of two levels of order and have added back a couple of images that went along with section on Step I of QWC, the selection of the big crunch as the condition that preceded the Big Bang. I have also improved the document to address all of the meaningful comments made here.

QWC is a discussion of cosmology; somethings that the mainstream won't discuss and the activist professionals like AN and Prom might deride because it is speculation. Reminds me of this post, http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2334150&postcount=75.

I am discussing ideas about how a big crunch might have preceded the Big Bang. OK, maybe that is not so outrageous.

But I am discussing ideas of how big crunches could form if there is a greater universe out there. OK, I guess if a big crunch could precede a Big Bang then the big crunch had to have formed somehow so that idea isn’t so outrageous either.

I am discussing the idea of demoting our entire observable universe to a mere arena within that greater universe, a spit in the ocean, a grain of sand on an infinite beach. OK, so if there was a big crunch and it formed like I discuss then there is a greater universe out there so that discussion becomes almost mainstream.

I am discussing ideas about a cosmology that uses good old fashion 3-D space and where time is a continuum. Good God, this is not good, that’s outrageous according to a few. But I just like talking about possibilities that aren’t inconsistent with observations. What will happen to all the geeks if space and time are not coupled and warped by mass?

I am discussing ideas about aether, mass, and gravity in ways that drive the mainstream brains berserk because they can’t show where QWC is inconsistent with real observations and if they were able to do so I would update QWC to accommodate it. My critics assure us their peers are working on solving the great question and will get back with us. Or worse yet they pretend they have falsified QWC by merely saying it is fantasy.

Not to say that I haven’t been corrected, shown to be wrong, or just told I am wrong, but in every instance where they can make a case I readily change QWC to accommodate my learning. QWC thus evolves.

QWC is a cosmology that takes a stand on the important questions about the cause of expansion, the cause of mass, is there a spacetime continuum or not, and how might gravity work if space and time aren’t coupled. I discuss ideas like is there aether and what might it be composed of, what is dark matter, what is dark energy and what is beyond our observable universe. QWC paints a physical picture that is internally consistent and is not inconsistent with facts and observation.

And QWC is based on infinities so if you don’t believe in or grasp infinity you can’t play. The infinities are space, time and energy.

You object? If you don’t like speculation in any respect you are in the wrong forum. If you think that all speculation can be painted by the same brush you haven’t read the methodology that applies to reasonable and responsible speculation vs. idle or wild speculation.

New to the thread or haven’t seen the updates? Go read the QWC link below and you will see why the brainy brains hate it.

In QWC anything is possible because science is tentative and I am willing to discuss your ideas or theories right alongside my ideas.

Read it, feel it, love it. It is what Pseudoscience is about. Have fun while you learn what QWC is about and from that learn a little about what you might call your own personal view of cosmology. And learn that you can point out the arrogance of people who haven’t learned the art of discussion.

Quantum Wave Cosmology.
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In line with the last post there have been some discussions about time on several of my threads, but the art of discussion hasn't really been practiced.

In my view of cosmology, there are three basic infinities, space, time, and energy. Here are some statements that are in line with those infinites:

There cannot be an infinite distance between two physical objects.
There cannot be an infinite amount of time between two physical events.
There cannot be an infinite amount of energy in any finite volume of space.

And yet space, time and energy are potentially infinite.

Does anyone disagree with any or all of those statement enough to discuss their thoughts?
In line with the last post there have been some discussions about time on several of my threads, but the art of discussion hasn't really been practiced.

In my view of cosmology, there are three basic infinities, space, time, and energy. Here are some statements that are in line with those infinites:

There cannot be an infinite distance between two physical objects.
There cannot be an infinite amount of time between two physical events.
There cannot be an infinite amount of energy in any finite volume of space.

And yet space, time and energy are potentially infinite.

Does anyone disagree with any or all of those statement enough to discuss their thoughts?

Infinite Distance between objects is a cross reference really to scale factors. you needn't mention the two objects at all. Just state that scale cannot be infinitely divided. The two objects could never exist anyway if they were an infinite distance apart.

Time doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

Infinite energy in finite space. I believe that energy can be created from less that its result. It has to be like that to have the perpetual motion required for the Universe to begin.
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Infinite Distance between objects is a cross reference really to scale factors. you needn't mention the two objects at all. Just state that scale cannot be infinitely divided.
Meaningless word salad.

The two objects could never exist anyway if they were an infinite distance apart.
Why not?

Time doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.
But you're wrong.

Infinite energy in finite space. I believe that energy can be created from less that its result. It has to be like that to have the perpetual motion required for the Universe to begin.
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Why do you always use the same replies? Like "Meaningless word salad", you make it seem as though you are using ready made replies to things which you don't understand.
Hold on Pincho. Those seem like reasonable responses. I trust you to have answers.
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Why do you always use the same replies? Like "Meaningless word salad", you make it seem as though you are using ready made replies to things which you don't understand.
Ready made reply?
Okay try this: what on Earth makes you think that ANY distance (let alone an infinite one) isn't capable of being "infinitely divided"?
What on Earth makes you think that infinite distance is a "cross reference really to scale factors"?

You make statements that barely (if at all) hold up as English, let alone as factual comments.

Likewise what evidence do you have for even supposing that for the universe to begin requires perpetual motion?