What is your definition of evil?

What's worse evil or a-moral? If you chose a-moral then what's worse, that or hate?
I believe it's evil if some act was done with an intent to cause pain to another, whether it is physical or emotional it does not matter.
I had to give this some thought. Creating a World of lies is probably the worst evil we can bring on others, the worst legacy we can leave behind. Ideologies are often based on extravagant lies, which consequently move whole peoples to act.
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men.

Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”

-- Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trails
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949) I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men.

Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”

-- Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trails
I would have to agree with that.
The farther from our world people are the less we can empathize with them.

We weep for the child in our neighborhood who lost her leg, but we feel nothing for the millions starving in Africa.
who is more within your reach, the neighborhood girl or millions of starving Africans?
Exactly. People that are closer are people we care more about. People that are too distant we don;t even care enough to get them clean water so they don't die in infancy of dysentry.

Frankly, helping 3rd world people is as effortless as a couple of mouse-clicks.
Exactly. People that are closer are people we care more about. People that are too distant we don;t even care enough to get them clean water so they don't die in infancy of dysentry.

Frankly, helping 3rd world people is as effortless as a couple of mouse-clicks.
We have been throwing money at that cause for years. What have we accomplished, honestly?
I believe it's evil if some act was done with an intent to cause pain to another, whether it is physical or emotional it does not matter.

like causing pain by giving someone a gift that they feel they do not deserve or are not worthy of, creating emotional pain of many different types ...
sounds like pure evil !

cancel all birthdays, Christmas, fathers days & mothers days immediately !
no more surprise partys !
no instant give-aways
no lotterys
no special sales prices that people just dont deserve.
I guess we should pull out and nuke the place from orbit...
Where did that come from? My point is, throwing money at the problem doesn't seem to be working, at least as a charitable contribution. If you could resolve the political, social and economic issues of that continent, you would be the second coming of Christ for Africa. But such major accomplishments are beyond mine or your abilities. Perhaps helping that neighbor's child is within our reach.
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Creating a World of lies is probably the worst evil we can bring on others, the worst legacy we can leave behind.
That's going to be a hard thing to face, if you ever wake up.
If it makes it any easier: the rest of us already know.
Perhaps helping that neighbor's child is within our reach.
Says the guy who voted to put them in cages for possible trespassing.
My point is, throwing money at the problem doesn't seem to be working, at least as a charitable contribution
Why not give it a try, first.
Or did you think we already had?
If it makes it any easier: the rest of us already know.
What do you know, Ice?
Says the guy who voted to put them in cages for possible trespassing.
Taking responsibility for thousands of children is a big job, Ice. Why don't you volunteer to help with their care rather than complaining about those who must?
Why not give it a try, first.
Do you think a $10.00 contribution will fix Africa, Ice? It might make me feel better.
What do you know, Ice?
That you fit your own definition of evil, to a t,
Creating a World of lies is probably the worst evil we can bring on others,
and that amnesia is not going to protect your ignorance forever.
Why don't you volunteer to help with their care rather than complaining about those who must?
Pay me. Your mess, your bill.
Taking responsibility for thousands of children is a big job, Ice.
And you and your kind should pay for it. Your mess, your bill.
Evil? Well I'd say an evil man is one who feels to subjugate of me at first look because of my courteous stupid nature.

Nations though???

I'd say, definitely, politics are evil.
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I've created a world of lies?
Why yes. You put quite a bit of effort into it.
You hadn't noticed?
I'm willing to buy a wall.
That doesn't pay your debt, for your past evils.
Also: That's a lie.
You are willing to make others buy a wall, and suffer the consequences of building it and living with it - not at all the same thing.
See how it works, when you have become evil by your own definition? You get buried in a world of your own making, where you can't even see the real world. You believe yourself.
Again, we have a solution.
No, you don't. You have a reaction, that does not even acknowledge the problem.
And it's no good - it burdens others, and harms others.
You don't get to skip on your debts because you have a crack-brained idea for hurting other people and making them pay.
What is your definition of evil?

Shorn of distracting and mutable specific details, the generic template probably boils down to what one "does not like" at the magnitude of either a very passionate emotional level or argued intellectual level. If the individual has merely adopted what's fashionable as "evil" in their mainstream culture/society, then that for what is "not liked". Or one selected from among the popular formulations for evil, should there be multiple ones of similar status at odds with each other on the moral and political markets.
Why yes. You put quite a bit of effort into it.
You hadn't noticed?

That doesn't pay your debt, for your past evils.
Also: That's a lie.
You are willing to make others buy a wall, and suffer the consequences of building it and living with it - not at all the same thing.
See how it works, when you have become evil by your own definition? You get buried in a world of your own making, where you can't even see the real world. You believe yourself.

No, you don't. You have a reaction, that does not even acknowledge the problem.
And it's no good - it burdens others, and harms others.
You don't get to skip on your debts because you have a crack-brained idea for hurting other people and making them pay.
Wow, I suppose a crucifixion is in order for the sins of the world. No, I won't carry that cross for you, but you are welcomed to carry your own.