What is your theory of Lateral-Thinking models of thought process ?


Valued Senior Member
i recently read the term in common usage
however i realised the use is not as common as the 1st interpretation.

common urban language uses
"thinking outside the box"
"asymmetrical thinking"

"Lateral" as a mathematical function to thought process Vs Logical linear conceptualization ... etc ..

to gather a group of lateral processes... ?

having a "Lateral Approach" ?

having an "out side the box approach"

modern thinking requirements ...
urban literalisation of conventional approaches of non conventional methodology etc ...

jokes about designing new square wheels welcome

discussion thread
ideas thoughts
When I was young chap I purchased a book by Edward Debono...I am not sure of the title. But maybe..A Course in Lateral Thinking...anyways the introduction described what it was and if you could think that way ..well you were exceptional...the book had little puzzles and times for result, two minute s you were exceptional , three good to see you are getting there...more than that..well you are just one of the mob...so I was rather happy with myself because by the time I had finished reading the puzzle I had solved it..no one minute for me..so I must be a top flight lateral thinker.
I thought it must be some sort of joke but maybe that's why all my teachers seemed to dislike me.
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Mind you, that article is just a blinding glimpse of the bleedin' obvious, really.

My experience in business was that it was the second-rate people that resorted to complicated language. The good ones were able to express themselves in simple speech that everybody could immediately understand. But technical terms excepted, of course - you need some of those in order to be clear on technical subjects.
Speak for yourself.

Ego !

seatle doesn't play dice with his pocket billiards



this is how i respond to you trolling the thread seatle
you are being a troll
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My experience in business was that it was the second-rate people that resorted to complicated language.

I make a similar observation.

I would get folk looking for finance and I found the folk who made it complicated were mostly trying to impress you with their personal presentation and offer were short on detail for the development...costing and sales projections ..that sort of thing.

Something I think many people miss is how words can have slightly different meanings and responces. I knew a chap who would go crazy if you called him a dirt bag...seems the guards used to call him that. I would often basically repeat a sentence using different format to see what produced the best response.

Selling real estate caused me to mirror the person I was talking to...talking to some using correct grammar causes alienation yet others will be very judgemental if you put a foot out of place.

I try to use a vocabulary that a five year old can understand and use as many stories and examples that can fit...and most of all look the person in the eye to see if they are receiving...
I think there is no point in talking if you can't see the other is interested and receiving... And often add a pause like " I am not sure..what do you think?" Or " Is that how you see it"...in sales you learn if their mind is on the kids screaming outside there is no point making your presentation...suggest you both go outside to watch them play...

I do think I think in a different way ... I just "see" solutions to mechanical problems or ways to build something easier...for example my astronomy pier..I was putting it off cause I had to buy steel, not easy for me, and buy a welder and a Genny big enough to weld..so many problems..ti have one custom made would have cost a grand....then I thought to just make it out of two layers of thick plywood encased in fibre glass ..fifty bucks of ply and fifty bucks of resin (I already have a huge roll of glass mat). Strong as it needs to be and a plus was less problems with thermal equilibrium aspects. But most folk would say " that will never work"...it works and is actually better...cut the bits with a wood saw no need for an oxy...
Folk often forget what they are trying to achieve ... I found my self ready to buy a small truck and build a shed so as to restore a motor bike...heck to much trouble... forget it or buy one restored.
we are but a childs hammer in an electronics store banging on the flashing lights of the science of the universe
in the words of my last Sergeant: "Never, ever, ever use a hammer when you have C-4"

he also said "don't be a f*cknugget. always stand upwind when you burn the shitters"

It's clear on here who has never dealt with the public or with even a typical workplace environment.
There are all types...I have met well educated professionals who are fools and illiterate folk who would all could only agree were smarter than many in the community...one I am thinking of no one knows that he is illiterate...how do you hide such? the other owner built the best home in town.
Some folk think being well read and commanding a large vocabulary is equivalent to intelligence or at least that seems to be the notion they seek to establish with new or existing old words and various literary displays I personally love to watch.
I often wonder what defines intelligence, once I thought that the ability to problem solve but perhaps it is merely a discipline to follow a routine that promotes good health. But finally I suspect it is to be able to do your best with the resources you have...I just don't know what do others think?
I sometimes feel stupid here because I am not familiar with particular subjects, politics for example, but that's understandable to understand politics of USA you must I expect know it's history very well, but my feelings of inadequacy really come from a lack of interest to dissect so many matters that to me require little thought to assess and dismiss as unimportant and unable to find any reason to discuss any supposed finer point.
I like the science, the little we get here, and really enjoy the religion prattle..I am not used to cases being presented that a jury would accept and see them rejected ...it's fun.. I enjoy the frustration..it just makes me smile.
So a hard day folks a most difficult and emotionally draining day and hence my babbling nonsense.
But you know what I do feel better..just knowing no one cares and being able to confirm such with posts like these.

What's for dinner...mmm corn flakes? No make a decent meal you will need greater strength tomorrow