Religious belief or religious affiliation is now classified as an "ethnicity"?
Secondly, just because someone does not agree with Israel's actions, does not make them a "self hating Jew". That term, particularly when used by individuals such as yourself and using terms like "ethnicity" and attributing it to Jews, just reeks of white supremacist ideology.
Jewish is an ethnicity. That's why there are ethnic Jews and religious Jews.
You need to educate yourself before making aspersions of "white supremacist ideology."
Read the article about the guy who runs that site. He has a lot of Jew-specific (as opposed to Israel-specific) criticisms. Might not be self-hating, but that's not mutually exclusive with being anti-Semitic either.
Now do it every day, for months on end and tell me that it does not cause "prolonged mental harm".
You are also comparing it to soldiers who undergo torture as part of their training, to ensure they do not crack and divulge information.. It is training to provide soldiers with resistance to interrogation. Training that is conducted in a safe and controlled environment, with their full consent.
In other words, it does not compare.
Your use of the word "pansies" is telling. In the sense that it says a lot about you as a person.
People who believe they are martyrs willingly prolong it.
According to reports in the
New York Times and
Vanity Fair, the CIA adopted some of the interrogation techniques used on terror suspects from that SERE training, including the use of waterboarding.
According to the
Vanity Fair story, three-week SERE training for the U.S. soldiers included waterboarding, forced nudity, extreme temperatures, sexual and religious ridicule, agonizing stress positions, and starvation-level rations. The story quotes Michael Rolince, former section chief of the FBI's International Terrorism Operations:
"You're not going to die, but you think you are."
If talking about ethnic Jews "reeks of white supremacist ideology", I can only imaging that "pansies" must reek of closeted homophobia to you. You seem pretty quick to label people and poison the well.
And they would be correct.
Trump has brought the world closer to nuclear annihilation than any other President in your country's history because of his insane rhetoric. And that is not even measuring the untold damage his policies regarding the environment will do to the planet and its inhabitants, nor does that include how his policies regarding healthcare access in the US will result in people dying.
Thanks for proving my point. If Trump winning is torture, then there are obviously differences.
He was correct to refuse to call it as such.
Branding or tying an entire religion with more than a billion members to the actions of a few would be decidedly foolish. It is the same reason that Trump would never utter the words "radical Christian terrorism" for white supremacist terrorists in the US and abroad.
It would take a certain measure of understanding and lack of racism and bigotry to understand that. Something you clearly seem to lack.
Again with poisoning the well. Does that make you feel superior?
"radical" is sufficient to differentiate for most people, unless you're an atheist who believes all religious people are radical.
White supremacist terrorism justified with Christianity
is radical Christian terrorism. No need for any virtue-signalling apologetics.
Wait, that's your justification and excuse?
The Bible also states that you can murder your children if they misbehave or talk back and it also condones marrying pre-teen girls to adult men (case of Mary and Joseph). Does not mean it is correct or acceptable.
Who said it was justification or excuse? They were examples rebutting Iceaura's claim that waterboarding was morally incompatible with the Bible.
The Bible was also written in a different time with different norms.
Any number of people in the Trump administration, who are white supremacists and pro-Israel. Jeff Sessions comes to mind, Trump is another.
You posted irrelevant bullshit. I offered you the opportunity to rehabilitate it.
If you've forgotten the subject: the rightwing PC restriction against media folk describing badly governed capitalist economies as "capitalist".
This is striking when seeing accounts of events in countries under fascist governance.
Oh, I remember. You gave no examples to refute.
You said it wasn't torture.
And you can't walk that back. Willful stupidity is one thing - willful evil is another.
Where? I said there was a difference, not that the difference was one of kind.