what scares you the most

Bebelina, I'm never afraid so long as I can ignore the ogres in my closet ; )

(unless you were talking about the porn star and an overabundance of ...)
Dont know

I fear what I don't know, what I cant understand.

That is why I frequent this site, because all of you people take away some fear from my mind every day.

(By the way, sorry for being silent for so long, I will try to post more during the Christmas holiday)

Nice to see you posting again.
How do we take away your fear?

Scilosopher, you better stay away from your closet! :D

The government of the United(????) States and then in peculiar mr bush and the Department of Interior and all the other Departments and security guards and police and what so ever.:(

And all the inhabitants of these so called united states who are getting more paranoid every day.

Now you may not even have burned CD's any more. That is frightening....;)
I don't know what I'm scared of the most but if I was a woman I would be scared that a guy like Ted Bundy might rape and kill me.

The life of a woman is hard. Every single woman in my family was raped or molested at some point.

I thought Bundy was that man who dressed as a clown & liked young MEN.
Not Women!
:D :( :( :D
Oops that was John Wayne Gacey
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Yeah...That is real frightening QueenGypsy13.

Jezus, didn't think of that. Imagine...;)
so scared....

the only thing i can really think of that I am afraid of conciously is that i might not be able to read the last book in the Wheel of Time series:( this would make me very sad i think. reading is my love in life i guess...