What would it take?

Originally posted by Yes
I liked that scenario, last day of creation, homo spiritus. Yes, I can agree to that.

Thanks. I can see that you are one of the enlightened. Maybe there's hope for this web site after all.
M*W has repeatively denied association with the new age movement but every bit of her ideas are borrowed from it. Instead of the Age of Aquarius it's the Age of Homospiritus.
Originally posted by okinrus
M*W has repeatively denied association with the new age movement but every bit of her ideas are borrowed from it. Instead of the Age of Aquarius it's the Age of Homospiritus.

Like I've told you a thousand times, I don't read New Age material. Why should I? I own my own thoughts and ideas about the One Spirit of God. Maybe you've seen this quoted elsewhere, but I haven't. Maybe you've seen Homo spiritus quoted elsewhere, but I haven't. What's so great about living in the past? Our true spirit would have us look forward to the future! The past is dead. I don't claim ANY religion. I believe life in the One Spirit of God is free to all creation and not limited per rules and regulations of any man-made religion. If I sound like New Age, so be it! I don't follow any organized religion, even the New Age movement. I am free to think, speak and do as I please, at least in this country. No one is forcing you to believe what I believe. Go ahead and continue to worship your dead Rabbi. Salvation comes from within.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Like I've told you a thousand times, I don't read New Age material. Why should I? I own my own thoughts and ideas about the One Spirit of God. Maybe you've seen this quoted elsewhere, but I haven't. Maybe you've seen Homo spiritus quoted elsewhere, but I haven't. What's so great about living in the past? Our true spirit would have us look forward to the future! The past is dead. I don't claim ANY religion. I believe life in the One Spirit of God is free to all creation and not limited per rules and regulations of any man-made religion. If I sound like New Age, so be it! I don't follow any organized religion, even the New Age movement. I am free to think, speak and do as I please, at least in this country. No one is forcing you to believe what I believe. Go ahead and continue to worship your dead Rabbi. Salvation comes from within.
"The New Age Movement is a religious system with two basic beliefs: Evolutionary Godhood and Global Unity." (CARM: New Age)

Sounds familiar? Here's a few tenets of New Age:

God: "He (it) is impersonal, omnipresent, and benevolent -- therefore he (it) won't condemn anyone."
Man: " man is divine by nature, all people, once they see themselves as such, will be helped in their unity of purpose, love, and development. The goal is to fully realize our own goodness."
Nature: "American Indian philosophies are popular among New Agers because they focus on the earth, on nature, and man's relationship to them."
Christ: "Christ is a consciousness, a form of the higher self. It is possessed by all because everyone is divine. 'It is not Christ that can be crucified' (Miracles, Lesson 303, p. 441).
Salvation: "Salvation is self achieved through understanding your natural godlikeness and goodness, combined with proper knowledge."

And "New Age" isn't an organized religion, it is humanist idealism.
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People who have new age beliefs are reluctant to call themselves new age because the word has been so overused and misused that people in general associates it with lunatics and madness.
Why they preceive it this way I don't know for sure, but a guess is that what is unknown provokes fear and from the point of fear its easy to attack with ridicule.
Now, it's easy for anybody to say that their percepton represents the truth, but I think we all know by now, that there is no truth, only preceptions.
Yes wrote
People who have new age beliefs are reluctant to call themselves new age because the word has been so overused and misused that people in general associates it with lunatics and madness.
Why they preceive it this way I don't know for sure, but a guess is that what is unknown provokes fear and from the point of fear its easy to attack with ridicule.
I am not sure what you are trying to explain, Yes, but I don’t think fear or ridicule has anything to do with acknowledging the source of someone’s belief. Professing beliefs akin to “new age” beliefs, and referring to resources from “alternative history” authors, invites the risk of being labeled as an advocate for “new age”. An American newsman once said, “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, then it is a duck.” Therefore, if they profess “new age” beliefs, then they are advocates of “new age”, or whatever the present correct term is. It is a label. Fear and ridicule has nothing to do with it, IMHO.

Yes wrote
Now, it's easy for anybody to say that their percepton represents the truth, but I think we all know by now, that there is no truth, only preceptions.
To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, Truth is not dependent on human perception. Truth will stand on its own regardless of our different perspectives and interpretations of it. It will always exist whether we are seeking it or not. People who search for it are like travelers passing through swamp after murky swamp in hope to find a firm footing to stand on and build a sturdy foundation. And when it is found, it is like finding the Rock of Gibraltar after traveling through a fog.

Truth is willing to be found. The question is are you willing to go out to find it, to leave everything that you think you know in order to find a solid foundation to stand on and believe in.
I did not say that you are fearing or ridiculing anybody, just that new age is often reacted to in that way in general.
We have a totally different opinion of truth.
Like I've told you a thousand times, I don't read New Age material. Why should I?
You've pretty much read everything else. Perhaps you know these people in person? Maybe your even communicating with "spirits".

I own my own thoughts and ideas about the One Spirit of God. Maybe you've seen this quoted elsewhere, but I haven't. Maybe you've seen Homo spiritus quoted elsewhere, but I haven't.

What's so great about living in the past?
Let's just make sure that we are Living somewhere with our own spirit.

The past is dead. I don't claim ANY religion.
The new age movement isn't really one signal religion but a collection of religions with similar ideals.

Salvation comes from within.
Within only because God is within. You negate man needing salvation at one point, and then say that men can save themselves on past threads. Which one is it?

Now, it's easy for anybody to say that their percepton represents the truth, but I think we all know by now, that there is no truth, only preceptions.
Christianity is not based upon our perception but upon the "Son who revealed the Father". Our faith thus rests on the tree of rightousness his cross.
No, it's based on your perception of the story of "Son who revealed the Father".
Then you are basing your belief on your perception of somebody elses perception of the story of "Son who revealed the Father".
Why? It's my opinion.
Originally posted by okinrus
You've pretty much read everything else. Perhaps you know these people in person? Maybe your even communicating with "spirits".
M*W: So, what's wrong with that? I read a lot. There was a time when I limited my reading materials to only those books with imprimatur.
M*W: Interesting website. I've never heard of this person. How do you know she didn't get the term "Homo spiritus" from me? If you notice, I don't capitalize "spiritus." okinrus, all you know about me is that I post on sciforums, and nothing else. Let's just keep it at that.
Let's just make sure that we are Living somewhere with our own spirit.
The new age movement isn't really one signal religion but a collection of religions with similar ideals.
M*W: So now we have an xian defining the New Age Movement! Ha ha
Within only because God is within.
M*W: Now you're quoting me! Make up your mind!
You negate man needing salvation at one point, and then say that men can save themselves on past threads. Which one is it?
M*W: Let me make myself clear about this: We DO NOT need a savior to die for us. SALVATION comes from WITHIN!
Christianity is not based upon our perception but upon the "Son who revealed the Father". Our faith thus rests on the tree of rightousness his cross.
M*W: Interesting point, okinrus! If your faith is NOT based on your PERCEPTION, did you personally see Jesus crucified, or do you BELIEVE he was crucified because of second-hand information that has been filtered down for 2000 years? Even Paul didn't see Jesus crucified, and he's the one you believe! The most notorious liar in the NT! "The Son who revealed the Father" has absolutely NOTHING to do with a crucifix! Jesus was trying to TEACH that the "kingdom of God is within." Therefore, his TEACHINGS pointed out that we ALL reveal the Father (i.e. One Spirit of God) to one degree or another.
M*W: Interesting website. I've never heard of this person. How do you know she didn't get the term "Homo spiritus" from me? If you notice, I don't capitalize "spiritus." okinrus, all you know about me is that I post on sciforums, and nothing else. Let's just keep it at that.
No, I'm not claiming that you malicously copied someone else's ideas. Any claims to newness must be rejected.

Then you are basing your belief on your perception of somebody elses perception of the story of "Son who revealed the Father".
Why? It's my opinion.
No, your obviously trying to understand the mystery of how someone can see and feel God. But as it stands, my original sentance said <i>christians</i>. I could have just as well subsituted any faith I wanted to in its place if they believed as christians do.

M*W: So now we have an xian defining the New Age Movement! Ha ha
No, I present factual evidence. If it appears to someone that I'm defending some movement due to their inner bias against organized religion then so be it. I'm only present facts here.

The most notorious liar in the NT! "The Son who revealed the Father" has absolutely NOTHING to do with a crucifix! Jesus was trying to TEACH that the "kingdom of God is within." Therefore, his TEACHINGS pointed out that we ALL reveal the Father (i.e. One Spirit of God) to one degree or another.
We don't all reveal the father. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. Nor are these beliefs of the Messiah christian beliefs because the book of Enoch says
7 And the wisdom of the Lord of Spirits hath revealed him to the holy and righteous;
For he hath preserved the lot of the righteous,
Because they have hated and despised this world of unrighteousness,
And have hated all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of Spirits:
For in his name they are saved,
And according to his good pleasure hath it been in regard to their life.</blockquote> Paul was only reiterating prior beliefs containing the Messiah that were now revealed in full context. Make no mistake that Moses sprinkled blood as the sign of the old convenant.
Yes wrote
No, it's based on your perception of the story of "Son who revealed the Father".
okinrus wrote
Why? Since all of christianity is based upon this, it's not my perception.
Yes wrote
Then you are basing your belief on your perception of somebody elses perception of the story of "Son who revealed the Father".
Why? It's my opinion.
Thank you for your response, Yes, and your opinion is noted. But wouldn’t you agree that opinions may change after receiving new information? That certain perceptions may change when seen in a different light? You know this is true because stories based on innuendos, gossips, theories, and perceptions change when new information is received. You have seen this in the news reported in the paper, or the media, or maybe in your own life. But when the stories don’t change even when new information is received, then most likely you have reached the truth.
To expand okinrus’ response, since Christianity is based on the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the resultant change in the lives of the apostles and the life of Paul, the historical evidence related to this event is independent of human perception. The evidence itself will point to the only explanation of this event: Jesus had risen from the dead. The resurrection will stand on its own without human perception if this was an act from God.