What would make Christianity more tolerable...to you?

Orthodox or conservative, what is the difference? Show me in your link where it refutes what i have said.

You obviously don't know much about Judaism to ask that question. Nor do you have very good reading comprehension skills if you need to be shown where in that article it says that Judaism is accepting of evolutionary theory. Sorry I can't read it for you--maybe your mom will do that.
about ten years ago I went for a position in a church/religion to raise money for charitable works, at the time £40,000 per anum plus expenses, was the salary.(the equivalent in todays money would be about double) who needs that much for an admin job. Several question were ask of me, I was told I got the job, bar for the head of the churches agreement, he met me and asked me one question, "the minimum they wanted raised was £20,000 per anum, how would I gain that amount", so I told him what I told the other guy in the interview I had with him, then I added a little extra I said " I could start right now by halving the salary I would recieve " I didn't get the job.

The church, any church have at their base tenet, the need for money irregardless of how much they give to charity, twice as much again lines their own pockets, the would not get charitable status unless the gave something to charity.
I would say about maximum of 20% of the monies recieved goes to charity, the rest once the bills are paid, just makes the elders/pastors/popes/imans etc... richer.
you'll never see a poor bishop/rabbi/cleric etc...
You obviously don't know much about Judaism to ask that question. Nor do you have very good reading comprehension skills if you need to be shown where in that article it says that Judaism is accepting of evolutionary theory. Sorry I can't read it for you--maybe your mom will do that.

Max, this is getting rediculous. I know plenty of Jewish people and have listened to many Rabbi's speak. They believe humans have a soul and it was not that long ago where you could not find one Jewish Rabbi who just accepted evolution at face value, which TBH i tend to agree with that. So yeah i would like for you to point out in the article where it supports your assertions.

As far as the previous post Orthodox ARE conservative.
Max, this is getting rediculous. I know plenty of Jewish people and have listened to many Rabbi's speak. They believe humans have a soul and it was not that long ago where you could not find one Jewish Rabbi who just accepted evolution at face value, which TBH i tend to agree with that. So yeah i would like for you to point out in the article where it supports your assertions.

As far as the previous post Orthodox ARE conservative.

Ok John here goes. The following quotes are from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_views_on_evolution

In response to your claim that most Conservative Jews believe that the world was created 6000 years ago (BTW, while you're on Wikipedia I suggest you look up the difference between Conservative & Orthodox Judaism since you really don't seem to have a clue in that regard):

The vast majority of classical Rabbis hold that God created the world close to 6,000 years ago, and created Adam and Eve from clay. This view is based on a chronology developed in a midrash, Seder Olam, which was based on a literal reading of the book of Genesis. It is attributed to the Tanna Yose ben Halafta, and covers history from the creation of the universe to the construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Although it is known that a literal approach is not always needed when interpreting the Torah, there is a split over which parts are literal.

Most rabbis believe that the world is older, and that life as we know it today did not always exist. Such a view is needed to accept science, which Orthodox Jews fully accept.

In regards to your statement that "most of your conservative Rabbi's would shy away from evolution entirely"

Conservative Jews teach that God created the universe and is responsible for the creation of life within it, but proclaims no mandatory teachings about how this occurs at any level.

Many Conservative Rabbis embrace the term theistic evolution, and most reject the term intelligent design. Conservative rabbis who use the term intelligent design in their sermons often distinguish their views from the Christian fundamentalist use of this term. Like most in the scientific community, they understand "intelligent design" to be a technique by fundamentalist Christians to insert religion into public schools and to attack science, as admitted in the Intelligent Design movement's wedge strategy position papers.

In contrast to fundamentalist views, Conservative Judaism strongly supports the use of science as the proper way to learn about the physical world in which we live, and thus encourages its adherents to find a way to understand evolution in a way that does not contradict the findings of peer-reviewed scientific research.

In regards to Orthodox Judaism, which is NOT the same:

The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA)[2] has maintained that evolutionary theory, properly understood, is not incompatible with belief in a Divine Creator, nor with the first 2 chapters of Genesis.
Prominent Orthodox rabbis who have affirmed that the world is older, and that life has evolved over time, include Aryeh Kaplan (1934-1983), Israel Lipschitz, Sholom Mordechai Schwadron (the MaHaRSHaM) (1835-1911), Zvi Hirsch Chajes(1805-1855) and Rabbi Natan Slifkin. These rabbis proposed their own versions of theistic evolution, in which the world is older, and that life does evolve over time in accord with natural law, yet also holding that God has a role in this process.

And finally in regards to your claim that "it was not that long ago where you could not find one Jewish Rabbi who just accepted evolution at face value." I would point to

Maimonides held that Genesis should not be taken literally.[1] In this view, one was obligated to understand Torah in a way that was compatible with the findings of science. Indeed, Maimonides, one of the great Rabbis of the Middle Ages, wrote that if science and Torah were misaligned, it was either because science was not understood or the Torah was misinterpreted. Maimonides argued that if science proved a point, then the finding should be accepted and scripture should be interpreted accordingly.
Regardless of whether youre a believer or not, what would you change about Christianity that would make it more tolerable to gaze upon???

I know that even some Christians are uncomfortable with some aspects of the total package. Others like Mel Gibson believe that one must accept all or none.

Personally, I would remove the entire nonsense about the sacrificial atonement of Jesus...which is entirely Paul's idea anyway.

In fact, it might be enough to simply remove Pauls writings from the new testament altogether.

Probably the idea of a "total package" like christianity has all the answers etc......and the few things it cannot solve are just tossed into the lap of "gods will"..........

for me personaly there is something enlightening about admitting you dont know shite......free's your brain from the confines of being FULL to the brim with so called "knowledge" and opens it up for true thought, ideas, critical thinking, and new possibilities.......
You see a lot of poor pastors in Australia, but it could just be different over here. I know I'll never have to repay my study loan because you only have to pay that back when you earn over $45000 a year. And I've been told by fellow Bible College students that max is around $35000 a year.
Regardless of whether youre a believer or not, what would you change about Christianity that would make it more tolerable to gaze upon???

Introduce some facts. Even one single fact. We have no evidence other than known christian forgeries and the very fallible gospels that Jesus even existed.
Cancelling Christmas and Easter would do it...
M*W: I agree. I don't put up a tree or get in the madding crowd. I admit that I do shop a bit toward xmas eve, but only to find good bargains!

If anything American society (I can't speak for any other) will add as many holidays to the calendar for retail purposes. I don't succumb to this brainwashing either.