When did the Romans change from killing Jesus of Judea to the most devout Catholics?

Romans made Catholicism the official religion because they couldn´t control the ammount of Christians, so it became a thread to the Empire. It was simply a political move.

Catholics became evil in the exact time when Religion was mixed with politics.

Jesus said it himself:
"Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is God's"

Churches and popes ar not assigned by God, but by common greedy men.
Oh, you asked for the DATE:
"Constantine is perhaps best known for being the first Christian Roman Emperor. His reign was a turning point for the Christian Church. In 313 AC Constantine announced toleration of Christianity in the Edict of Milan, which removed penalties for professing Christianity (under which many had been martyred in previous persecutions of Christians) and returned confiscated Church property. Though a similar edict had been issued in 311 AC by Galerius, then senior emperor of the Tetrarchy,[8] Constantine's lengthy rule, conversion, and patronage of the Church redefined the status of Christianity in the empire."
First they tried to destroy Christianity because it was threatening their monopoly, then they realized it was a good scam, and usurped it for themselves.
First they tried to destroy Christianity because it was threatening their monopoly, then they realized it was a good scam, and usurped it for themselves.

That is what I was trying to say, thanks dude.

Althought Christianity may be a scam, we can all learn from the teachings of Jesus, he was truly, one of the greatest masters mankind has ever known.
I'm not saying Jesus' teaching is a scam, only the idea that one institution like the Vatican could be the sole path to salvation.
How was Jesus different from "the other masters?"

Interesting question, I believe many true masters have come to teach us basically the same thing. And it is that we can take concience of our souls if we seek it with a true and open heart.

It is said that once a person becomes "aware" or "enlightened", he irradiates light, sacred fire. When a Master spreads the fire openly, humanity will almost certainly "crucify" this person.

Just a few examples of masters are:
- Enoch (OT)
- Buddha
- Mahavira
- Zarathustra
- Melchizedek
- Jesus
- Mohammed

There are many others, even in our current time...

It is the implementation of the teachings which has been distorted by vested interests. The enlightened souls are never to be blamed. They have reached the source of all cosmic wisdom. Be it Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed... they have all reached the end of their cosmic life.

All have reached the kingdom of God. The teachings of the enlightened ones are equal for all. There is no reason for despise or rejection.

This Buddha.
they went from crucifying him to catholics because monotheism (christ-anity) became uber popular. sooooo emperor constantine was like WTF, we have polytheism which is pretty much roman religion, and all these monotheist christians, lets combine them and make a religion that will satisfy both parties.

so thus u have catholicism, u can pray to many 'gods' and angels, a plurality of saints-- in essence polytheism, but also u have the supreme god for those who just wanna chill w/one god
Wisdom Seeker, do you have an answer? (See post #30.)

Well, I think spidergoat have it covered, with vivid graphic detail. But if you want to stick to the list I mentioned:

- Zoroaster’s death is not mentioned in the Avesta; in the Shahnama, he is said to have been murdered at the altar by the Turanians in the storming of Balkh.

- Mahavira died on his seventh day of preaching. He ascended up on a diamond throne bathed in supernatural light.

- Enoch walked with God 300 years, and begat sons and daughters. All the days of Enoch were 365 years. Enoch walked with God. Then he vanished because God took him.
[Genesis 5.18-23]

- Melchizedek -> Without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually. (Hebrews 7:1)

So no man, I cannot tell you right now who was willingly put to torture and death as Jesus did, and I believe that is the main reason why Jesus was the Master ammong Masters, the High Priest forever, the True Teacher of Mankind.