When is it safe to ease social distancing? (state chart with dates)

Minnesota - a reasonable State to monitor for sane Covid response in the US - is extending its partial shutdown to May 18th (with some tweaks, such as golf courses and curbside pickups and so forth).

This is the second extension of partial shutdown, and the second modification of the State rules, since the State launched its attempt at opening back up.
Well, at least that puts the golfers and hookers back in business, then. :biggrin:

The numbers have decreased in many states, but if the virus is still circulating, how is it safe to pinpoint a date?

From the article: The consensus view is that states shouldn't open up unless they have a robust system to detect and quash new flare-ups by testing to see who is infected, tracing their contacts, and isolating and quarantining as needed.

Doesn't seem like any state has a 'robust system,' yet. Do we need to raise the bar?

What numbers have decreased ?
Don't know where you are, but here in North Central Texas the numbers are still on an upward trajectory.
Don't know where you are, but here in North Central Texas the numbers are still on an upward trajectory.
NY is the big one on the decline, and since they were the biggest infection nexus their numbers are dominating right now.
NY is the big one on the decline, and since they were the biggest infection nexus their numbers are dominating right now.
Which means they are deceptive - falsely reassuring.

In the rest of the country the virus is still spreading, and relaxation of countermeasures without testing and tracing will have it spreading exponentially - accelerating. Even in New York relaxation of countermeasures in the absence of testing and tracing will give the virus new life and opportunity - a second wave, among those millions not yet exposed.

The national death numbers will lag by a couple of months, at which time they may suddenly (if countermeasures have been sufficiently abandoned) include deaths from other causes that the swamp of Covid cases has denied treatment. Already we see this in hot spots - although the US government is not counting or even estimating those auxiliary deaths;

any more than it is counting or estimating the extent of permanent injury and lifelong distress among those who do not die.
billvon said:
NY is the big one on the decline, and since they were the biggest infection nexus their numbers are dominating right now.

Which means they are deceptive - falsely reassuring.

In the rest of the country the virus is still spreading, and relaxation of countermeasures without testing and tracing will have it spreading exponentially - accelerating. Even in New York relaxation of countermeasures in the absence of testing and tracing will give the virus new life and opportunity - a second wave, among those millions not yet exposed.

The national death numbers will lag by a couple of months, at which time they may suddenly (if countermeasures have been sufficiently abandoned) include deaths from other causes that the swamp of Covid cases has denied treatment. Already we see this in hot spots - although the US government is not counting or even estimating those auxiliary deaths;

any more than it is counting or estimating the extent of permanent injury and lifelong distress among those who do not die.


And that is what the Simple people don't understand . If you don't read , its harder to understand , anything .

That was what the 1960's , 70's era was about . Not just drugs .

It was also about knowledge . Be informed .
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It was also about knowledge . Be informed .

Relaxation of countermeasures with both effective treatments and vaccines still pending would be OK given three things:
1) Better information about the effectiveness of specific measures.
[ 2) The ability to test and trace adequately and very rapidly.
+3) The political will - governmental capability and willingness - to test and trace and quarantine adequately and rapidly. ]

Reduction of hot spots (1), and stepping on them immediately (2,3), could free us from general lockdown. It could have made general lockdowns unnecessary in the first place. Elections have consequences in the US.

So we lack 2 and 3, in the US. Since 1 depends partly on 2 and 3, it is also hobbled. So relaxation other than that justified by our partial gains in 1 is simply rolling dice, and as usual with the Vegas (Republican) crowd the other player is the House.
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