Where do we go from here?


~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Consider these two concepts.
#1.-An electrical impulse transmitted through a wire and picked up in the next room. One of the earliest forms of communication, technologicaly speaking.(Telegraph)
#2.-The W.W.W.(World Wide Web) Our present day medium of communication.

What would you consider to be a fair and relative difference in advancement between the two?

Would it be 2x the ammount of progress?
5x the amount of progress?
10x,25x, 50x,200x,1000x,
or there is no comparison, the web has made unlimited information available?

Now, taking our trip to the moon as being our telegraph next door, with the same level of advancement you belive the W.W.W. to be in regards to the telegraph, what ends of progress do you beleive we will make possible in space travel?
Lol, couldn't decide what you actually wanted to say?

I think it's difficult if not impossible to say if the internet is X times more progressive than the telegraph. We don't really have any form of measurement that we'd all agree is important. You could say it is the amount of conversation it makes possible, the amount of info (theoretical limits), the speed, cost, whatever... I'd go further and say that the telegraph and the internet are two unique technologies in terms of ultimate use, and are therefore not very comparable. The internet is better because it can do what the telegraph did, while also doing X, Y, and Z.

As for your moon analogy, even if we were able to assign a 'level of progress' to the telegraph->internet, that in no way applies to space travel. List a dozen technologies that have been around for 100 years. How many of those fields have had the same level of advancement as electronic communication?
Took me a double take as to what you meant.
You mean the title.
Either one.
I have written this question in a way I thought would be most accessible to understand in general. Using anologies and such.
I may have failed miseralbly at that, but oh well.

Thanks for your response.
Let me put this in another way.
Speaking directly to you Persol.
I can make this question direct.
What are the limits you think we will have in regards to space travel.
Given that we have exploded in technology, and seem to always be on the verge of drastic discoveries.
What do you beleive is possible?
And in what time frame?
Time frame, no idea. Those guesses almost always seem to be wrong, and it's a club I'd rather not join. As for what's possible, still not sure. As for what's likely, I think colonization of our system followed by single generation 'seeder ships'.

We really have no idea. At present there appear to be fundemental laws of the universe against us, which we may one day find are wrong.
Sorry, it took me so long to get to this, but Persol got the answer.

We may have a way to measure what space travel should be like in comparison to how fast communications advanced.

By using the concept that the telegraph sent very small “packets” of info, at a very slow rate over a single “band”. Today we have the capability to send information at a lot faster rate. Compare telegraph as “0” and the current possible band width and sending rates as “100”.

Persol had it in that post, but I guess didn’t recognize how to formulate the extraction process from the known data. If we apply that same "ruler” to space travel?
I have heard and accepted for the longest time that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. But following links from a cnn story I fell into "the apollo hoax" site. Researching for a solid 3 days I have reformed my previosly held belief and now am faced with the chilling thought that indeed it appears a hoax.
So in answer to your comparison it seems irrelevant.
Latest issue of discovery magazine's cover story might have the answer your looking for, its talking about a space elevator, which cuts the cost of launching, as well as taking supplies up per pound from $10,000 per pound to about $100 per pound. the platform which would move up the elevator would be attached to a 3ft wide strand of a polymer compound, the interesting part is the whole string is held taut by the centripetal force of earth
Insanely Elite said:
Researching for a solid 3 days I have reformed my previosly held belief and now am faced with the chilling thought that indeed it appears a hoax.

Welcome to Sciforums.

Why is it hard to believe that the US sent a spacecraft to the Moon?

Moe: technological advances are, by their nature, not very predictable. Investment in space travel will encourage development of new technologies, but at what rate? These things arrive on their own time, usually.
Insanely Elite said:
I have heard and accepted for the longest time that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. But following links from a cnn story I fell into "the apollo hoax" site. Researching for a solid 3 days I have reformed my previosly held belief and now am faced with the chilling thought that indeed it appears a hoax.
So in answer to your comparison it seems irrelevant.

Obviously you haven't done enough research if you still believe in the hoax.


That site answers everything...and with pretty pictures!
look, apollo mission wasnt faked, but it was censored and doctored. they did also prepare a fake shooting of it just in case, and from what i know they used both the real footage and fake footage. heres the real twister:

the astonauts saw something that startled them when they landed on the moon. it is claimed they came into contact with several large giant humanoid beings on the moon, and that the astronauts got scared shitless. they reported something but it was cut off from live feed. ever since nothing has been directly live to the public. all is filtered and censored.

you will notice none of the astronauts are willing to discuss the event. stupid gov't has them silenced.

When I said 3 days research I meant it. I went to the sceptic and the hardliners with an open mind(biased by previously held unquestioned belief) and I read their entire sites. I did read blackholesuns 'obviously' site and links from that site. The hoax theory is not debunked.
The most comprehensive site I found is here:
There are comparitive pictures and movies and intellegent commentary and insightful questions.
Thank you for the welcome BigBlueHead. I would say it is hard to believe for a great many reasons(see link) But the lack of a high jump in 1/6th gravity is compelling to me. Healthy men free of gravity frolicking about the moon never once jumping over 2 feet? I jumped higher than that in 150# of armour. In 6 missions there should be some footage of a 10'+ standing high jump. or a 40'+ broad jump.
half the time when you go to skeptics and "eye opener" websites, they are so incredibly stupid, that it hurts to even look at it.
Hi Insanely Elite, and welcome to what I call SciFoolems Forums.
Very few stay long because of all the pseudo-debunkers and “so-called” skeptics. Not to mention the information control agents from various factions and then there are those that are here for “entertainment”, to just rattle your cage.

When people can’t see a forest for the trees, let alone tell the difference between a forest and an orchard, don’t hire them to harvest your timber.
It’s often not what some say, but how they say it, and as Will Rogers said back in the 30’s “It’s not what you know or don’t know, but what you know that isn’t so that will hurt you.”

Don’t get angry, get tissue’s to wipe the tears of laughter.
Thanks for the welcome craterchains (Norval, I'll watch my step:)
Where do you stand on the shaky ground of Apollo ?

zonabi- I did see something to that effect but I lost it in the interem, can you cite a link? In any event NASA is shown once again to be less than forthright about how it spends our hard earned tax dollars.
Insanely Elite said:
When I said 3 days research I meant it. I went to the sceptic and the hardliners with an open mind(biased by previously held unquestioned belief) and I read their entire sites. I did read blackholesuns 'obviously' site and links from that site. The hoax theory is not debunked.
The most comprehensive site I found is here:
There are comparitive pictures and movies and intellegent commentary and insightful questions.
Thank you for the welcome BigBlueHead. I would say it is hard to believe for a great many reasons(see link) But the lack of a high jump in 1/6th gravity is compelling to me. Healthy men free of gravity frolicking about the moon never once jumping over 2 feet? I jumped higher than that in 150# of armour. In 6 missions there should be some footage of a 10'+ standing high jump. or a 40'+ broad jump.

Ok try this. Get a space suit. Pressurize it. Now see if you have the same mobility you had if you were in a pair of sweatpants. The suits were thick because they needed to protect the astronauts. Once they were pressurized they were stiff because the pressure ballooned them out due to the outside vacuum. Now given that they still only had to lug the suit and themselves (around 60 to 70 lbs. altogether) they didn't have the mobility to bend all the way down and then lead into the air like a banshee. In fact there is on scene in footage showing one of the astronauts tries to bend down but falls and bounces because he couldn't get his legs to bend. Also the Newton experiment and the way the dust follows ballistic trajectories proves a low gravity environment and vacuum combo. Again your three days of research didn't do your critical thinking skills justice.....keep at it.
You missed one other point, just because gravity is 1/6th doesn't mean that it won't hurt when you land. Would you see yourself jumping 40ft in the air to land on the ground even at 1/6th gravity? The answer is no. 1/6th just means you need less escape velocity to gain height when jumping, it doesn't imply your as light as a feather.