Which Religion is the One True Religion?


"Why can't you?"

Because it's impossible.

Why do you consider me as an external entity, different and separated from yourself? We are the same.
Nice avatar, superliminal. You have greatly increased status in my book. At least, as it seems, you are starting to get in touch with your anger. Congratulations, someday perhaps you will see the light and join the ultra right wing.
Yorda_7 said:

"Why can't you?"

Because it's impossible.

Why do you consider me as an external entity, different and separated from yourself? We are the same.

Dear 7:

But these, as unreasoning creatures, born natural animals to be taken and destroyed, speaking evil in matters about which they are ignorant, will in their destroying surely be destroyed ,

II Peter 2:12
The World English Bible

But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

II Peter 2:12
King James Version

Enton Ces
(Q) said:
There are no such thing as contradictions.

Read the bible.

animate and inanimate

You're being ridiculous.

How about visible and invisible?

You seem to think that "imagination" is something bad. Imagination is a powerful thing.

(Q) said:
Yes, I know. It rules the minds of theists.
I am a theist but I don't imagine.

If there is no purpose with anything, there is no right and wrong, and fantasy and reality merge together.

(Q) said:
Good you knew the value of "Nonsense". How about "Invisible", do you know its value too?
(Q) said:
Our universe exists without purpose.
How purposive you are about your opinion!
(Q) said:
Right and wrong are relative concepts.
How do you re-late that?

Nothing and everything are the same thing. The world exists only because you separate it from yourself. You freeze the illusion of "motion" of nothingness and emulate a "mind" in visible form.

(Q) said:
Major fantasy you have going there.
What's in a thing?

I guess you can't understand it at the moment.

(Q) said:
Or, you can't explain it.
Outside the plain?
enton your not ignoring me are you, I've posted something in the "what do you believe" thread, could you reply to it thank you.
Lawdog said:
Nice avatar, superliminal. You have greatly increased status in my book. At least, as it seems, you are starting to get in touch with your anger. Congratulations, someday perhaps you will see the light and join the ultra right wing.
he has already seen the light, hence why he's an atheist, the only way he could possibly, convert to god would be if he had an accident, damaged his head, and became a cabbage.

your avatar seems to represent someone turning blue from a combination of smoking and constipation.
audible said:
enton your not ignoring me are you, I've posted something in the "what do you believe" thread, could you reply to it thank you.
I've not heard about you there audible. What'd you posted anyway?
How about visible and invisible?

Not the same as animate and inanimate, if that's what you mean.

I am a theist but I don't imagine.

I can imagine, why can't you? Is it because your imagination has deemed itself your reality?

How about "Invisible", do you know its value too?

Yes, I do, why do you ask?

How purposive you are about your opinion!

That's why purpose is encapsulated in opinions as opposed to the universe.

How do you re-late that?

Quite simple really, right and wrong are relative to the observer. I may see an act as wrong while you may see it as right.

One's freedom fighter is anothers terrorist.

What's in a thing?

I don't know what's 'in' a thing, but I do now they're covered with very long hair, talk funny and usually wear a hat.
(Q) said:
How about visible and invisible?

Not the same as animate and inanimate, if that's what you mean.
That's good. You have known perfect distinction of entities.

I am a theist but I don't imagine.

(Q) said:
I can imagine, why can't you?
Did I say, I can't imagine?
(Q) said:
[Is it because your imagination has deemed itself your reality?
No. The Bible is my reality.

(Q) said:
How about "Invisible", do you know its value too?

Yes, I do, why do you ask?
(Q) said:
Because many here only value "visible".

How purposive you are about your opinion!

(Q) said:
That's why purpose is encapsulated in opinions as opposed to the universe.
But you said "our universe exists without purpose". So what's your purpose here in the universe?

(Q) said:
How do you re-late that?

Quite simple really, right and wrong are relative to the observer. I may see an act as wrong while you may see it as right.
So depends? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, why do legislators establish laws?

(Q) said:
One's freedom fighter is anothers terrorist.
How do you see that statement relatively speaking? (Freedom and Terror)

(Q) said:
What's in a thing?

I don't know what's 'in' a thing, but I do now they're covered with very long hair, talk funny and usually wear a hat.

Everything and Nothing.So which is real relatively speaking, everything or nothing?
The Bible is my reality.

If we were to compare fictional books, I would find more believable than the bible, Grimm's Fairy Tales or Aesop's Fables.

So what's your purpose here in the universe?

My purpose is what I make it; to live and enjoy all the universe and this Earth provides.

So, why do legislators establish laws?

That we may establish a code of decency for one another.

How do you see that statement relatively speaking? (Freedom and Terror)

That depends on which side I take. To Muslims, suicide bombers are freedom fighters, to us, they are terrorists.

So which is real relatively speaking, everything or nothing?

Too general, you'll need to define that a bit more.
superluminal said:
Prove it, genius.

If you initially beleive in God, then you will beleive in his book.
If not then no book you will beleive in.
There are only three possibilities for this world to be created.
1) A devine earth.
2) The create explosion, and a number of perfect coincidents until life was found by simple chemical reactions.
3) By a God.
Which of the following do you beleive in. Otherwise please answer the ancient question. HOWE WE WERE CREATED.

Please be upon you.
arnoldmiro said:
If you initially beleive in God, then you will beleive in his book.
If not then no book you will beleive in.
There are only three possibilities for this world to be created.
1) A devine earth.
2) The create explosion, and a number of perfect coincidents until life was found by simple chemical reactions.
3) By a God.
Which of the following do you beleive in. Otherwise please answer the ancient question. HOWE WE WERE CREATED.

Please be upon you.
arnoldmiro said, "If you initially beleive [sic] in God, then you will beleive [sic] in his book. If not then no book you will beleive [sic] in."
M*W: No, this is not true. 1 does not = 2. Belief in God does not require belief in the bible. The whole concept of the monotheistic god was around much earlier than the bible that talks about the monotheistic god, and it was not written in the bible but in much earlier works (Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, etc.).

Regarding your "three possibilities for the world to be created:"

1. The Earth is divine in that we should love and care for it and, in a sense, we should worship it.

2. The Big Bang was a natural occurrence by the expanding universe. There was no higher power causing it to happen.

3. There is/was no god that created the universe.

Why is it so important for some to believe there was a creator who made everything. In the greater scheme of things, it doesn't matter how we got here. What matters is what we do with our Earth and everything that's on it.

Nice avatar, superliminal. You have greatly increased status in my book. At least, as it seems, you are starting to get in touch with your anger. Congratulations, someday perhaps you will see the light and join the ultra right wing.

Hey Law. Yeah, I picked it specifically so I could use it as a surrogate to rip out the throats of people that piss me off. I even have sound effects to go with it: Grrrr

I can speak and be silent at the same time. Why can't you?

Because it's impossible.


Oh ye of limited imagination and intellect. My body speaks volumes without a single word. A gesture, A glance... I speak with silence.

And I am not the same being as you. We are seperate beings. There may be connections on the quantum level, but that is all.

But these, as unreasoning creatures, born natural animals to be taken and destroyed, speaking evil in matters about which they are ignorant, will in their destroying surely be destroyed ,

II Peter 2:12
The World English Bible

But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

II Peter 2:12
King James Version

And this is exactly why I would like to see every bible shoved up the ass of every pious christian and set on fire. The bible espouses intolerance, racism, death and destruction. As do most other "holy" shit books. Fucking backward ancient middle eastern shitwads wrote it to perpetuate their domination of the masses of ignorant sheep. Those fuckers would be absolutely laughing their asses off at you guys.
superluminal said:
And I am not the same being as you. We are seperate beings.

Essentially, there is only one self, and this self clothes itself in all kinds of bodies.

People die
You were there
The other children don't like me
You were fed
Who are you​
but that is all.

You don't know everything.

If you initially beleive in God, then you will beleive in his book.
Ok. I don't so I don't. :bugeye:

If not then no book you will beleive in.
Sounds like good advice. "Belief" in matters of of objective reality is for the lazy and weak minded.

There are only three possibilities for this world to be created.
1) A devine earth.

2) The create explosion, and a number of perfect coincidents until life was found by simple chemical reactions.

3) By a God.
A load of camel dung.

Which of the following do you beleive in. Otherwise please answer the ancient question. HOWE WE WERE CREATED.
The Big Bang seeded the universe with hydrogen and a bit of helium and lithium. Supernovae synthesized the heavier elements. The solar system coalesced out of a large cloud of gas and dust rich with these heavy elements. The earth formed by the accretion of this debris. Life formed by the energetic combination of molecules that could crudely reproduce. Evolution by natural selection improved these molecules and gave rise to complex systems (us) to ensure their reproductive success. The only role for random chance to play is in providing the variations for natural selection to work with. Natural selection is a highly driven and deterministic process.

There. Now get with the goddamned program and become a modern human being.
Of course not. The universe just is. No beginning. No end. Uncreated. An infinity of cycles past and future. No prime cause.
I'm just getting a little busy lately. My priorities are screwed up (I know sciforums should come before all else...)