Who Killed Jesus ?

Since time is infinite, as there is no beginning and no end,

Time, as we perceive it as the interval between one event and another, began shortly after the Big Bang.

(Note: This response was not an insult at Truthseeker, but was intended to comment on his statement)

this draw us to the conclusion that only God ever existed.

Your conclusion is based on whether gods actually exist, and since there is no evidence to suggest gods exist, your conclusion is flawed.

(Note: This response was not an insult at Truthseeker, but was intended to comment on his statement)

Since time is just an illusion, a difference of perception, Truth must be beyond time.

Time is not an illusion. Without time, one could not define events.

(Note: This response was not an insult at Truthseeker, but was intended to comment on his statement)

Since God is omnipresent, He is beyond time. Truth is also omniscient, what agrees with "God's Theory". Throught omniscience and omnipresence, omnipotence come into being, what concludes the three charcateristics of God throught the space-time perspective.

I was not aware your god had theories. If so, that would nullify your claim he is omnipotent.

(Note: This response was not an insult at Truthseeker, but was intended to comment on his statement)

Relativity implies illusion. We need a center other than a multiple one (subject-object relations...)

Relativity implies clarity.

(Note: This response was not an insult at Truthseeker, but was intended to comment on his statement)
Yes, I just thought of something about time, maybe Nelson has pointed this out already...
Anyway, Jesus is not dead, his body is, right now anyway, but he can still enjoy his body, if he wants to, if he goes back to the time period it existed physically in this reallity about 2000 years ago. Timetravel are no problem to those not in the physical reality anymore, they can move around as they wish between times and realitites.
And even incorporate themselves temporarily if necessary. That is why I'm the Female Messiah right now. :D And not some dead dude 2000 years ago. :D I love you all children, nighty night. :p

This will be our most recent personal attack used by Nelson. Saying that you have wasted time by talking to us, taht we are a waste of your precious time....
That is a personal attack.

It's most interesting that you say this right after Q distinctly replies only to your posts.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
How much time I've been wasting...

Open your mind Nelson, put yourself in other people's shoes. Look at multiple perspectives then you will get a much better view of everyone else.

That's just the true...
I could be doing something more valuable on this time...


Open your mind Nelson, put yourself in other people's shoes. Look at multiple perspectives then you will get a much better view of everyone else.

I do that. He doesn't. If you put yourself in my shoes, you will see taht I've been saying the same thing on and on for more than 5 months and they refuse to listen...
"I do that. He doesn't. If you put yourself in my shoes, you will see taht I've been saying the same thing on and on for more than 5 months and they refuse to listen..."

Of course it's impossible that you're wrong. It's impossible that the basis of all mathematics is right and you're wrong. Yup, you're very open minded.
back on topic please.

you can bash Nelson at his goodbye thread (which I don't find appropriate, you don't help the kid by insulting him).