Staff member
And how has the person in question announced or tried to gain favour or support in the science sub-forums?Bingo! Couldn't agree more! And you can bet your house that Darwin still would have been pushing his "evolution hypothesis" and the evidence, to the people that matter...Mainstream science, until eventually accepted on the weight of observational evidence before becoming the accepted theory.
He would not be announcing or trying to gain favour or support on any science forum.
I have said that many times.
You do realise that the Fringe sub-section of this website is not scientific, yes?
Of course I don't.I don't complain about what anyone believes, including religious beliefs.
But when those same people post their IMHO, nonsense, and at the same time deride science, I'll try and show them the error of their ways.
Kitt believes in God...My Mrs is a true Christian in the true sense of the word.
Kitt does not substitute his beliefs for scenarios such as for example, "a Universe from nothing" My Mrs condones my agnostic type nature, [although she says she does pray for me] and carries on her way without my interference.
I only delve into the fringe, to try and correct errors [remembering I do it from a position of a lay person which I have never hidden]
I also believe certain parties post threads to do there best to rile the science nerds amongst us. The worst most blatant one of them I believe was MR's thread basically claiming science does not, nor has not benefitted mankind.
Do you believe that sort of nonsense and shit stirring should go unquestioned?
But there is a difference between questioning and posting as though you are being personally insulted that such posts exists. I don't see delving into Fringe to correct errors as a problem. If the person does not wish to change their minds or change their personal beliefs, is it worth getting abusive and personal? You can't provide examples of how science has benefited mankind in response? After all, that should be a fairly easy one to deal with, shouldn't it? I mean, oh no, someone insulted science! Does that mean we should all grab our pitchforks and torches and gather at the gate to burn them at the stake?
Those certain parties are posting their threads in non-science forums. If you do not want your senses to be offended, don't read those sub-forums. There are many here who only post in the sub-forums that directly interest them. There are some posters here who post solely in the science subsections and never bother scrolling down to any other sub-forums because they have no interest in it. Why can't you do the same?
For example, I have no interest in what is posted in the Eastern Philosophy, so I rarely visit that sub-forum except on a few occasions to remove spammers or review a complaint. I'm not going to go in there and correct what they are writing because I find it personally offensive that someone is being unscientific.
Of course I have. Doesn't mean I am going to go all up in arms because he's not changing his mind.That's actually contradictory Bells imho. Remember a scientific theory is always a work in progress. That is what science is built on...that is the foundation stone.
When people make claims about UFO's and Aliens performing medical procedures, all mostly are in out of the way places, with no evidence other then word of mouth, or some hazy photograph. You know wthis yourself, as you have applied the blow torch yourself to those claims.
If he or anyone else wants to exist in a life of make believe, so what?
It doesn't affect me at all. It is contained in the appropriate sub-forum and when I don't want to read it, I don't read it. Sure, I'll point out when he or anyone else is misrepresenting articles, or posting contradictory things in the hope that he corrects it and I will challenge that and often do, sometimes even viciously. And I have pushed to close the gaps in the rules that deal with that issue. But that doesn't mean that I expect him to believe any differently. I don't expect him to change what he posts or what he believes in. I would just like that he posts it differently in that he puts in his input instead of just quoting everything and references what he posts. Certainly, I would much prefer it if people were more objective and able to apply their beliefs objectively, but I see belief in such things in the same way as I see people who have religious beliefs and pray to their deity of choice. People believe in that stuff in the same way that people believe in God.
I'll put it this way, have you ever challenged your wife to prove that God exists and to do so in a scientific manner? Or demanded that she look at all scientific evidence that counters the bible and demanded she acknowledges it and changes what she believes?
I suspect you'll find that the dinner you are making for her would end up on your head if you did.