emotional response,usually associated with someone who appears not to be listening..(the excuse of wife beaters everywhere)..
A) it wouldn't be much fun if everyone posted "I agree with you" all the time..besides that,what if everyone agreed with you? 1; it would kinda take all the wind out of your sails..(and make all your work pointless) 2 ; it would kill forum bases communications..
B) ahh..there is the issue..both with christians and non-christians alike..we all use the excuse :
i dont have time to do all the research to find out whether X is tru or not,maybe i can trust in that guy that did all the research for me so i can just ask his opinion and do like he does:
Reality check of this is 'someone else make the decision for me, if it goes wrong i'll blame you'
IOW i didn't even read all of it..it was like TOO much information to read..
i believe you when you post the referances but also i know (im too busy to do all of this..cough..cough..) that if i wanted to, i could post just as many referances that would cancel out any data you would have,
so im left with what do
I think it is..
so i post..once written,it is there..i dont intend for others to believe like i do..even if it just makes them think about it a little bit i'm happy, and if god wants them to learn it, he will put others in the position to teach him,better than i.
LOL..funny timing..we were talking about the Originality of jesus (yes from the book i linked elsewhere).. in bible study this morning.. it says he wasn't oringinal..everything he taught was borrowed from elswhere..so nothing he taught originated from him..
LOL..doesn't that kinda make you christ like?
Really? think or feel?
think,feel,know,or believe?
like some want you to be aware that there is more to life than any one man can comprehend,it takes faith and trust to believe another..
i would rather put my faith in god than in man..
man has been proven to let me down..god hasn't..
so this is how you were taught? sounds like a script. something you learned from..there are more ways than one to teach.
just cause it worked for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone..(see No kids left behind policy)
sounds like something a pastor would feel..