Why are atheists so pissy?

That makes it ok for you. What about others who belong to different denomination but would make the same claims that you do ?

I asked a Jehovah's Witness the same question.

He said "The others are just cults"

I said " But that's what they think you are"

He said "Well, they're wrong"
I agree. It's jealousy. Christians are happier and atheists want everyone to be down in the mud with them.

Now you are sounding like the fat half naked chick on Jerry Springer who thinks every bodies disapproval is due to jealousy. Totally weak.
I don't know about that, but by the looks of it, you atheists cope poorly with the fact that the majority of people still believe in God. ;)

That fact is part of the problem. Believers convey the impression that more believers makes their belief more true. They fail to acknowledge that 100% of the people could believe in God and it wouldn't make it true that there was one. It doesn't matter if a majority believes in anything because belief alone doesn't make anything true. If you'd stand back and look at the big picture you'd see that it's theists that cope poorly with skepticism. They want you to simply believe as they do just because they say so. They think they are right and anyone that questions it is a heathen. For those of us that do question their unfounded beliefs this is offensive so they shouldn't complain if we respond in kind.
That makes it ok for you. What about others who belong to different denomination but would make the same claims that you do ?

Denominations tend to distort/add to the original message. They are man-made. They add their own rules, beliefs, conditions etc.. We don't need denominations. We need to get back to the basics.:)
I don't know about that, but by the looks of it, you atheists cope poorly with the fact that the majority of people still believe in God. ;)
The majority of ancient Greeks believed in Zeus and the other gods. The majority of ancient Romans believed in Jupiter and the other gods. The majority of the population of earth believed that the earth was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth.
We know all that stuff to be bullshit now. How did we find out that the earth was round and that the earth revolved around the sun? *cough cough...science...cough cough*
Denominations tend to distort/add to the original message. They are man-made. They add their own rules, beliefs, conditions etc.. We don't need denominations. We need to get back to the basics.:)
Which are recorded where?
In which language? No opportunity for adding own bias / rules / beliefs / conditions?
And who chose what was included in the Bible?
No opportunity for adding own bias / rules / beliefs / conditions?
Which are recorded where?
In which language? No opportunity for adding own bias / rules / beliefs / conditions?
And who chose what was included in the Bible?
No opportunity for adding own bias / rules / beliefs / conditions?

The Bible. Translation does not = bias/rules/beliefs/conditions.
Where in the Bible [Flame(s) Deleted].

Maybe I'm wrong, I thought it was in the bible.
As I don't feel like reading the bible back to front now, I will retract my statement.
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M*W: But that goes against everything christianity teaches. I was taught as a christian that god wants everyone to believe in him, and he would certainly give them every opportunity (if he existed), but he doesn't, that's why you are so confused.
I don't know where the Bible says God wants everyone to believe in Him. Can you cite it, please?
M*W: Again, you discount what is taught by christianity. Not that I personally care, you've proven what I've been saying all along. But I'm just curious. If your god didn't create everything, the universe and everything in it, where do atheists come from? I'll answer that. We spring out of the lies of your false religions... the ones you have created. So if you look deep within the eyes of your fellow believers, you can see where we came from. We're no different than you, we just don't need your fantasies.

God created the Universe, but I believe He then willed Himself out of existence for the non-believer. So, God then left no one to create the atheist.
Hindus, Muslims, scientologists, Jehova witnesses and then, atheists.

Scientoligists are higher than atheists on your list. Isn't worshipping FALSE gods is worse than not worshipping anybody?
God created the Universe, but I believe He then willed Himself out of existence for the non-believer. So, God then left no one to create the atheist.

Who is this mysterious 'no one' that created the atheists ? lol
I don't know where the Bible says God wants everyone to believe in Him. Can you cite it, please?
2 Peter 3:9.

And i quote: "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (taken from the KJV).

Please explain how this is possible if he doesn't want everyone to believe in Him.
Denominations tend to distort/add to the original message. They are man-made. They add their own rules, beliefs, conditions etc.. We don't need denominations. We need to get back to the basics.:)

And you, no doubt, know just the person to take us there.
God created the Universe, but I believe He then willed Himself out of existence for the non-believer. So, God then left no one to create the atheist.

What a load of tripe ! It's difficult to be polite in the face of such crass stupidity. Do you ever think about what you say ?

"..God willed himself out of existence ..." extra, extra, read all about it, god commits suicide.

" God then left no one to create atheists " extra, extra. read all about it, atheists don't exist. They were never created. Christians rejoice!
I don't know where the Bible says God wants everyone to believe in Him. Can you cite it, please?
M*W: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." ~ John 3:16

DISCLAIMER: This quote has been cited to answer a specific question. It is not the belief of M*W or of atheism in general.