Why Are Atheists Treated Worse Than Other Unbelievers?

Wow, now all you have to do is get your essay published in a peer reviewed journal and you've silenced all the world's atheists!

TBH, I'm surprised at how little read you all are. One would think you never even read any of the arguments posed by the religious, and just kind of jumped to the conclusion that you were right without considering both sides!

Both sides? I'm surprised you are so poorly read that you don't understand there is more than one religion to not believe in.
According to Christianity, it should also say "No Jews, Moslems, Hindus, etc". It would likewise have all unbelievers thinking "I don't believe it".
According to Islam, wouldn't it say "No Christians"?

Many Christians villify atheists much more than Moslems yet The Holy Babble says both are unbelievers & are condemned.

Why do some theists hate atheists so much more than they hate theists of conflicting religions???
Because atheists go around condemning and suppressing religion. Everybody else respects each other's right to propogate one another's beliefs. Atheists hate it when religious people go around propagating their beliefs. Atheists are self-righteous and biggoted. They even try to stop others from discussing religion in ways other than how the atheists want religion to be discussed.
Because atheists go around condemning and suppressing religion.

When a religion commands mutilating a child's genitals, I think it's worthy of condemnation. That, is just the tip of the Iceberg. (Pun Intended)

Everybody else respects each other's right to propogate one another's beliefs.

Wow, if you believe that, you clearly haven't travelled much.

They even try to stop others from discussing religion in ways other than how the atheists want religion to be discussed.

You mean, rationally?
Irrelevant. Atheists like to use irrelevant attacks to prove a point. Unfortunately, they only prove their lack of logic.

It's entirely relevant, despite what they preach, religions hardly have a history of acceptance, and tolerance of differing viewpoints. Why do words such as 'heathen', 'heretic', and 'blasphemer' even exist, if Religions are so tolerant of other points of view? Again lix, you display your totally blinkered and uneducated view of this subject.

This is not what I mean. Your interpretation is irrational.

Please supply some evidence to back up that assertion.
Perhaps because religion has caused the persecution and death of many innocent people, and religion is generally organised hypocrisy? Also, being proselytised at, called heathens, heretics and blasphemers, and having laws that protect religious nonsense from criticism, and religions dodging taxation pisses off atheists?

Why should the people that provide your religious entertainment escape paying tax?

What about the other categories I mentioned?


Zeus is a very cool god, one couldn't harbor negativity towards him.

I read somewhere that "Zues" is another name for "Satan".

Was that the god you were referring or was it some other god?

Aah, you're not gonna play that silly game are you (Q).


as opposed to;


There's so many to choose from, perhaps there's a god you hate, Jan? Or a religion, perhaps?

Mmmmm....! Not really, no.
How about you?

The persecution, hatred and bigotry your religion alone which has caused much of the worlds misery throughout the ages is reason enough to despise it and have it eradicated.

More misery than the narcissistic, handfull of atheist butchers of the 20th century, who between them caused the murder of at least 100 million (way more then all the religious attrocities put together) innocents that we know about, on the basis of belief, position, intellect, personal views, and anything else that may have been undesirable to them?


More misery than the narcissistic, handfull of atheist butchers of the 20th century, who between them caused the murder of at least 100 million (way more then all the religious attrocities put together) innocents that we know about, on the basis of belief, position, intellect, personal views, and anything else that may have been undesirable to them?



Oh please, you're starting to sound like SAM. Pol Pot, and Stalin were educated in RELIGIOUS schools. Quit blaming atheism for their actions, they were politically motivated. Hitler was a Christian, but I don't blame his faith for his atrocities against Jews, so please, grow up, and stop stuffing straw men.
Oh please, you're starting to sound like SAM. Pol Pot, and Stalin were educated in RELIGIOUS schools. Quit blaming atheism for their actions, they were politically motivated. Hitler was a Christian, but I don't blame his faith for his atrocities against Jews, so please, grow up, and stop stuffing straw men.

I didn't blame atheism, that must be you sub-concious mind.
The fact is, they were atheist.

I didn't blame atheism, that must be you sub-concious mind.
The fact is, they were atheist.


The fact is, they were brought up as Christians. Stalin had a beard, you gonna blame beards too? They wore shoes, gonna blame shoes?

Please Jan, stop clutching at straws trying to pin something on atheism, when it clearly didn't inspire their atrocities.
So anyone who was brought up Christian is a theist even if he becomes an atheist?
The belief that faith is blind and composed of "magic and mystery"

Those are observations, not just beliefs. Do you know what an observation is?

For one thing, I can give an objective value to human life. And say that something is right just because it is, not because we decided it to be.

So, what are the benefits?

Are you implying WWII was a religious war? Or that there was a religious motivation for dropping it? Or that Truman was particularly religious?

No, but you ARE claiming that science is the problem for designing a bomb. Note how silly your statement is?

Actually, humans have been killing each other for a very, very long time. It's possibly ingrained, and more than likely to be irremovable from our psyche. Just saying, your logic that removing something because it has failed in the past is, well, thoughtless at the least, and downright silly at best.

No, silly would be to make a claim that killing is ingrained into our psyche. You'd then have to explain why we are all still here?

TBH, I'm surprised at how little read you all are. One would think you never even read any of the arguments posed by the religious, and just kind of jumped to the conclusion that you were right without considering both sides!

If you're referring to your documents with the typical tired nonsense arguments, yes, I've seen that before. I like the last part the best, it demonstrates the massive width and breadth of your ignorance.

"One last word to the atheists who are reading this:
I don’t actually care to debate you. This was not written for you. I am living in a manner consistent with the path I have chosen, namely that I should try to talk to those who are honestly looking for answers, and hopefully benefit them. If you’re looking for an argument, or a fight, or even a debate, you’ll not find one here. Go elsewhere.
But ask yourself why you are so bent on not believing. Take yourself out of the attitude where you are trying to beat me, and honestly think for a second. Do you really think you can prove God DOESN’T exist? If not, then why are you fighting so hard? Is there honestly NO merit to any of the evidence for religion? If there is ANY shred of truth to these arguments? If so, if you find yourself thinking for a few seconds, trying to come up with a reason why my points are not valid, then ask yourself if you are not biased. Why are you looking to beat my argument, starting out as an opponent, rather than a human, who, by his nature, always has more to learn?"
I read somewhere that "Zues" is another name for "Satan".

"Isn't that special..."

Would that be the silly game in which you believe in ONLY one more god than me?

More misery than the narcissistic, handfull of atheist butchers of the 20th century, who between them caused the murder of at least 100 million (way more then all the religious attrocities put together) innocents that we know about, on the basis of belief, position, intellect, personal views, and anything else that may have been undesirable to them?



You're confusion is cute, Jan, almost as if you'd never heard of the atrocities your religion has caused. So much so, that you had to make up lies in order to defend your cult. Cute.

"Isn't that special..."

It just could...

Would that be the silly game in which you believe in ONLY one more god than me?

Which part of the title "Supreme Being" don't you understand?

You're confusion is cute, Jan, almost as if you'd never heard of the atrocities your religion has caused.

What religion?

So much so, that you had to make up lies in order to defend your cult. Cute.

You're in denial (Q) (and i don't mean a river in tEygypt).

It's entirely relevant, despite what they preach, religions hardly have a history of acceptance, and tolerance of differing viewpoints.
It doesn't matter. Atheists are way worse. There is no religion more intolerant and self-righteous than the religion of atheism. That is why atheists are worse than other unbelievers as the topic of this thread. Sure all religions have weirdos with that crazy attitude. But the difference is that atheists condemn others for having it when it's the atheists who do the most condemning.
So anyone who was brought up Christian is a theist even if he becomes an atheist?

A theist if he does bad things.
An atheist if he does good things.

Atheist = good.
Theist = bad.

An atheist cannot, by default, do anything bad.
A theist cannot, by default, do anything good.

Repeat after me....

A theist if he does bad things.
An atheist if he does...........

Wow...this stuff works.
I almost believed that shit myself, as I was writing it.

It doesn't matter. Atheists are way worse. There is no religion more intolerant and self-righteous than the religion of atheism.

Try to grasp the basics lix; atheism is not a religion.

That is why atheists are worse than other unbelievers

Atheists are unbelievers.

But we've been over this several times before, and it doesn't sink it. Do you think the fact you can't learn has a bearing on the fact you are unemployable?
That would be the title given to a great many gods throughout history, Jan.

Quit right, and the 'Supreme Being" has a great many names.
But you will find, that the 'Supreme Being" always has the same distinct qualities.

You're still just flapping your arms wildly here.

Just tryin to keep your brain from exploding.

The fact is, they were atheist.
Not really. Of those, only Stalin was an atheist at any point; and even at that, he vacillated between that and Eastern Orthodoxy. He died on good terms with the Russian Church.
Hitler was a very fervently religious Nazi; that is to say, Nazism was his religion, not just a political ideology. He was a deist that saw himself as the German messiah.

It's entirely relevant, despite what they preach, religions hardly have a history of acceptance, and tolerance of differing viewpoints. Why do words such as 'heathen', 'heretic', and 'blasphemer' even exist, if Religions are so tolerant of other points of view?
Because a few religions, out of a great number of religions that have existed in human history, happen to have an exclusivist viewpoint.
You can't blame all religions for the actions or positions of a few.

It doesn't matter. Atheists are way worse. There is no religion more intolerant and self-righteous than the religion of atheism.
Oh, FFS. Atheism is not a religion. Atheism is just a theological stance of nonbelief in deity. That is all that binds atheists under the same label.