Why Christianity confuses me

Homo erectus, or cro-magnon, or whatever type of cavemen existed. Or were Adam and Eve Homo sapiens?

I tried to, but gave up when God started telling people to kill other people. Then I knew it was a crock of .....

No, I started at the beginning. The NT does not absolve what God did earlier.

Now this is really weird. I have to ask you about your logic w1z4rd. You will not read the NT the central books of the faith of Christianity because you disagree with the story in the OT, a story that you do not believe in anyway. But then you come into a forum and into a religion section asking questions about things that you don't believe in. Where the answers are in books that you will not read???

Have you ever learnt any History w1zard? Did you stop studying about world war 2 when you came to the point in the story when the german navy started shelling the Polish port???

"Oh i refuse to read anymore because i do not agree with the violence in that hitory book,, nope,,, nope,,,nope i will not pick up that evil history book again.... Oh by the way could you kind of tell me how did the war ended please????? But make sure you do tell me anything from those evil history books, if you do then I will just refuse to believe it."

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I tried to, but gave up when God started telling people to kill other people. Then I knew it was a crock of .....

The cruelties and illogic of the bible made me rethink religion as well. I remain spiritual in nature with a belief in God and I try to see the good common bond that all religions share at their core, but it's the religous man made dogma that annoys me to no end.
Keep it in perspective.The god depicted in the bible is simply a reflection of the xenophobic,ultra patriarchial tribesmen who invented Yahweh as a tribal war god.He is one of many gods/goddeses created by the human race to reflect what various races/cultures of people thought god to (should) be.

As to the thread topic. I too can not understand what jesus dying on the cross and "relieving" your sin accomplished since christians are always preaching about living your life without sin. So, if sin can be absolved by believing in Jesus death at the cross then why the constant emphasis on sin .Sems more like a cop out ,rather than take personal responsibilty for your actions and their karmic consequences ,just ask for forgiveness at the last moment and have your sin "cleansed".
The resurrection part I can understand as it was a common theme in other religions .The ancient egyptians had the mythical story the "ausarian resurrection" thousands of yrs before the bible was written. No doubt the bible authors drew much of their material from this.
That makes no sense at all.

You're right, it doesn't--and don't think any of it ever will...Even the little you do happen to 'see' cannot/will not make sense to you from your particular perspective...why? Because you're on the outside looking in....you're seeing the backside of the tapestry. It makes perfect sense to reject it as nothing more than nonsense.
Presuming that all who deny that there is a Creator of the creation are liars, as the Bible says, and since people have consciences, how they respond to these must be the way God judges those who have not heard the Gospel.

I have heard several stories of Muslims converting to Christianity after seeing Jesus in dreams, knowing that He is God.

Question 1:

Did God create our spirits/souls?

Question 2:

Is there a finite number of souls in existence?

Question 3:

Will all of these souls/spirits go through the earth process before Jesus returns?

Question 4:

When Jesus returns, will the material world end?
Oh dear. The first page got a bit out of hand with simple sentance long posts. Being a saved christian myself I have a view on this. You cannot completely understand all of it until you are saved. I believe this because it happened to me. I used to be confused by all of it as well but I trusted god and when I was saved so much of it suddenly made sense. Sin clouds your vision and makes you dillusioned. You must trust god in order for that to be removed.
As for Jesus dying to remove sin, yes he did and it no longer has power over the saved. Just because it doesn't have as much power over you doesnt mean that you will not fall into again. Beign saved means you can ask for forgiveness. This doesn't mean you can sin all you want and be okay. Anyone with that idea I would question your assuredness on the position of your soul. Being saved makes you truly regret a sin you commit and as such you do not commit as many and the ones you do, again, you regret. It's not something you are happy about doing.
Jesus tomb was discovered, he is just a man, married to a woman and bore a son -- Judah.
So, Jesus is a Myth?
Presuming that all who deny that there is a Creator of the creation are liars, as the Bible says, and since people have consciences, how they respond to these must be the way God judges those who have not heard the Gospel.

I have heard several stories of Muslims converting to Christianity after seeing Jesus in dreams, knowing that He is God.

M*W: Could you please provide references for your claim, so we could all read them for ourselves?

Any Muslims out there know what he is talking about?
Presuming that all who deny that there is a Creator of the creation are liars, as the Bible says, and since people have consciences, how they respond to these must be the way God judges those who have not heard the Gospel.

I have heard several stories of Muslims converting to Christianity after seeing Jesus in dreams, knowing that He is God.

-Your problem IAC is your first word. You presume MUCH with no evidence.
-Secondly, what makes you think the 'gospel' is any better than what is in the qu'ran (or any other "holy" book)?
-Third, I've heard several stories of christians converting to islam/hinduism/buddhism after seeing Allah/Krishna/Buddha in their dreams knowing he is god/universal/creator/leader/whatever/blah. You are using hearsay and rumor as proof. And very flimsy ones at that.