Why do atheists hate Jesus?

Bobobos are monkeys that have sex with everyone they meet, daughter, son, neighbor. Is this not wrong?

No, of course not. It works for them. It helps cement social ties. It would also be wrong to extend their norms of social behavior to ourselves.
Seems there is more evidence to support the former.

The religion that most of us are most aware of is Christianity. Isn't it true that the Old Testament describes behavior that no modern Christian follows? This seems to indicate that ideas about morality have evolved with society.
Orleander. O.k. So You Don't Think Incest Is Wrong?

Incest among bonobos, don't care
Cannibalism among lions, don't care
Masturbating elephants, don't care
I've even heard of animals that kill their young. Guess what! DON'T CARE!

What I find more appalling are 12 yrs old that sit back and judge as if they know the world. :p
john b said:
How could you come up with diametrically opposed religions, if they are all based on the same wisdom?
For example ? We need two religions with "diametrically opposed" moral codes.

Of course the dictates of wisdom (unlike those of a universal God) will vary by circumstance. Small groups of people in isolated places - Amazon tribes, sea islanders, Inuit and Eskimo - often morally approve tribal women mating with travellers and strangers. If they didn't, the whole group would inbreed. But then these people's morals are not theologically based, as a rule - how did they end up with them?
john b said:
Bobobos are monkeys that have sex with everyone they meet, daughter, son, neighbor. Is this not wrong?
It's not true. Bonobos avoid mother-child incest, and employ personal preference and affection in their matings.

Bonobos are the kindest non-human animal. Adult males will allow - even encourage - unrelated children to take food from them, for example. And they have a sophisticated sense of reciprocity - they form friendships, alliances, etc. They are quite a moral animal, in ways more like us than, say, rigidly faithful lions or geese are.
Oh Lord you are my savior! You know I miss you so much when you are gone.
Yes I may be born again, but I wasn't born again yesterday.
I want'a get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus. I want'a feel his salvation all over my face.
The body of Christ, sleek swimmer's body, all muscled up and toned.
The body of Christ, Oh, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own.
You're one time, two times, three times my Savior...
Whenever I see Jesus up on that cross I can't help but think that he looks kind'a hot...

Is cooperation all that is needed to be moral? Thieves cooperate in robbing a bank.

Probably not. Atheism isn't Nihilism, it's just lack of theistic belief. They may still believe in other things, like general moral guidelines.

As Jesus said, it's not enough that one not murder. Even the wish to murder is just as bad. Religion cannot control your mind to such a degree that you never have any private immoral wishes. Therefore true morality comes not from religion, but from within.
Probably not. Atheism isn't Nihilism, it's just lack of theistic belief. They may still believe in other things, like general moral guidelines.

As Jesus said, it's not enough that one not murder. Even the wish to murder is just as bad. Religion cannot control your mind to such a degree that you never have any private immoral wishes. Therefore true morality comes not from religion, but from within.
Hey dude,
Can you cite where Jesus said that? That could be some useful information I could use in any debates I get in.
I said that last part not Jesus. But he did say that contemplation of sin was just as bad as sinning itself.
Hey dude,
Can you cite where Jesus said that? That could be some useful information I could use in any debates I get in.

"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment." (Matthew 5,21)

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5,27)
I said that last part not Jesus. But he did say that contemplation of sin was just as bad as sinning itself.

I agree with your interpretation completely.

Is just like Buddha said:
"The mind is everything, what you think, you become" - Dharmapada
The religion that most of us are most aware of is Christianity. Isn't it true that the Old Testament describes behavior that no modern Christian follows? This seems to indicate that ideas about morality have evolved with society.

This is what i said:

"Do you think modern laws can be traced back to a spiritually guided sense of morality? Taking into account this would be at the lowest common denominator .Making moral judgments is harder for some people especially if it is not a major crime."

The religion that most of us are most aware of is Christianity

The religion attacked here the most is Christianity, and in another thread you stated you were Jewish so i would think you would be more familiar with that.

I don't belong to a specific religion myself as i have not committed to any/
I hate Jesus because he took advantage of me when I was drunk.

Related to the Virgin Mary? She was in the stable minding her donkey when 'wham! God planted a seed in her. Is Jesus God? He claims to be. 'Scr....ed' his own mother :eek: Fits into the incest argument above. Bonobos and all that 'unspeakable' activity.
This is what i said:

"Do you think modern laws can be traced back to a spiritually guided sense of morality? Taking into account this would be at the lowest common denominator .Making moral judgments is harder for some people especially if it is not a major crime."

The religion attacked here the most is Christianity, and in another thread you stated you were Jewish so i would think you would be more familiar with that.

I don't belong to a specific religion myself as i have not committed to any/

According to the religion of the Aztecs, it was considered moral to cut open virgins and offer their beating hearts to the Gods.
Religions can define morality in any number of ways, so it's not at all clear that Religion is necessary to act in a moral way.

There are plenty of moral decisions where the context and details are completely foreign to ancient religions. No written moral code can forsee every interation of human interaction. No moral code can predict every permutation of technology. Not all Christians, for instance, are in agreement about the Terry Schiavo case. Not all Christians are against abortion.
Related to the Virgin Mary? She was in the stable minding her donkey when 'wham! God planted a seed in her. Is Jesus God? He claims to be. 'Scr....ed' his own mother :eek: Fits into the incest argument above. Bonobos and all that 'unspeakable' activity.

god raped mary? maybe thats why rape is not a sin, because god is a rapist. it would explain ducks.
