Why do most people find science boring?

No it isn't inherently valuable, especially when it is irrelevant. Just knowing facts doesn't give value to anything unless those facts are somehow relevant to one's life. I can learn accounting, the geography of Madagascar, or the chemical composition of the planet Neptune. But none of that knowledge is of value to me because it is irrelevant to my life. There is no inherent value is knowing facts.
so you're ranting and raving, ridiculing science , only because no one accepted you as an authority or praised you ?
No it isn't inherently valuable, especially when it is irrelevant. Just knowing facts doesn't give value to anything unless those facts are somehow relevant to one's life. I can learn accounting, the geography of Madagascar, or the chemical composition of the planet Neptune. But none of that knowledge is of value to me because it is irrelevant to my life. There is no inherent value is knowing facts.

Perhaps, more to the point, is that it is your life that is irrelevant to humanity as a whole.
I find science, particularly astronomy/cosmology as totally awesome and gratifying. I find science as being a totally an indispensible part of human activity and having benefited humanity unquestionably.
I find philosophy quite dreary and boring...I find listening to heavy metal/rap and techno music as impossible......I find stamp collecting boring....I find knitting and sewing boring......I find playing tiddly winks as boring...I find anti science trolls as boringly unbearable......I find religious trolls as unbearable.

I find preaching boring. The kind of preaching that proclaims I am an immoral person because I don't worship science as "THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIGHT." I already dispensed with ONE religion from my life. I don't need to fall for another one called Scientism.
I find preaching boring. The kind of preaching that proclaims I am an immoral person because I don't worship science as "THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIGHT." I already dispensed with ONE religion from my life. I don't need to fall for another one called Scientism.
so you're ranting and raving, ridiculing science , only because no one accepted you as an authority or praised you ?
Perhaps, more to the point, is that it is your life that is irrelevant to humanity as a whole.

As is yours as well. You are only one 7 billionth of the total of human life. As I am too. Do you think your life will impact overall humanity in any significant way? Probably not.
As is yours as well. You are only one 7 billionth of the total of human life. As I am too. Do you think you will impact humanity in any significant way. Probably not.
so you're ranting and raving, ridiculing science , only because no one accepted you as an authority or praised you ?
Your 'disfunctional' "nerds" seem to function pretty well where I live, in Silicon Valley. You sound like high-school, MR. (I hated high-school.)

Corporations pay well, especially when you toe the line and do what your told to do. See Enron, Goldman Sachs, the Koch Brothers, Monsanto, etc.
so you're ranting and raving, ridiculing science , only because no one accepted you as an authority or praised you ?
Doesn't doing what you are told apply to pretty much any job including cutting someone's grass or fixing someone's plumbing?

I don't know. Depends on the job I guess. You can always influence your customer to do things you want in the way you want by offering expert advice.
You can always influence your customer to do things you want in the way you want by offering expert advice.
ok, i just wanted to make sure it is that you're ranting and raving, ridiculing science , only because you need to fill that emptiness from no one praising you
Precisely my point. That interest and obsessive acquisition of irrelevant artifactual information is a ploy by science nerds for seeming greater that they are. For trying to climb out of the pit of being different and outside of the usual operations of social existence. But in fact it only isolates one further, to the point that you are left with nothing but posting in science groups sharing your irrelevant knowledge with fellow monomaniacs who are seeking the same sort of social validation. .

I wouldn't attribute info-gluttony to a single motive or explanation. For the sake of their craft, writer / artist wannabes are pack-rats for hording stores of facts that would seem superfluous to a mundane life (Woody Allen was one of those). As well, media hosts and interviewers interact with a wide variety of experts. Spurring personal fears of looking like a complete idiot when responding to / interrogating celebrity intellectuals and the skilled elite ("Dick Cavett syndrome"). If they originally numbered among the socially inept in school, then that future quest for becoming a suave knowledge navigator in the future drives their hunger for data (whether they ever wind-up with such careers or not).
No it isn't inherently valuable, especially when it is irrelevant. Just knowing facts doesn't give value to anything unless those facts are somehow relevant to one's life. And even then the value of knowing those facts still depends on if you actually use them or not. I can learn accounting, the geography of Madagascar, or the chemical composition of the planet Neptune. But none of that knowledge is of value to me because it is irrelevant to my life. There is no inherent value is knowing facts.

This is getting weird. Facts are "knowledge from experience", they are essential in the process of "applied skills" (applied science).

If you love trees, as I do, when you know how each species of tree managed to survive for millions of years, does that itself not enhance YOUR experience of YOUR interaction with that tree, at both intellectual and emotional level? I lived with trees, I built a log cabin where we lived for 5 years, ran 100 chickens, had 2 ponies, 2 goats, 2 shepherds.
5 of the best years of my life.

There are isolated tribes who encourage tree hugging as a fertility rite. All forest dwellers are knowledgeable about their forest, don't complain to city-folk that your knowledge of trees is wasted in a concrete city environment. You like Trees? Go live with them, I am sure they will shelter and protect you and, in the end, even use your molecules to grow another 1/2". An excellent symbiotic relationship.

I often cite the honey bee as an example of a succesful symbiotic relationship. The bee has become the sexual messenger and pollinator of flowering plants. Sweet honey and living among magical colors are the bee's reward.

IMO, all these philosophical discussions are about "All knowledge is vain, save when there is work" (Gibran)
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As is yours as well. You are only one 7 billionth of the total of human life. As I am too. Do you think your life will impact overall humanity in any significant way? Probably not.

Agreed, and that's the point I'm making. Science though certainly does have an impact, and benefits, and always will. :shrug:
To deny that is to reveal some sort of large chip on your shoulder.
I find preaching boring. The kind of preaching that proclaims I am an immoral person because I don't worship science as "THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIGHT." I already dispensed with ONE religion from my life. I don't need to fall for another one called Scientism.

Your the one preaching...Your the one going from thread to thread pushing your anti science nonsense...Your the one illogically railing against anything that smells like science..
Science is not religion..religion has fixed beliefs...Science has adaptable theories dependent on knowledge gained, observations and the result of experiments. Science benefits. Live with it.
What is this chip you have on your shoulder?