Why do people believe in god?

M*W: That's a rather childish answer. How do you know it is safer to have faith, than (yes, it's spelled t-h-a-n, not then) not to have faith. I don't see where having faith is any safer than not having faith. I have faith the the sun will come up tomorrow. I have faith that I will pay taxes this year. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but a god is not one of them.

because it in no way hurts me to have faith, i mean i don't really recognize any religion for say, but i do feel, and wish for something more after death, and for the sake of saying there is really a god, wouldn't you want to have faith which is harmless, (depending on how extrema you take it), to me it is harmless and if there is a god and he is willing to let me into heaven because i had faith then then i call that playing it safe, and if there is no god then there was no harm done.

When you prove to me there is a god, then I will prove to you there isn't. Since there is no evidence of any god, there's not much to go with to prove a god really isn't there. You have faith that there is a god. I have faith that there isn't.

that is you're decision, i will say a prayer for you just in case there is a god, to have faith does not have nothing to do with proof.

You believe having faith doesn't cost anything, but are you sure?

positive, it never ever cost me a cent, maybe an hour or two of my time here and there but thats all.

DerrekJ gave this answer to that question on Yahoo! Answers:

"Christianity IS a mental illness much like paranoid schizophrenia. Those afflicted hear voices, believe, speak, and try to communicate with people who aren't there, believe they are being watched and are detached from reality."

I agree.

again that is your decision and if there is life after death and there is a god, i hope he/she or it, takes pity on your soul, and if there isn't there is no harm in me having faith, and i will feel better when i am on my death bed knowing that i had faith then knowing i was naive in thinking there was no god just because it can not be proved, nore dis proved.
I think it is ignorant to assume that people who believe in god are ignorant. ;)
I don't know, read some of these stories about Xenu and wonder how people can believe this crap. An intergalactic warlord :bugeye: And then I realize, well, THAT crap actually is more believable than the Christian's stories ;)
because it in no way hurts me to have faith, i mean i don't really recognize any religion for say, but i do feel, and wish for something more after death, and for the sake of saying there is really a god, wouldn't you want to have faith which is harmless, (depending on how extrema you take it), to me it is harmless and if there is a god and he is willing to let me into heaven because i had faith then then i call that playing it safe, and if there is no god then there was no harm done.
So you don't believe there is a god but just say and act as though there is on the off-chance that there actually is?
'Cos that's how it comes across from what you wrote above.

You don't think that this god you say you believe in would actually realise that you actually don't believe in him and were just paying lip-service?

that is you're decision, i will say a prayer for you just in case there is a god, to have faith does not have nothing to do with proof.
This further suggests that you genuinely don't have faith - and that you are just going through the motions.

again that is your decision and if there is life after death and there is a god, i hope he/she or it, takes pity on your soul, and if there isn't there is no harm in me having faith, and i will feel better when i am on my death bed knowing that i had faith then knowing i was naive in thinking there was no god just because it can not be proved, nore dis proved.
Do you actually believe that god exists - or is god merely a possibility to you on which you are taking Pascal's wager?

Bear in mind that I am not sure paying lip-service is the same as having genuine faith.

"No, dear, your bum does not look big in that dress!"
You can act as though it doesn't, but you know deep down that it's just lip-service.
one problem theists have in my own experiences is that they look down on thoes of other religions and thoes who dont believe there is a god until proof is given. which inturn makes them hypocrits
People believe in all sorts of silly things, because they haven't found Science yet. Go out and spread the Good News about what Science did to save humanity from certain death.
because it in no way hurts me to have faith, i mean i don't really recognize any religion for say, but i do feel, and wish for something more after death, and for the sake of saying there is really a god, wouldn't you want to have faith which is harmless, (depending on how extrema you take it), to me it is harmless and if there is a god and he is willing to let me into heaven because i had faith then then i call that playing it safe, and if there is no god then there was no harm done.
M*W: How can you be sure your "faith" doesn't hurt you? I think you're afraid to not have faith based on your fear of not having faith. Tell me, how is that not mentally hurtful?

What is the point of wishing for "something more after death?" Have you ever known anyone who has come back from the dead and said, "Thank God I believed in Him, because Heaven is such a great place to retire!" No, and you also haven't known anyone to come back to tell you how horriblly hot hell is so you don't want to go there."

What you call "playing it safe," I call "perpetuating the fear" of punishment after you die. Wasn't life hard enough for ya? Now you fear getting punished forever after.

Now tell me how that can be healthy and productive for anyone alive? Here are some books that explain why faith is dangerous:


Ward, Keith (2006-09-01). Is Religion Dangerous?. London: Lion Hudson Plc. ISBN 978-0745952628.

Ward, Keith (2007-03-01). Is Religion Dangerous?. Grand Rapids, MI, USA: Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN 978-0-8028-4508-5.

Branden, N. (1963), "Mental health versus mysticism and self-sacrifice," The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism.


that is you're decision, i will say a prayer for you just in case there is a god, to have faith does not have nothing to do with proof.
M*W: The difference is that you feel you need to say a prayer for me "just in case there is a god." I wish you well, too, but I do that from my own feelings. I want what's best for you, and I don't need a god nor a religion to be resposible for my wishing you well.

again that is your decision and if there is life after death and there is a god, i hope he/she or it, takes pity on your soul, and if there isn't there is no harm in me having faith, and i will feel better when i am on my death bed knowing that i had faith then knowing i was naive in thinking there was no god just because it can not be proved, nore dis proved.
M*W: If there is a god, we would all know it. It would be obvious. We would all believe. There would be no doubt. Isn't god capable of that? Why would he want to play mind games with us? If there is a heaven, why can't we see it before we go. Don't you think if we knew all of this, there would still be people who don't believe it?

When I'm on my death bed, all I will be thinking about is leaving my family behind. But, at that time, I probably won't even be conscious as death closes her dark door.
People believe in all sorts of silly things, because they haven't found Science yet. Go out and spread the Good News about what Science did to save humanity from certain death.
Where does one find Science and how does one know one has found it? Once you've found it, do you have it? What if science is silent on a certain issue?
you make good points, mw.
and i wish you all the best too.

religion in it's own way a primative form of science.
Where does one find Science and how does one know one has found it?
Science is a methodology, not a collection of theories. Science is the derivation of theories by applying reasoning and experimentation to empirical evidence. The scientific method is used to test a hypothesis. If it is consistently supported by evidence, it becomes a theory describing the behavior of the natural universe.

The fundamental theory that underlies all others, in my own words, is that the natural universe is a closed system (using the layman's definition of that phrase) whose behavior can be predicted by theories derived logically from empirical evidence of its present and past behavior. But this theory is no different from any other; it is recursive. It was derived by reasoning from empirical evidence. In the five centuries since the dawn of science, all evidence has supported it.
Once you've found it, do you have it?
You don't find science, so much as learn it. The methodology has been in place for centuries.

Even the fine tuning that makes science easier, without compromising its accuracy, is old. The Rule of Laplace (extraordinary assertions require extraordinary evidence) goes back 200 years, and Occam's Razor (test the simplest explanations first) is actually older than most of the rest of science.

So perhaps what you're asking is, once you've learned science, do you have it? Well, science is also an attitude. You have to be logical, you have to be methodical, you have to be reasonably intelligent, and perhaps above all you have to be honest. If you have those traits and you've learned the basics of science--either in a formal educational environment or through the efforts of a mentor--then all that's left is practice.:)
What if science is silent on a certain issue?
Kind of depends on the issue, doesn't it? Science is the analysis of the natural universe for the purpose of predicting its behavior. It's incorrect, or at least defeatist, to say that many of the things that are most important to us such as love, politics and philosophy are beyond science. But it's correct to say that science at this time has not yet made a lot of progress in placing those things in the context of the natural universe.

What goes on inside our heads as influenced by our endocrine systems (to avoid going too woo-woo on you by using the metaphor "and in our hearts") is clearly a collection of phenomena occurring within the natural universe. We just haven't figured out their structure yet. But not to worry, a hundred years ago we hadn't figured out the structure of DNA and now we're mapping it. Not long before that, we hadn't figured out the structure of atoms.
The real reason people believe in God is because the human brain is a raging inference machine which tries to find connections between everything it sees or hears or learns about. It takes quite a bit of practice to stop it from doing this and to control it enough to only make inferences about things for which there is actual justification. Most people don't have this training, so they are far more likely to be led to make invalid inferences. Even people who do have this training can have trouble controlling their natural inference instincts, so it's no surprise that most people end up believing all sorts of crazy things.
because until man kind can explain everything with positively no doubt this is defiantly how everything works. having a god is the best way to explain everything from life, to the stars in the sky, up until man proves without a doubt the origins of the universe its self.
because until man kind can explain everything with positively no doubt this is defiantly how everything works. having a god is the best way to explain everything from life, to the stars in the sky, up until man proves without a doubt the origins of the universe its self.
So it's not sufficient to say "I don't know", but rather to fill that gap with "God did it"?
So it's not sufficient to say "I don't know", but rather to fill that gap with "God did it"?

It's like when we talk about the past and say 'I did it.' When, in fact, it was a rather different organism made of different matter that did it.
It's like when we talk about the past and say 'I did it.' When, in fact, it was a rather different organism made of different matter that did it.
Unless I'm missing some sarcastic/humourous viewpoint, it's nothing like it, from what I can see.
Your example is merely one of terminology for who/what we know performed an action (whether we can say "I did it" or "the organism that led to the current me did it").

Or are you saying that "God did it" and "I don't know" are the same thing and that it is just a matter of terminology used?
So it's not sufficient to say "I don't know", but rather to fill that gap with "God did it"?

correct, what harm can come from it, for all we know there may be some strange energy out there responsible for all of our creation, and it may have a conscious.
what harm can come from it

I think history has shown that quite a lot of harm can come from it. In fairness the general concept itself need not cause harm, it just seems extremely prone to abuse. So since it comes from a bunch of unjustified inferences we'd be better off without it.
with ppl in general they tend to have a tendancy to put themselves into a position of control where ppl will listen to them,with god there is no solid or specific doctrine that can be taken as a rule so there is potential to create control without any evidence, this leads to abuse of responsibility in the hierarchy of religious organizations..

then there are those who seek god to seek a better way of life,to create a community where one gets treated with respect, no matter what their station in life, as with the world ppl tend to classify a person as being worthy or not,with this concept there is none worthy..hence ppl turn to god who claims we are all worthy..unfortunatly ppl's humanity has a tendancy to seek out that worthyness at the expense of others worthyness, so religion ends up being self defeating cause of this..ie believe like this or you aint sh*t..

there are a few churches in existence that avoid this trap..but those churches are hard to find and must be hunted for, for someone to have an honest relationship with god they cannot just join the first church they find,when it comes to churches a few sayings come to mind..

test all things hold onto what is good..
believe half of what you read and none of what you hear..
think for yourself, not do as your told
the pastor is a person too and is just as screwed up as the rest of us..
there is no such thing as perfect..
noone has all the answers..