Look carefully at the image, it's not so much about the sound being paradoxal but the actual way the sound moves out from it's source.
Sound as you should know can only move through the use of freefloating atoms/molecules, What makes the sound when an aircraft is shooting across the sky at speed is pretty much friction of one sort or another, be it an aerodynamic eddy, actual friction with a surface or actual thermodynamic combustion.
The aircraft fly through our atomsphere and it's weather systems which we declare to be "Chaotic" in nature. The assumption was simply identifying the spacial alignment of sound relative to where it will eventually expand out to in regards to the aircrafts speed and the knowledge that what makes the sound is chaotic, ergo creating a paradox in nature.
Another such paradox is Distance runners on the runners block watching for a Pistol to fire. Some will know to listen for the sound before they sprint, while others in turn might look for the flash and smoke. As you can tell no races are run like this because of the number of false starts, however if it was left to choice or preference it would be paradoxal.
You could suggest that if you wanted to be absolutely diehard about paradoxes that "None occur naturally", but it doesn't rule out those that can "Observe" creating them.
For instance getting "Butterflies in your stomach", lets say that you have to stand in front of several thousand people to read something important to them or sing in a musical production (not that anybody does the latter). You might well find yourself nervous about the predicament which results in having a gammy stomach. You have two choices that are usually taken here, the First is to pull the plug as you feel unwell, usually when done the feeling subsides pretty quickly. The other choice is to just grin and bare it, doing so also usually means the butterflies subsiding too.
You can suggest that being observed or not observed (depending on your choice) by so many people actually creates this reaction, since causality would suggest that those people will either walk away with some enlightening pearl of wisdom, ear ache from your attempted singing or just the loss of anything in regards to you from your overall abscence. There is then the Butterfly Effect of what those people that viewed you, or didn't view you then do in response to whatever it is you did. All of this is in the balance when you have that 50/50 decision of whether you stand infront of them all or run and hide.