Why do you believe in God?

How, I wonder, can a “freethinker” be a free thinker if inquiry is not allowed to go where thinking and reason leads,
I.e., into the realm of religious ideas?
it could never lead you into the realm of religious as religion is purely subjective. it is infact unreasonable
I’m a classic case of Bacon’s aphorism, “a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion.”
in other words using knowledge to become atheist, but read into that knowledge anything you like to become religious.
I used to believe in God because I was taught to believe. Later in life I became a freethinker and atheist. Now, I believe precisely because I was a free thinker and not afraid to investigate unexplored areas of religious thought.
if you had become an atheist you would still be one. this is a total impossiblity unless you have suffered a head injure, man does not go backward from the logical to the illogical, perhaps you were something else but you most certain could have never been an atheist.
Thanks to freethinking, I can comfortably say that atheism no longer poses a challenge to my theology.
atheism doesn't challenge you theology, it challenges your common sense.
Everywhere I look, atheism employs either irrational arguments or wrong concepts of God to make its case. Mostly, though, the problem with atheism is not disbelief in God, but wrong belief.
how is that possible when atheism is grounded in reality and religion is not, talk sense man. how can an atheist have a wrong concept of god it's the same one you were taught about, and it's no belief in god, not disbelief
It is my understanding that this is basically a forum for science-minded people.

Well some, we get the lunatic fringe here too. Some atheist, many theists, some islamics, and several buddhists, you could say we are a mixed group, however not all scientific, I'm not. Don't know didly about science, but I'm well versed in psychology and philosophy.

I therefore tried to limit my expressed reasons for belief in God to the need for a sufficient cause and the inability of science to show one.

Science can't show that which does not exists. Furthermore I don't think scientist are out there to disprove religious notions, they do that very much on their own, all one has to do is use a bit of common sense. Talking snake, similarities of stories of ancient civilizations, flying horse men, yada, yada, yada, you get the picture ;)

Mine is a theory and until there is evidence to the contrary, it is not unreasonable or irrational to hold on to it, any more than it is unreasonable or irrational for a scientist to hold on to an explanatory theory so long as available evidence does not make it untenable.

I'm no scientist, however I do know that science does not hold a theory on mere faith, or belief. :rolleyes:

There are practical and experiential reasons for my belief in God, too, but those are for another forum. My question is this: why are string and multiverse theories--neither of which are demonstrable even in theory--respectable and the God-theory isn’t?

Who says their respectable? I've found them on quackery websites too. Here is another I find a bit quacked, Big Bang Theory! I don't think it ever took place.

The man asked why I believe in God and I answered with a relatively long though in fact a very brief summary of my reasons.

And your reasons were:

I used to believe in God because I was taught to believe. Later in life I became a freethinker and atheist. Now, I believe precisely because I was a free thinker and not afraid to investigate unexplored areas of religious thought. Thanks to freethinking, I can comfortably say that atheism no longer poses a challenge to my theology. Everywhere I look, atheism employs either irrational arguments or wrong concepts of God to make its case. Mostly, though, the problem with atheism is not disbelief in God, but wrong belief.

So lets analyse this. You believed cause you were taught, inother words forced introdictination as a child, you rebelled as a teen, and supposedly became an atheist, "it was the cool thing to do" then after you didn't quite understand the atheistic argument, you revert back to what you had been taught all along, so you simply gave up! You figured since the world is complex then there must be some cause, some supernatural force who caused the universe, consciousness, and bla, bla, bla, given that the complexity of the world, and reality were just a bit too much for you to handle. You were never an atheist, by completely examining religious rhetoric, not only of christianity, but also for the many thousands of religions that have existed throughout the ages. You simply just rebelled against your forced "indoctrination" when found that you had trouble to identify your position, you simply reverted back to that quasy good joy feeling of being saved, and part of the group again. Hence you stepped away from the collective, and reverted back when you found it a bit too lonely. Right?

It may very well be that my belief is ultimately based on ignorance in want for answers, but reason and the existing preponderance of evidence points to an infinite God--that consciousness in evolution is a transition from the potential toward a self-existent Actual.

What reasons? What evidence points to an infinite god? See your vague here, my friend, you haven't given any reasons why you believe in god, and sure as hell you haven't provided any evidence. You are merely going on speculations and rationalizations, since you can't explain the complexity of consciousness, and reality, you then seek answers in what "you been taught" as a child, hence it's conforting to not think deeply on issues that can't be answered as yet. You given up, reason for mysticism, you given up logic for irrationality, therefore you were never an atheist by education, only as an experimentation! And you found, that you didn't like the critical thinking that it involves.

I am going to keep tabs on the proceedings here because I find them interesting, but please don’t insult your intelligence by likening belief in God to belief in tooth-fairies

What is the difference? Both are invisible, both are credible to a child, both hold magical powers, fairies and gods, are basically the same! What is the difference? in your own words.
Most people believe in God because of a deep-rooted fear of the annihilation of their own existance after death.

Wishful thinking and all that jazz.
Richard Dawkins put it well when he stated that he doesn't fear death because before he was conceived he'd been dead for billions of years, what's to be afraid of?
I believe in god becouse we think just like each other, god has been a voice that I can trust.
There are practical and experiential reasons for my belief in God, too, but those are for another forum. My question is this: why are string and multiverse theories--neither of which are demonstrable even in theory--respectable and the God-theory isn’t? ”

Who says their respectable? I've found them on quackery websites too. Here is another I find a bit quacked, Big Bang Theory! I don't think it ever took place.
Just a couple of points:
Although its not in itself evidential, string theory is actually extrapolated from evidencial science.
As for the big bang, its one of the strong theories that leans towards fact more than theory. Maybe watch what you hear from crackpot alternative theorists.:) Or dont, its no skin off my nose.
I believe in god becouse we think just like each other, god has been a voice that I can trust.

M*W: What does god's voice sound like? Where do you hear this voice? Can you hear your own voice? How does one differentiate from one's own thoughts and the voice of god? What does god's voice tell you? Does the voice of god say something like, "don't forget to pick-up the laundry." Or, does god's voice say things like, "you will be come a leader of great nations," for example?
I wish to know why you believe in god


God have been in contact with some people, and with many have not.

Then why God should make a contact with a person who choose not to believe in God , He does not have to beg any body to accept his existence
Now should I believe the people whom God have contact, this is up to me, is like should I believe that Socrates existed that is up to me also.

Finally is up to you.:)
Then why God should make a contact with a person who choose not to believe in God

Many are under the impression that this god is "all loving". If that were the case then god would go to all lengths to ensure that his creation knew he loved them. I'm sorry but a book does not cut it - and anyone that thinks it does is a blithering idiot. If this god is all loving then the very first course of action is to make itself known to those that do not know/believe it exists.
Amazing, truly amazing.

I am appalled but not surprised at the incoherent responses. One even asked the difference between an emergent property and something that is self-existent. It’s enough to make me think atheists have some kind of mental disorder in common.

Not one addressed the problem of sufficient cause.
Stone you really need to work on your debating style, youre an hom'ing all ove the place and comming off pretty badly to be honest.
It’s enough to make me think atheists have some kind of mental disorder in common.

A quite typical argument for someone that has no argument.

Now, once you're done thinking you're better than everyone else how about you take the time to answer a question:

"What exactly is the difference? Please, I'm intrigued"

This was asked, (by a couple of us), concerning your statement that:

"please don’t insult your intelligence by likening belief in God to belief in tooth-fairies "

Now, kindly answer that instead of just mouthing off your mass generalisations about atheists.

We're waiting..

:eek: Seriously? You don't know the difference between an emergent property and self-existent reality? God hasn't been thought of as an emergent property in centuries. Don't you think it would be wise to learn about a topic before discussing it?
Seriously? You don't know the difference between an emergent property and self-existent reality? God hasn't been thought of as an emergent property in centuries. Don't you think it would be wise to learn about a topic before discussing it?

Yawns! Politely please show evidence of a self manifested entity? It's that even logical? The rationalizations you spout, come with much arrogance on your part, I'm not alone on perceiving this phenomenon, so if you ever come off your high horce of BS, please do explain how can an entity self manifest itself to existence. And furthermore, have a want to create! :rolleyes: