Why Does God allow evil to happen? Is God evil?


Shiny Heart of a Shiny Child
Registered Senior Member
People often point to the old testament to show how wicked God was for wiping people out with plagues, war and so on and this bothered me and so I prayed about it.
In my prayer I saw myself playing the Sims. I had spent a lot of time building up my neigbourhood. I had worked hard to keep peoples happiness levels up despite all the frustrations they face in the game. I had a happy neighbourhood. Couples were having babies left right and centre and all my sims had good jobs and were increasing their wealth in line with their needs. There were many friendships and lots of love.
Then I saw one of my favorite sims seem to detach itself from the commands I was instructing it with. It took on life of it's own. In my vision the Sim looked at me and said "Mmm, it would be good to be like you and know everything. I do not want you to look after me anymore, I want to go my own way here and do what I want for a change."
I immediately became afraid for the Sim in question and I became afraid for the other Sim's in question. I was the one who had spent so much time building this neighbourhood up. What would this sim do now that he had free will?"
The sim in my vision, decided that he would forget going to work and steal instead. He then thought it might be good to go and muscle in on the other sim's wives. He then thought he would kill people who stood in his way. He then convinced other sims to follow him in his path of destruction. In my vision the whole neighbourhood fell apart and everything I had built up was destroyed. God said to me "Why didn't you intervene?"
I said "What could I do?", He said "Remove the threat to your neighbourhood."
I said "But he was one of my favorite sims. I had spent soooo much time getting him to a state that was happy!"
God Said "Is he happy now?"
I saw the sim again and he had the largest house and had lots of wives and everything material in the game and I said "He seems happy enough" and God said "And everyone else?" and I said "No, no one else is happy. They are afraid of that sim." and God said "How long will you be patient with your favorite sim? Will he repent do you think?", Then God said "Tell him you will delete him if he does not repent." and so in my vision I saw myself saying to the little sim "If you do not stop this wickedness I will have to delete you. You are a bad apple and you have ruined my whole batch of good apples. Give up your wickedness and turn back to me and I will restore you."
The sim looked at me and then made a gesture showing me all that he had gotten for himself through going his own way.
I said to God "He is so proud of all that he has done himself that he will not give it up"
God said "Tell him again that you will delete him if he does not repent of this wickedness!" and so in my vision I turned once more to this wayward sim and said "Why do you persist in this foolishness? I have loved you and always taken care of you and even now I am pained to delete you, but your actions have affected everyone. You have turned others against me and now I have other sims whom I love with nothing at all and they are crying out to me for justice."
The wicked sim did not care and in my vision he said "I can do what I want. I have made this empire for myself and I did it without your help. When I was under your control I had much less than I have now."
Then I said to this sim "I chose your hair colour, I chose your clothes, I chose for you a beautiful wife and I made sure you were all fed. I gave you a house and I taught you to cook and to read and I gave you every good thing even children. I even chose you your name and this is how you repay me?"
The sim looked sad for a moment and said "What must I do to not be deleted by you?"
I said "I have never wanted to delete you but if you persist with this I will have no choice. Now that all the other sims are aware of my presence, they are all crying out for you to be deleted so that their lives may be restored to what they once were."
The sim began to cry and my heart went out to him. The sim said "I give up my own way. I give up my own life. I have sinned against you and all these other sims. I have ruined this neighbourhood and have even killed those that stood in my way. I have taken things that do not belong to me, even other sims wives who I subject to slavery here in a house that was not given me but rather I forced it's occupants out with fear of death.
My heart went out to the sim because of his contrition.
I said to God "My sim is sorry."
God smiled and said "Would you have deleted him if he was not for the sake of the others?"
I said "Yes" then I said "But this neighbourhood is ruined. Everything I loved has been destroyed or corrupted by this sims disobedience."
God said "Destroy the neighbourhood and build another one. Your sims may live in the new neighbourhood that you have built them."
I thanked God for His wisdom and humbly asked him to take control of my life so that I could be thankful for the good things I was given by him. God said "I have already done it" and I wept for joy.



Edit: I took this part from another thread because I thought it deserved a thread of it's own given that there is so much discussion around this subject.
c20 said:
People often point to the old testament to show how wicked God was
and the new testament to show how wicked jesus/god was.
matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
17: "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.
18: For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.

as you can see Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.
like father like son.
fahrenheit 451 said:
and the new testament to show how wicked jesus/god was.
matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
17: "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.
18: For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.

as you can see Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.
like father like son.

God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.


fahrenheit 451 said:
and the new testament to show how wicked jesus/god was.
matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
17: "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them.
18: For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished.

as you can see Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament.
like father like son.
c20H25N3o said:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.

you have opened a can of worms with that statement, I hope everybody condemns you for it, this is the ultimate proof that your dangerous.
so in your reasoning which is complete flawed, if you are any other religion, other than xian.
you should be exterminated/genocide.
so you are the local neighbourhood vigilante.
I do not do any killing my friend because I am not permitted to. I am just a man after all. I am patient with everyone hoping they will repent. This is why I speak of the good news of salvation. Because I do not want anyone to be lost. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.


c20H25N3o said:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.



But C20, he drowned babies and those in the womb, didn't he? Didn't he order the killing of children? Were they also "wicked"?

The problem with you, from my viewpoint, is you're doing what you can to preserve your worldview by thinking of God as "just". Sure, I'm for putting in prison or killing those who we KNOW are murderers. But that's not just what the God of the Bible is about, unless you consider killing children a good thing. I won't blame you, because if I were in your position, I'd probably be doing the same thing basically. :)
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God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine.

Such loving words. Too bad that double standard did not apply somehow to your kids (assuming the "repented"), or loved ones who did not "repent". It apparently did not apply to you since you lived long enough to repent; that implies God is slacking off on justice.
§outh§tar said:
Such loving words. Too bad that double standard did not apply somehow to your kids (assuming the "repented"), or loved ones who did not "repent". It apparently did not apply to you since you lived long enough to repent; that implies God is slacking off on justice.

If people I loved did wickedness why would I want them near me? I would want them to stop being wicked so that I may trust them. This is the prayer of every abused child. There are three children I know of personally who prayed that their father would leave them alone. Eventually the mother threw her husband out when the truth came out. We were all glad that evil man had gone. We hoped he would die such was his great wickedness. But you call us wicked for hating him. How evil are you??? Take that sh*t out of your eyes. Stop calling justice evil and stop calling those who desire justice evil! You are so smug in your assertions that the little ones are bad for crying out against evil but if you are not for them you to are against them. If that is the case then repent because these little ones will be shown God but you will be left outside where love does not shine for you. You will be left outside with the perverts and the murderers and the theives and the wicked men that hurt others and all those who do not repent.

You don't need the old testament or new testament to see how evil god is.
The real world is a cold horrible place, it's ok to talk about butterflies and flowers and beautifull undulating meadows, but the tetse fly is also part of god's creation, the tetse fly lays eggs in the eyes of children, the larvae then eats the eye, making the child blind often before it can even speak.
Life in general for all things is a terrible struggle against pain, and pain always wins in the end.
The vast majority of living things in earth's history have essentially been tortured to death, thats the nature of the system that god has "created" from scratch.
Just because some of us manage to make pleasant lives for ourselves doesn't change the fact that life is generally horrible for those that experience it. Only with sprinkled moments of satisfaction. You can't blame man's sinful nature for that reality, which is millions of times older than man.
If god does exist, if a god created this planet, we can not conclude he is a kind loving compassionate being. If anything he's actually cruel and sadistic to a rather bizarre and over the top degree.
The kind of afterlife such a god would provide is more likely to be an eternity of pain and torment than a paradise. An eternity of pain and torment would be more consistent with what we have seen of his creation thus far.
c20H25N3o said:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine.
So you'd be quite happy when someone commits mass murder because they thought that the people were unrepentant? You'd approve of a twit committing genocide in the name of God, because they assume from what they've read in the bible that the people are wicked? There's no end to you is there?

You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer?
What in the hell kind of neighbourhood do you live in?

What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you?
So much for the forgiving and loving god :rolleyes:. People are not termites that one exterminates from their homes. So if whole nations are filled with what you consider to be wickedness, you'd approve of 'exterminating' them? You do realise that not everyone's notion of what amounts to 'wickedness' is identical. Your justification of genocide is appalling.

Christ you give me the creeps.

I know to keep my mouth shut.
And yet you never do.

I do not do any killing my friend because I am not permitted to. I am just a man after all.
You may not do the killing but you justify and applaud it, which is just as bad.

I am patient with everyone hoping they will repent. This is why I speak of the good news of salvation. Because I do not want anyone to be lost. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
So if someone does not repent, you have no objection to their being slaughtered in the name of God, regardless of whether their crimes is minute or if they have committed no crime at all?

f people I loved did wickedness why would I want them near me? I would want them to stop being wicked so that I may trust them. This is the prayer of every abused child. There are three children I know of personally who prayed that their father would leave them alone. Eventually the mother threw her husband out when the truth came out. We were all glad that evil man had gone. We hoped he would die such was his great wickedness. But you call us wicked for hating him. How evil are you???
So if this man repented you'd have forgiven him?

Take that sh*t out of your eyes. Stop calling justice evil and stop calling those who desire justice evil!
You're the one advocating that to repent means forgiveness. You're the one advocating genocide if people do not conform to what you deem to be good. You're the one advocating that if someone, no matter how big or small their crime, does not repent, then they deserve the punishment of death. You've grouped all of what you deem to be 'wickedness' in the one basket, without any thought that not all actions are as wicked as the next, yet the same punishment should apply for all.
Yo c20H25N3o (or maybe HCN),

Quote c20:
"God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant."

Define your understanding of "unrepentant" dude. You are getting wierder by the minute.

C20[God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine.[/QUOTE said:
Seems you would be the one that hurl the first stone at a sinful woman.
Isn't it that Jesus taught that the people who most need Him are the sinners?
Are you acting like a white-wash hypocrite?
c20H25N3o: God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant.
M*W: You know, c20, you sound just as evil as the god of the bible.
c20: I do not want them anywhere near me or mine.
M*W: Well, then you should find a hole for you and your family to crawl in. I hear you can get a cheap 'fixer-upper' cave in Afghanistan that even has Internet connections for a very low price.
M*W: I think your presence on sciforums has proven to us what an evil man you are. How can you show your presence here?
c20: You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.
M*W: You don't know when to keep your mouth shut, because you continue to spew lies and venom -- and you call yourself a christian! Out of all the posts you dumped on this forum, you have never proven anything, only that you are a whore for christianity and a bigot. It's people like you who make the rest of us hate christianity. You write from your ignorance, and it is noticed by everyone here, even the christians. You will never win your battle to convert us. We know the truth.


c20H25N3o: I do not do any killing my friend because I am not permitted to. I am just a man after all.
M*W: Like lust, murder starts in the mind. You're an evil man
c20: I am patient with everyone hoping they will repent. This is why I speak of the good news of salvation. Because I do not want anyone to be lost. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
M*W: So, now you admit that you are trying to convert us! Is anyone surprised about this? NO! If that is why you came here, then James R needs to address your motives and your constant preaching. Again, I vote for you to be banned. Any other takers?
I speak the truth as I find it. If I am reviled for that, so be it. The truth is that Jesus Christ died for your sins and mine. He was resurrected by Our Father who puts all things at His feet. I know in my heart that the testimony of Paul is good. I know in my heart and mind that salvation comes through the Lamb of God. I see the requirements of the Law fulfilled in Jesus Christ and I know that through my belief in Him I will receive eternal life in the Christ. This message of Good News is shared by Christians all over the world. I think you would be hard pressed to get even one born again Christian to disagree with this message. Why would you wish to cause dissent among brothers anyway?


c20H25N3o: This is the prayer of every abused child.
M*W: Ahh, the truth finally comes out! You still need to believe in a god that will protect you from the abuse you've suffered as a child.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Ahh, the truth finally comes out! You still need to believe in a god that will protect you from the abuse you've suffered as a child.

I cannot believe you just said that.
Bells: Christ you give me the creeps.
M*W: I think he gives us all the creeps! He's a very evil man.
bells: You may not do the killing but you justify and applaud it, which is just as bad.
M*W: Same thing as the old "lust in the heart." c20 has murder on his mind of those who renounce him.
Bells: So if someone does not repent, you have no objection to their being slaughtered in the name of God, regardless of whether their crimes is minute or if they have committed no crime at all?
M*W: Bells, they don't need to commit any crime. All they need to do is not convert, and c20 would exterminate them!
Bells: So if this man repented you'd have forgiven him? You're the one advocating that to repent means forgiveness. You're the one advocating genocide if people do not conform to what you deem to be good. You're the one advocating that if someone, no matter how big or small their crime, does not repent, then they deserve the punishment of death. You've grouped all of what you deem to be 'wickedness' in the one basket, without any thought that not all actions are as wicked as the next, yet the same punishment should apply for all.
M*W: Yeah, c20 would forgive the rapist and exterminate the one he raped. He would kill little children if they stole a piece of candy. He would smite his teen-age daughter if he knew she had sex with her boyfriend. He's kill the boyfriend, too, maybe, but maybe not. His wife loves and adores him and he gets her to laugh at our posts. What a dingbat she must be! I still say that c20 is bitter about something that happened to him in his life, and he's taking it out on us!

c20 has gone beyond the bounds of sciforums rules. He offers nothing new to the forum. He is a very negative person (christians are supposed to be 'happy', I thought). I think James R needs to remove his negativity from this forum.