Why does the evolutionary process exist?

(Q) said:
" According to Buddhism, this inequality is due not only to heredity, environment, "nature and nurture", but also to Karma. In other words, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings. We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate."

That is a typical summary.

Buddhism begins to resemble theism with for instance Mara, "the personification of Death, the Evil One, the Tempter (the Buddhist counterpart of the Devil or Principle of Destruction).":


--- Ron.
imaplanck. said:
So outside of this board are which kind of people exactly? Maybe you will be called a theist by all atheists and scientifically minded alike.

Not a single person I know 'label's people anything, on this board is the first time I came across any of these terms.

People may talk about their spiritual or lack thereof beliefs (though rarely if ever) but NEVER ever used any kind of label for themselves or others. Labels are for discrimination, my mates don't discriminate. It's very simple really.
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So you live in Utopia? Funny! I thought you lived in England same as me.
Come on! we all discriminate if not on a minutely on an hourly basis atleast .
imaplanck. said:
So you live in Utopia? Funny! I thought you lived in England same as me.
Come on! we all discriminate if not on a minutely on an hourly basis atleast .

My frienes and I don't chat about religion, I can't tell you whether my best friend believes in god or not and that is a fact (I have known her 12 yrs) I never heard the word theist till I was called one by Q. Hence I first denied it, I never knew what one was. I lack education in discriminatory terms, I lack exposure to discriminatory terms, I lack any interest in discriminatory terms. I shall never use that term off this board. Agnostic was also new to me. As was pantheist and all the rest. It's only relevant here, no one in my life off this board gives a toss.

In my cirlces people are not judged by their personal beliefs but by their actions. Thus we do not discriminate.
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(Q) said:
So, you don't share your delusions with others? Gee, I wonder why? :rolleyes:

It does not offend me that you believe blindy in a thing never proven like 'coincidence', so why does it bother you that I do not share that blind belief?

It's not a case of me believing in something more, rather a case of me believing in one thing less. I don't believe in 'coincidence' you do, never mind.

I offend your 'religious' sensibilities, tough.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
My freneds and I don't chat about religion, I can't tell you whether my best friend believes in god or not and that is a fact. I never heard the word theist till I was called one by Q. Hence I first denied it, I never knew what one was. I lack education in discriminatory terms, I lack of exposure to discriminatory terms, lI lack of inertest in discriminatory terms. I shall never use that term off this board. Agnostic was also new to me. As was pantheist and all the rest. It's only relevant ehre, no one in my life off thos board gives a toss.

You are not judged by your personal beliefs but by your actions. Thus we do not discriminate.
Looks! sex! age! social standing! sexual appeal! skin colour ! speach!

.........These are just some of the attributes each and every one of us automatiacally discriminates on arriving at another person before we can even breathe the first syllable of the word prejudiced.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Labels are for discrimination, my mates don't discriminate. It's very simple really.

It would appear 'discrimination' is yet another word you don't comprehend.

I wonder if dictionaries can be feed intravenously?
Theoryofrelativity said:
It does not offend me that you believe blindy in a thing never proven like 'coincidence', so why does it bother you that I do not share that blind belief?

Because you're an idiot?

It's not a case of me believing in something more, rather a case of me believing in one thing less. I don't believe in 'coincidence' you do, never mind.

I've found that you believe in a great many things that don't exist. It's little wonder you don't believe in that which does.

I offend your 'religious' sensibilities, tough.

The only thing you've offended is everyones intelligence.

There's one in every crowd.
imaplanck. said:
Looks! sex! age! social standing! sexual appeal! skin colour ! speach!

.........These are just some of the attributes each and every one of us automatiacally discriminates on arriving at another person before we can even breathe the first syllable of the word prejudiced.

Do you ask a person you just meet or any time later if they are theist? Do you ask them if they are homosexual, do you ask them if they are middle class? Do you ask them where they shop?

I do not, ever. On some level the 'obvious' may make itself apparrant but I do not sue that information to discriminate, because none fo those things are important to me when deciding who should be my friend. Rather people who discriminate against others are most certainly not going to be one of them.
It is one of the most dispicable things. I value individuality and uniqueness. All my friends are unique and definable from each other.

What attracts me to a person are not the things you mention, but their spirit, their wit and their kindness. The rest is their business.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Do you ask a person you just meet or any time later if they are theist? Do you ask them if they are homosexual, do you ask them if they are middle class? Do you ask them where they shop?

I do not, ever. On some level the 'obvious' may make itself apparrant but I do not sue that information to discriminate, because none fo those things are important to me when deciding who should be my friend. Rather people who discriminate against others are most certainly not going to be one of them.
It is one of the most dispicable things. I value individuality and uniqueness. All my friends are unique and definable from each other.

What attracts me to a person are not the things you mention, but their spirit, their wit and their kindness. The rest is their business.
I think we are on different levels(that is my fault though), maybe you are living a bit of an illusion though if you insist you dont discriminate what so ever. Anyway if you insist you never discriminate even if it's subconscious part of assessing a person , so be it. Please carry on.
imaplanck. said:
I think we are on different levels(that is my fault though), maybe you are living a bit of an illusion though if you insist you dont discriminate what so ever. Anyway if you insist you never discriminate even if it's subconscious part of assessing a person , so be it. Please carry on.

I never said I don't subconsciously make assessments I said I don't ASK what people are when I meet them with regards to......read my prev post.

I discriminate if at all against shallow people, shallow people being people who discriminate because a person is different in belief/social standing/religion/class/sexual preference to themselves. I apply this discrimination by simply avoiding them, thus they are unaware of the discrimination or motive. Though I'd gladly tell them if they asked.

So yes I discriminate, but

we weren't talking about that kind of discerning discrimination we were talking about 'lables' and I stated a simple fact which was that until I came on this board I never heard the term theist before.

Thus when Q said I was theist (and I do not disagree and use that term here in ref to myself now) I merely made the point that when he said 'everyone' will think me a theist, I said they won't because in my real life people do not care about this subject or the labels that go with it. That is a fact and that is what we were discussing. For me the label is only used and exists here.
I don't know why this is so hard for you to grasp?

I elaborated because you did.

The diff between me and you and other atheists here is that your atheism is not a concern to me or a reason to dislike, disrespect or discriminate against you.

But I get it discriminated and called names because of my personal view which is no ones business but mine, it does not impact on your life or anyones elses one jot.

Fortunately the crappy people on this board do not reflect the pople I know in real life as my personal views are not deemed reflective of me as a person, rather my behaviour is. Also my personal views are not hurtful or discriminatory or damaging so again no one is threatened enough to feel the need to 'attack'.

It is interesting how people love to turn the topic round to me, why can't you just stick to the topic? Q always turns it round to me, because he is a sad little fuck with no life and thus tries to drag everyone down to his low level, but there is no need to jump on his bandwaggon. He is religion obsessed. There are few similarly afflicted. Thank god I know of no such extremists in my real life.
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spuriousmonkey said:
You do not exist because there is no objective observer. Hence you have no business.

To the contrary, my business is who I am; We exist to the extent that we do business.

As I have explained before (in the back pages of the archive) my curiosity here is about the people, their motivation to argue as if to hope to budge other people.

Why do you do it?

I am occassionally happy enough to contribute a comment or quote, if perhaps it may help, but what anybody else may make of it is up to them.
No part of my present ambition is invested in the hope to force other people to fit the pattern I prescribe for them.
If their business is not congenial to mine, then I rather go my way alone.

--- Ron.
perplexity said:
That is a typical summary.

Buddhism begins to resemble theism with for instance Mara, "the personification of Death, the Evil One, the Tempter (the Buddhist counterpart of the Devil or Principle of Destruction).":


--- Ron.

I'm curious, how does Karma quantify that good things happen to bad people while bad things happen to good people?
perplexity said:
To the contrary, my business is who I am; We exist to the extent that we do business.

As I have explained before (in the back pages of the archive) my curiosity here is about the people, their motivation to argue as if to hope to budge other people.

Why do you do it?

I am occassionally happy enough to contribute a comment or quote, if perhaps it may help, but what anybody else may make of it is up to them.
No part of my present ambition is invested in the hope to force other people to fit the pattern I prescribe for them.
If their business is not congenial to mine, then I rather go my way alone.

--- Ron.

By all means...go.
perplexity said:
To the contrary, my business is who I am; We exist to the extent that we do business.

As I have explained before (in the back pages of the archive) my curiosity here is about the people, their motivation to argue as if to hope to budge other people.

Why do you do it?

I am occassionally happy enough to contribute a comment or quote, if perhaps it may help, but what anybody else may make of it is up to them.
No part of my present ambition is invested in the hope to force other people to fit the pattern I prescribe for them.
If their business is not congenial to mine, then I rather go my way alone.

--- Ron.

the sheeple here don't like independant thinkers
perplexity said:
The Buddhist advice is specifically not to be so curious; the issue is not conjecturable:

These four imponderables are not to be speculated about. Whoever speculates about them would go mad & experience vexation. Which four?

The Buddha-range of the Buddhas.

The jhana-range of one absorbed in jhana

The results of kamma...

Speculation about [the first moment, purpose, etc., of] the cosmos is an imponderable that is not to be speculated about. Whoever speculates about these things would go mad & experience vexation.

The madness was not so much of a surprise to me then, the vexation around here.

--- Ron.

It would seem that bad things happening to good people and vice-versa somewhat nullifies the concept of Karma.
(Q) said:
It would seem that bad things happening to good people and vice-versa somewhat nullifies the concept of Karma.

With the previous lives version factored in the books are balanced.

I am not comfortable with that either, when an apparently innocent child is told that it suffers because of a past life it is blessed with no recollection of.

That would then be one reason not to explore the conjecture so earnestly.

Better to appreciate that karma is not about the reciprocation of deeds, good in return for good, it is rather about the creation of conducive conditions, which may well be the result of bad things done to good people.
The followers of Jesus seem to think so, anyway.

--- Ron.
spuriousmonkey said:
Why does Buddha exist?

The definition of a Buddha is rather the opposite, in the attainment of non existence.

As a Buddha you would not see yourself and your own actions at all, self eliminated.

--- Ron.