Why George Floyd matters?

The Floyd George killing is outrageous as are the many other examples of police violence but people should really learn to not argue with police or resist them.

Most people know that and things turn out much better for them. No one should have to be that careful but that's just the way it is. Don't resist the police and call a lawyer after you are out of the streets and away from the offending cop.

Doing that would save more lives than any protesting will ever accomplish.

Well now that the cops involved are all in line for meaningful punishments, as long as the justice system is consistent in these pursuits perhaps US police will feel compelled to modify their future behaviour and remember the bounds of their authority within the law, which in turn will lead to greater trust in them among the populace. Resisting arrest can be considered a felony too so it's not like the police aren't compensated for the inconvenience if someone chooses to do that, not as if they had to treat the guy like a top 10 FBI wanted serial killer on the loose.
The Floyd George killing is outrageous as are the many other examples of police violence but people should really learn to not argue with police or resist them.
That is very close to saying "that rape was outrageous and inexcusable as all rapes are, but women should really learn to not dress like sluts. That will avoid more rapes than any protesting will ever accomplish." Which is to say, there is an element of truth in it, but suggests that the victims are responsible for their crimes. And the meme of "the blacks are largely responsible for the crimes against them" is, in large part, the attitude that the protesters are protesting against.
may I be so bold as to suggest:
Try looking at the interaction from the policemen's perspective.
That is very close to saying "that rape was outrageous and inexcusable as all rapes are, but women should really learn to not dress like sluts. That will avoid more rapes than any protesting will ever accomplish." Which is to say, there is an element of truth in it, but suggests that the victims are responsible for their crimes. And the meme of "the blacks are largely responsible for the crimes against them" is, in large part, the attitude that the protesters are protesting against.
I realize that it is "close" to saying that but nuance is important. There is a reason that you don't run from the police, or argue excessively with them or struggle with with.

Why is that?
The Floyd George killing is outrageous as are the many other examples of police violence but people should really learn to not argue with police or resist them.

Most people know that and things turn out much better for them.

Fuck off.

Care to explain how I was "arguing" with or being confrontational towards the police when they beat the shit out of me for having an epileptic seizure?

Or how about the time that I actually called the police for their freakin' assistance when our home was being besieged by a drunken and belligerent neighbor, for no apparent reason, but I got the wrong cop, I guess (seems to be a lot of those): the neighbor turned out to be a buddy of the cop's, and the cop had a bid of a steroid and coke problem, so he bashed my fucking skull into the sidewalk, causing a severe concussion, several months of the worst seizures I've ever had in my life, and no compensation or accountability to this day. No "arguing" there either.
may I be so bold as to suggest:
Try looking at the interaction from the policemen's perspective.

Absolutely. A cuffed guy, on the ground, with a knee pressed into his neck, and surrounded by four other cops, may well have been harboring a xenomorph within his gut that may have have busted out at any moment!

Seriously, can't you guys find a forum where there's more Alex Jones types and Fox news aficionados who may be more sympathetic to your perspectives?
Absolutely. A cuffed guy, on the ground, with a knee pressed into his neck, and surrounded by four other cops, may well have been harboring a xenomorph within his gut that may have have busted out at any moment!

try harder
The Floyd George killing is outrageous as are the many other examples of police violence but people should really learn to not argue with police or resist them.

Most people know that and things turn out much better for them. No one should have to be that careful but that's just the way it is. Don't resist the police and call a lawyer after you are out of the streets and away from the offending cop.

O-man... you hit the nail right in the gut.!!!
After all these years... black people should have learned that when they are detained for whatever by an Officer... to stay in ther place an also to be respectful... as if thats to much to ask for Fks-Sake.!!!
I largely blame ther parents for not teechin 'em right.!!!

The 2 times officers pulled guns on me i follered ther instructions to the letter an i wasnt shot or beat up at all.!!!
I thank a lot of this Bull-Sht started wit Rosa Parks (Uppity-Black woman) who refused to set in the back of the bus when politely asked.!!!
It wasnt long after that that black people in our town started demandin to get ther hair cut in white barber shops an to even eat in white resturants.!!!
An O sure... sinse they was black they got ther way... an look what it has led to... nuthin but pain misery an death.!!!

O well... like you say... "It's just the way it is."!!!
O-man... you hit the nail right in the gut.!!!
After all these years... black people should have learned that when they are detained for whatever by an Officer... to stay in ther place an also to be respectful... as if thats to much to ask for Fks-Sake.!!!
I largely blame ther parents for not teechin 'em right.!!!

Absolutely. And, they should at least have the good sense and decency to always have a white passenger in the car along with them (as per Chris Rock's suggestion).

The 2 times officers pulled guns on me i follered ther instructions to the letter an i wasnt shot or beat up at all.!!!
I thank a lot of this Bull-Sht started wit Rosa Parks (Uppity-Black woman) who refused to set in the back of the bus when politely asked.!!!
It wasnt long after that that black people in our town started demandin to get ther hair cut in white barber shops an to even eat in white resturants.!!!
An O sure... sinse they was black they got ther way... an look what it has led to... nuthin but pain misery an death.!!!

Yep. Rosa Parks was the epitome of black arrogance and entitlement. There was a perfectly good seat for her all the way at the back of the bus and she could always avail herself to her own private drinking fountain and whatnots. The gall of her!
Absolutely. And, they should at least have the good sense and decency to always have a white passenger in the car along with them (as per Chris Rock's suggestion).

Yep. Rosa Parks was the epitome of black arrogance and entitlement. There was a perfectly good seat for her all the way at the back of the bus and she could always avail herself to her own private drinking fountain and whatnots. The gall of her!
You and Cluelesshusband can be the Think Tank of these fine forums.
'Cuz you're soooo worth it.
not me
(i don't matter)
this is for you
alter your perspective from that which is fed to you by the media, and think for yourself
thinking for yourself may be painful at first
you may find it well worth the effort
compare relative heights and weights
compare relative heights and weights

No Sht... once they lucked out an got that giant face down on the pavement an squeesin the breath out of him like a 300 pound anaconda... they knew that given half a breath he coud have snapped those hand cuffs an savegely murdered 'em all.!!!
may I be so bold as to suggest:
Try looking at the interaction from the policemen's perspective.
The policeman saw a black man - and therefore a threat. He used the force he needed to ensure he was no longer a threat. Then he kept strangling him to ensure his death. Why? Perhaps because he thought that one less black on the streets was a good thing. Perhaps he was having a bad day. Perhaps he was hallucinating. Perhaps he was scared. We will likely never know; that may or may not come out in his trial.

But at the end of the day, jail for life will keep that policeman from doing this again to someone else.
There is a reason that you don't run from the police, or argue excessively with them or struggle with with.
Just as there is a reason that a scantily clad woman is wise to stick close to a known-safe male protector.

Neither of those reasons make it OK to kill black people or rape women.
Just as there is a reason that a scantily clad woman is wise to stick close to a known-safe male protector.

Neither of those reasons make it OK to kill black people or rape women.

That's true and no one has argued that it's OK to kill black people or to rape women, so why bring that up?