Each and every one of your frenetically searched sources is saying the same thing. If you can't see that then maybe you need help in Science and English.
Why is it then with most scientific terms they are defined in the same language or with very similar terms but when it comes to natural selection, nobody can define it and everyone has their own opinion about what it is? I am seeing much different terminology here. Can you imagine opening up a physics or biology textbook and looking up any word they would all get the same meaning, but come to natural selection and everybody has their own spin on it.
See the different definitions that I listed, there are some big differences!
The medical dictionary and other websites claim natural selection
is survival of the fittest, but other websites disagree.
“ “survival of the fittest,” the principle that in nature those individuals best able to adapt to their environment will survive and reproduce, whereas those less able will die.
Note the words "better adapted" in this definition and organisms.
The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
This definition suddenly adds gradual and non-random, and now there is no mention of organisms, but suddenly now natural selection applies to a population.
Natural selection is the gradual, non-random, process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of differential reproduction of their bearers. It is a key mechanism of evolution.
You think all these are the same do you?
The main mechanism of evolutionary change
It is a key mechanism of evolution
The natural filtering process
The directional process of evolutionary change
Natural selection is the theory
So which is it? A main mechanism, a key mechanism, an evolutionary process, "the natural filtering process", "the directional process", "the concept", "the process", the "theory" or "the driving force"? And you still think all this terminology means the same thing. LOL!
environmental pressures cause certain genetic combinations in a population to become more abundant; genetic combinations best adapted for present environmental conditions tend to become predominant.
No mention of "genetic combinations" in the other definitions.
An evolutionary process where heritable traits that arise through mutation give an organism a higher chance of survival in their environment and become more common in a population as these organisms have a higher likelihood of reproducing.
Mutation has been added to this definition, why not in the others?
The preservation of favorable alleles and the rejection of injurious ones.
Really? I thought natural selection according to the others was about reproduction?
Natural selection is the process in which some organisms live and reproduce and others die before reproducing.
Yep, then its nothing but a worthless tautology is it? It explains nothing but everything at the same time.
The natural filtering process by which individuals with higher fitness are more likely to reproduce than individuals with lower fitness.
The other definitions do not mention "fitness" how can "fitness" be defined?
The directional process of evolutionary change
Whos directing it? Why do none of the other definitions mention directed?
Differential survival and reproduction among members of a population or species in nature; due to variation in the possession of adaptive genetic traits.
Oh? So now its species AND a population? Then why do other definitions only mention populations?
The concept developed by Charles Darwin that genes which produce characteristics that are more favorable in a particular environment will be more abundant in the next generation.
So its a concept not a "directed evolutionary process" like the other definitions say?
Natural selection is the theory that only the strong survive.
So it's a theory and not a process like the others say?
The process by which genetic traits are passed on to each successive generation. Over time, natural selection helps species become better adapted to their environment. Also known as “survival of the fittest,” natural selection is the driving force behind the process of evolution.
So natural selection IS survival of the fittest according to this definition, but the others don't say that.
natural selection is the driving force behind the process of evolution
Evidence? The other definitions define natural selection as a concept or filtering process or process, but now it is the "driving force"?
Evolutionary change based on the differential reproductive success of individuals within a species
"differential reproductive success" ....
INDIVIDUALS WITHIN A SPECIES! Then why do the other definitions mention natural selection occurs within a population and not within species?