Why is Rape Not A Crime In Islam>>>>>>


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member
For adultery, the standards of proof are different for men and women and judges have failed to investigate allegations of rape made by female defendants.

The status of women in Islamic law is one of the most fiercely-contested issues in Malaysia.


According to the mufti of Perak, women are subject to their husband's desires.

A husband has the right to be intimate with his wife and the wife must obey, he told one local newspaper.

Women's groups in Malaysia want a change in attitudes

Women's groups in Malaysia have reacted angrily after one of the country's most senior Islamic clerics opposed calls for new laws to protect women from rape within marriage.

According to Pakistan's independent human rights commission, in most cases of rape where a victim is unable to produce four male witnesses as required by law, she is charged with adultery.

Three muslim countries and in each one, the womens rights in rape cases are non existent or ridiculous.

1. Nigeria they do not even investigate when a women is raped, why should they, obviously she was asking for it fluttering her eyelashes under that burkha.

2. Malaysia a man has a right to rape his wife, and is in his lawful rights to give his wife a good rape anytime he sees fit, no matter if she has a headache, or bubonic plague, a muslim woman should know her place in islam, that is lying down and fully lubricated 24hrs aday.

3. Pakistan the biggest laugh of all, the woman rape victim, has to have four male witnesses to her rape, or else she is accused of adultery, and no longer
a rape victim, so basically she has to be raped by 4 or more pakistan men, and then she has to get them to confess to it, if they do not, and 3 confess to the rape but one does not, then that means she is not the victim but a adulteress

Islam certainly knows how to treat a lady>lol
Well i hate to point out the obvious but its thier culture and they dont know any different,women are second class out there simply put.

They might not see it morally wrong like us.

I mean in the UK women are in the same class cos of emiline pankhurst,the most militant of suffragettes,it wasnt till the second world war that women women got the right to vote.

I mean the west is different but its only been in the last couple of hundred years that way really,the west has just been more open to change.

They are just behind the times law wise and human rights,they stuck to thier culture longer.
vincent28uk said:
For adultery, the standards of proof are different for men and women and judges have failed to investigate allegations of rape made by female defendants.

The status of women in Islamic law is one of the most fiercely-contested issues in Malaysia.


According to the mufti of Perak, women are subject to their husband's desires.

A husband has the right to be intimate with his wife and the wife must obey, he told one local newspaper.

Women's groups in Malaysia want a change in attitudes

Women's groups in Malaysia have reacted angrily after one of the country's most senior Islamic clerics opposed calls for new laws to protect women from rape within marriage.

According to Pakistan's independent human rights commission, in most cases of rape where a victim is unable to produce four male witnesses as required by law, she is charged with adultery.

Three muslim countries and in each one, the womens rights in rape cases are non existent or ridiculous.

1. Nigeria they do not even investigate when a women is raped, why should they, obviously she was asking for it fluttering her eyelashes under that burkha.

2. Malaysia a man has a right to rape his wife, and is in his lawful rights to give his wife a good rape anytime he sees fit, no matter if she has a headache, or bubonic plague, a muslim woman should know her place in islam, that is lying down and fully lubricated 24hrs aday.

3. Pakistan the biggest laugh of all, the woman rape victim, has to have four male witnesses to her rape, or else she is accused of adultery, and no longer
a rape victim, so basically she has to be raped by 4 or more pakistan men, and then she has to get them to confess to it, if they do not, and 3 confess to the rape but one does not, then that means she is not the victim but a adulteress

Islam certainly knows how to treat a lady>lol

Well disregarding the fact that your 1st link doesnt even talk about your topic....please explain this if rape is so "widespread" in Islam:


Americans top the world in the category of crimes. They also have the greatest number of burglaries, car thefts, rapes and assaults.....sorry Vinnie



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If rape within marriage is not a crime then it would not get on any official stats. Also if a woman requires 4 witnessses to a rape and a woman's word is not as valid as a mans in court then again the stats would be awry. Wasn't there a case in Iran recently where a 16 year old woman was hanged for having sex. (she was possibly raped as she told the judge he should prosecute the criminals not the victims) and it was her sharp tongue that enraged the judge into condemning her to death. For having sex for God's sake.
There probably is less burglaries and car thefts in Muslim countries but I can remember when people used to leave their front doors open. Why? Because they had nothing to steal. Not much point in breaking into a house if there's no computer, car, antiques or money to steal.
sol13 said:
If rape within marriage is not a crime then it would not get on any official stats. Also if a woman requires 4 witnessses to a rape and a woman's word is not as valid as a mans in court then again the stats would be awry. Wasn't there a case in Iran recently where a 16 year old woman was hanged for having sex. (she was possibly raped as she told the judge he should prosecute the criminals not the victims) and it was her sharp tongue that enraged the judge into condemning her to death. For having sex for God's sake.
There probably is less burglaries and car thefts in Muslim countries but I can remember when people used to leave their front doors open. Why? Because they had nothing to steal. Not much point in breaking into a house if there's no computer, car, antiques or money to steal.

*Islam treats both men and women equally and a woman victim of rape cannot be blamed for the crime that happened to her. There is no where in the Quran any indication to blame the rape victim instead of blaming the rapist. When and if this happens, it does not represent Islam but represents cultural understanding and man made laws, not God's commands in the Quran.

[5:5] …….. You shall maintain CHASTITY, not committing adultery, nor taking secret lovers. Anyone who rejects faith, all his work will be in vain, and in the Hereafter he will be with the losers.

[24:30] Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their CHASTITY. This is purer for them. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything they do.

But the whole "rape in a marriage" thing is a easy way to try to pass of the FACTS that I posted above but in marriage God tells Muslims:

"Live with them in kindness; even if you dislike them, perhaps you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good" (4:19).

"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." (al-Rum 30:21)

surenderer said:
*Islam treats both men and women equally and a woman victim of rape cannot be blamed for the crime that happened to her. There is no where in the Quran any indication to blame the rape victim instead of blaming the rapist. When and if this happens, it does not represent Islam but represents cultural understanding and man made laws, not God's commands in the Quran.
Equal in what? In rights, justice and punishments?
I find i agree with all your thoughts on this

surrender says
"america tops the world in crime and rape"

Yes surrender i have no doubt, but is the rape state santioned no, no, no, were as in the 3 muslim countries i mentioned it is.

And if rape is not a crime in islam, how can it be reported, and therefore there are no statistics for rape, unless were talking about men being raped, because a woman cannot be raped

Surrender you must stick with reality and facts, if rape is not a crime in islam, how can it be a statistic lol .
Surrender you must stick with reality and facts, if rape is not a crime in islam, how can it be a statistic lol .

Then please post where in the Koran it says that rape is permitted
Registered User (377 posts)

Today, 07:36 PM
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"*Islam treats both men and women equally"

Surrender do you make this ridiculous statement tongue in cheek, or are you so far entrenched in islam you actually believe it.

In about 2000 years time, the women of islam might be equal to men, until then they will be under the cosh, and forever the victim of male chauvinist pigs.

The only thing that is equal between the sexes in islam, is that they breathe the same air, other than that there is no comparison with rights or freedoms, and surrender you are fully aware of this.

Why is it that muslims cannot accept criticism, without the but word.

To listen to muslims speak there religon is eutopia, no crime no rape, its a perfect alice in wonderland life to be had in a muslim country.
Registered User (378 posts)

Today, 08:00 PM
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“ Surrender you must stick with reality and facts, if rape is not a crime in islam, how can it be a statistic lol .


"Then please post where in the Koran it says that rape is permitted "

Surrender i never said the koran i said "state santioned rape"

i do not read the koran, i do not want my soul corrupted, or my eyes burnt with the satanic verses inside it.

The bbc clearly reported state sponsered rape in 3 muslim countries, when rape is not a crime it becomes state sponsered, do you understand that concept surrender.
Ultra Electro Agnostic (663 posts)

Today, 08:10 PM
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surenderer said:

Americans top the world in the category of crimes. They also have the greatest number of burglaries, car thefts, rapes and assaults.....sorry Vinnie
Try to view it PER CAPITA and you'll see that Americans are only the 9th from the top.

Yes i know dr no
But unlike muslims being a catholic i can say our society is not a perfect one, if the uk or us is no1 crime or rape capital it does not make a difference to me, all cultures and countries have crime and evil, but it is only when we accept them, can we change them.

Islam does not and cannot accept there alice in wonderland world is not perfect, muslims seem to be forever speaking from a lofty position, and looking down on the 5 billion infidels, and if there was a magic button that could kill these 5 billion infidels in one go, i have no doubt it would have been pressed 1billion times already by our alice in wonderland friends
vincent28uk said:
Ultra Electro Agnostic (663 posts)

Today, 08:10 PM
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surenderer said:

Americans top the world in the category of crimes. They also have the greatest number of burglaries, car thefts, rapes and assaults.....sorry Vinnie
Try to view it PER CAPITA and you'll see that Americans are only the 9th from the top.

Yes i know dr no
But unlike muslims being a catholic i can say our society is not a perfect one, if the uk or us is no1 crime or rape capital it does not make a difference to me, all cultures and countries have crime and evil, but it is only when we accept them, can we change them.

Islam does not and cannot accept there alice in wonderland world is not perfect, muslims seem to be forever speaking from a lofty position, and looking down on the 5 billion infidels, and if there was a magic button that could kill these 5 billion infidels in one go, i have no doubt it would have been pressed 1billion times already by our alice in wonderland friends

Then why only do you see muslims fighting in places where there is oppression? why arent muslims killing "infidels"(your words) in America or the U.K. ? I definatly dont see the Muslim world as perfect because the muslim leaders are corrupt but remember Vinnie if what you are saying is true then why arent there 1.5 billion terrorists trying to kill all unbelevers?

if the uk or us is no1 crime or rape capital it does not make a difference to me,

Then you should stop posting about other societies and worry more about your own

You say muslim leaders are corrupt, but what about some muslim leaders being plain evil, i mean state sponsored rape is that not evil in your ideal country.

Surrender what i care about are human rights, in islam a woman has no rights.

The only rights a woman has in islam, is the right to be legally raped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vincent28uk said:

You say muslim leaders are corrupt, but what about some muslim leaders being plain evil, i mean state sponsored rape is that not evil in your ideal country.

Surrender what i care about are human rights, in islam a woman has no rights.

The only rights a woman has in islam, is the right to be legally raped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Compare this:

Surrender what i care about are human rights,

With this:

if the uk or us is no1 crime or rape capital it does not make a difference to me,


Again show me where ISLAM says this..........you say yo dont wont to read the Koran but that is the only way to prove your point. I have shown you how statistically your country has more rapes violent crimes and murders than ANY muslim country but yet just like any other dilusional scrub you choose to point the finger at others while your backyard is full of filth....if you care to discuss facts in your threads then we can do that but your parinoid posts only show you to be wrong time after time......again have fun with your biased ignorant response I am done with this conversation :m:
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As usual, you are making rash generalisations without any supporting evidence at all.
Originally posted by: surenderer
Americans top the world in the category of crimes. They also have the greatest number of burglaries, car thefts, rapes and assaults.....sorry Vinnie

Originally posted by: surenderer
..........you say yo dont wont to read the Koran but that is the only way to prove your point. I have shown you how statistically your country has more rapes violent crimes and murders than ANY muslim country but yet just like any other dilusional scrub you choose to point the finger at others while your backyard is full of filth

That is completely misleading. IF you would simply look at what DoctorNO wrote you would see that per capita the us falls by quite a bit. You are trying to mislead people with those statistics. Not to mention that those statistics are entirely based on the number of crimes that are caught. If a crime is not caught then it cannot be any part of a statistic. As it has been said many times in this thread, if rape is state sanctioned than of course there wont be any rapes to report.

If you were truly a follower of the Koran you would be equally disgusted with the so called Islamic nations as the rest of us are.

Originally posted by: surenderer
Then why only do you see muslims fighting in places where there is oppression? why arent muslims killing "infidels"(your words) in America or the U.K. ?

Yah, 9/11 never really happened. Terrorists don’t really exist. Whatever.
I Am F_AQ2 said:
That is completely misleading. IF you would simply look at what DoctorNO wrote you would see that per capita the us falls by quite a bit. You are trying to mislead people with those statistics. Not to mention that those statistics are entirely based on the number of crimes that are caught. If a crime is not caught then it cannot be any part of a statistic. As it has been said many times in this thread, if rape is state sanctioned than of course there wont be any rapes to report.

If you were truly a follower of the Koran you would be equally disgusted with the so called Islamic nations as the rest of us are.

Yah, 9/11 never really happened. Terrorists don’t really exist. Whatever.

IF you would simply look at what DoctorNO wrote you would see that per capita the us falls by quite a bit. You are trying to mislead people with those statistics

Yes from #1 to #9....my bad :rolleyes:

Not to mention that those statistics are entirely based on the number of crimes that are caught.

So i should base them on the people that are uncaught?... perhaps the US could be #120?? then again they could be #1 after all.... that goes both ways you know

As it has been said many times in this thread, if rape is state sanctioned than of course there wont be any rapes to report

I agree but i have also shown in this thread where the Koran has said that rape isnt Islamic thus any State sanctioned Rape policy isnt Islamic....I again ask anyone saying different to show me otherwise

If you were truly a follower of the Koran you would be equally disgusted with the so called Islamic nations as the rest of us are

Not sure what that means exactly.....I am disgusted by how the name Islam gets dragged through the mud by coroupt(sp) leaders and and bad muslims but to say that all muslims are bad is like denouncing Christianity during the Nazi's terrorism

Yah, 9/11 never really happened. Terrorists don’t really exist. Whatever.

Who said that?....but please remember that terrorism isnt only something that happens to you


Please note the picture ;)
vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk vincent28uk