Why is there no Mrs. God?


Valued Senior Member
God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?
God isn't a "man" so no need for Mrs. God. Men ignore women because that's usually for the best. Surely you've noticed that by now?
God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?

:) Give him credit

He's god


Why would he want a woman to tell him what to do

Can you imagine as he is creating Earth?

' Don't think the sea is blue enough

Those mountains would look better over there

Why don't you put most of the sand in one place. Much more tidy

And fluff up the clouds a bit and make them whiter. They look like your old throne cushion you parked you arse on for eternity

And don't pull that face on me '

We would have a 15 day week

Rest every other day and 3 days off at the end

:) Give him credit

He's god


Why would he want a woman to tell him what to do

Can you imagine as he is creating Earth?

' Don't think the sea is blue enough

Those mountains would look better over there

Why don't you put most of the sand in one place. Much more tidy

And fluff up the clouds a bit and make them whiter. They look like your old throne cushion you parked you arse on for eternity

And don't pull that face on me '

We would have a 15 day week

Rest every other day and 3 days off at the end


Is this god then gay ?
The answer is fairly obvious, surely? The major monotheistic religions all arose in an era of patriarchy. It was natural to make an all-powerful God implicitly male.

But of course there have been many polytheistic religions with goddesses. And even in Christianity one can detect a wish to have a counterbalancing maternal figure, in the form of the veneration of Mary.
The answer is fairly obvious, surely? The major monotheistic religions all arose in an era of patriarchy. It was natural to make an all-powerful God implicitly male.

But of course there have been many polytheistic religions with goddesses. And even in Christianity one can detect a wish to have a counterbalancing maternal figure, in the form of the veneration of Mary.

Wasn't there a sneaky woman :) pope?

Now there's a ceremony where the pope is carried on a chair over the Cardinals who look up to check he has balls

Why do females tolerate any of the religions who treat them as non existant?
One would think given sexism is now happily frowned upon that this aspect of religion would not be tolerated.
The major monotheistic religions all arose in an era of patriarchy. It was natural to make an all-powerful God implicitly male.
Of course you are correct and this feature is yet another stupidity carried into modern times.
I would regard religion as a little less stupid if it was able to adjust to reflect change, fix obvious errors and reject past practices that are today viewed as unacceptable.

The appologists for the bible, as one example, dont want it edited it seems so they are left with their book of authority rightlyfully scorned by decent thinking folk.

The determination not to change makes me wonder why we still dont practise sacrifice of animals, or humans for that matter.
Why do females tolerate any of the religions who treat them as non existant?
One would think given sexism is now happily frowned upon that this aspect of religion would not be tolerated.

Of course you are correct and this feature is yet another stupidity carried into modern times.
I would regard religion as a little less stupid if was able to adjust to reflect change, fix obvious errors and reject past practices that are today viewed as unacceptable.
The appologists for the bible, as one example, dont want it edited it seems so they are left with their book of authority rightlyfully scorned by decent thinking folk.
The determination not to change makes me wonder why we still dont practise sacrifice of animals, or humans for that matter.
Actually you will find that Christianity and Judaism do make quite an effort nowadays to reinterpret their traditions in ways that give women respect, though Islam seems to have not done much, if anything. And certainly in the New Testament you will find the teachings and actions of Christ do not treat women as inferior - though of course abiding by the customs of the day.

All this crap about the all-male hierarchy in the Catholic church is crazy though, I quite agree. It seems to be bound up with the generally fearful and unhealthy attitude towards human sexuality that prevails in Catholic doctrine. They will change eventually, I'm sure, but it may take a couple more centuries.:rolleyes:
All this crap about the all-male hierarchy in the Catholic church is crazy though, I quite agree. It seems to be bound up with the generally fearful and unhealthy attitude towards human sexuality that prevails in Catholic doctrine.
Yes I get the impression that they have problems with finding a rational approach to sexual relations. I just can not understand why they are so reluctant to change for the better.

Why not allow marriage for Nuns and priests surely catering for human needs would be the reasonable and rational thing to do. Even allow same sex marriage within the church and be realistic about human behaviour and needs.

And contraception... why the negative attitude.
Think of the benefits for health.
God made man in his image yet seems there is no lady in his world er universe.
Actually why do the various religions ignore the fact females exist?
Sometimes I think religion treat females as inferior and wonder why the girls go along with this strange situation.
Is religion just for old men?

In ancient tradition, the female principle is connected to mother=matter. The female principle has a connection to mother nature, matter and natural instinct. The oldest religions were matriarchies.

The male principle comes later to religion and is connected to spirit. Spirit is not tangible like matter is nor is it limited to natural laws. Spirit, in a symbolic sense, has a connection to invention, where natural is modified, by humans, to create the artificial and synthetic. The automobile is not a natural product of nature. This is made possible by the spirit of man which modifies natural into nee forms not found in nature. The leftist idea of relative instinct, has no room for the female principle, which is connected to selection within natural instinct. It also uses a creative spirit that alters natural into relative.

The concepts of free will and choice have a connection to the male principle. The female principle is more passive to natural instinct, while will power and choice can ignore natural and create synthetic variations. If you asked all world citizens, if they would prefer return to nature; no indoor plumbing, or continue to live in a synthesis world that has indoor plumbing, most will choose the masculine spirit of change, not old school nature. It is not imposed on us, but is chosen by most.

The Catholic religion added Mary as female principle in heaven, who carries nearly equal weight. The idea was to restore the balance between natural and progress. This is consistent with blessed are the poor, since the poor cannot buy all the bells and whistles of artificial. They have to default closer to matter=mother. However, few people work hard to avoid riches, and become poor so they can return to nature; masculine principle tends to rule.
When people confuse god with religion, they preclude finding answers.

One theory has it that for thousands of generations of hunter/gatherers the deity was female.

Hunter gathers engaged in cooperative full community activities.
and then
we developed agriculture which is mostly a solitary activity, and the men felt the need for something to ameliorate their loneliness and developed a replacement male "god".
In ancient tradition, the female principle is connected to mother=matter. The female principle has a connection to mother nature, matter and natural instinct. The oldest religions were matriarchies.

The male principle comes later to religion and is connected to spirit.

What do you mean by "female principle" and "male principle"
I do not understand what you are talikng about when you talk about "spirit".

Also could you explain the connection re "leftist".

Moreover I dont really understand what you are trying to say for which I am sorry.

But thank you for your post perhaps it will not be lost on others.
e developed agriculture which is mostly a solitary activity, and the men felt the need for something to ameliorate their loneliness and developed a replacement male "god".
I can follow but we are past that point in the modern world.
Why dont females rise up and protest the sexism of all the religions.
Why indeed?
(good luck with that one)
We have a domestic violence problem and I believe the basic lack of respect many men have for females (forgive my unsupported generalisation) could be traced to the fundamental problem of the various religions in maintaining the outdated ancient belief which places men above women.
