why men have difficulty in respecting women?

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Alright time for an example :
This is the one of the best examples I could give you of what respect women have in my area.
A college going student girl boarded a crowded bus. Extremely crowded bus are common in my area. Another male college going student came near the girl and started groping her. After a while when the girl had too much of this she slapped the boy in the face.
The boy retaliated with a slap of his own. The result of this all of the passengers aboard the bus were laughing and this included other women as well.
Having difficulty believing this one?

Yeah. It sounds like it is completely invented.

Women can't compare to men. It takes both brains and brawn to succeed.

To succeed at what?

Do not be misled into thinking that a male dominated society is situational and could have been otherwise. Everything happens for a reason as I said before men had the tools to succeed with this includes both their brains and brawn.

What did they succeed at?
I can't even be bothered to refute this poop.

Anuraga, if I ignite the spray from an aerosol and direct it in your face, doesn't that make me superior according to your criteria?
Have you ever wondered why rapes occur in our society? Don't they occur due to men not respecting women and treating them like sexual playthings?

Why do they do so?
I think the reason for this is men are inherently more powerful and intelligent than woman and thus consider themselves superior.
They are only more powerful physically you say and not more intelligent? You're wrong. Almost all of the important inventions and discoveries have been done by men in the history and not women and no I'm not talking about academic performance in school or college.
Certainly it is difficult to respect something weaker or inferior than yourself. Isn't it?
I'll prove that is difficult to respect things weaker than oneself now. How many of you care if you squash an insect beneath your heels. Certainly almost none of you be it men or women unless you are into Jainism or Buddhism. Generally if an employee disagrees with his superior over and over again wouldn't he be told to STFU by his superior even if he was right just because he is the higher authority. My final example would be that don't humans kill lower beings just for pleasure such as in an hunting sport, for their hides,and just because they taste delicious to eat. So there you have it.
So why is the weaker sex biologically weaker?

Also people and feminists keep going on about how it would be better if a Woman were to lead a nation. I say this is not so since women are less intelligent than men this would disadvantage a nation. From what I have observed women tend to be more conservative than men and are often the first one to reject newer approaches and are reluctant to explore new grounds.

yes, because men are more intelligent, they act like idiots. you're apparently a genius. rape anyone lately?

what a load of bullshit.

men disrespect women because women disrespect themselves. they allow it. i'm not talking about rape, but a lot of women play into the "sex object" perception just as much as men do.
In my experience, there's as much disrespect given within the male and female sexes as across the X-Y barrier. :rolleyes: I'm going through one of those on the forum at this very minute.
So why do people bother trying to reason with this guy? At first, I kept seeing a "j" for the "i" in his name, which would make it an unfortunate anagram of Nagarjuna Max (Super Nagarjuna?). Do you all frequent the neo-nazi forums and try to reason with those idiots?

But I've got to take issure with something James said:

Logic naturally comes 2nd for the unintelligent - if it comes at all. Instinct is about all they have to work with.

So, logic must come first for the intelligent? Hmmm. Are you suggesting that one might conclude that women are inferior if he bases his assessment on instinct alone? Nonsense. One concludes such only by his only highly skewed brand of logic.

I'll set Nagarjuna aside, and defer to the original source:

Do not go by oral tradition, by lineage of teaching, by hearsay, ... by logical reasoning, by inferential reasoning, by reflection on reasons ... But when you know for yourselves.

Incidentally, note how women respond in this thread:

Originally Posted by Doreen
I feel superior to you in a number of ways, but I will not rape you, crush you like a bug or act as an apologist for someone else who does this or would do it. This also makes me superior to you, you poor little man.

Originally Posted by jessiej920
You are an idiot. Or you are a rapist. Or maybe both. Either way you are a sexist and you give me the creeps. ... Take your weird bullshit some where else because you kind of make me want to... (puke)
Don't even bother arguing with this ignoramus. Nothing you say will change his way of thinking and by arguing with him you're just feeding into his over-inflated ego and sense of superiority. Seriously, it's a waste of your precious time

Originally Posted by visceral_instinct
I can't even be bothered to refute this poop.

Originally Posted by Lori_7
yes, because men are more intelligent, they act like idiots. you're apparently a genius. rape anyone lately?

what a load of bullshit.

(I'll forgive CutesieMarie for bothering to try reasoning with this moron.)

Perhaps women are superior in knowing how to respond to a fucking idiot who doesn't warrant a considered response.
To spidergoat:
Please elaborate your point what did they prove? I'm not understanding what you're trying to say.

Women weren't even allowed to pursue any technical job until very recently, therefore the lack of women in science history proves nothing but the prejudices of society.
Do you agree with me on this one when I say in general men are more powerful both physically and mentally? That they have better brain faculties than women do?

Typically, physically yes. Not mentally at all. Saying men have better brain faculties than women is ignorant. This is where you can't paint with such a wide brush. It depends on the individual and the circumstance.

Men have been used by women to do their fighting for them, protection and making the money to raise their kids for a long time. Now that women have secured more rights in societies they are doing quite well in normally male dominated fields. Politics and business etc.

In fact, the proof that you are wrong about this is the trend is women are gaining more ground in these areas, which suggests it was never intelligence, it was access. Unless you want to state that women are getting smarter and we are getting dumber.

Unfortunately my friend this is just only your opinion. I was not going to bring up the bus incident in the first place but I had no other option to make you believe that even a majority of people can act that way. You'll just retaliate by calling all of them cowards but in my opinion they gave into their instincts. Instincts are very hard things to defy by nature everyone gives in some time.

Yes and as I said a majority of people do all sorts of cowardly things, like turn away help to an old man run over in the street. For joining in gang activities like drive by shootings.

What you are failing to see is that we are evolving and changing. Our rules and norms change with our greater understanding and our instincts evolve as well.

Another thing and this is a big one that you are missing in this equation is that these women have fathers and brothers and male friends who often care very much about them. The men who rape them may not be able to act like modern humans and control their actions but after raping these other mens daughters etc will face the wrath of these other men and women who care about the victim and are acting on their own instincts to protect and retaliate against those who have harmed their loved one. Whether that be jail time or some father cutting of the rapist head, there will be hell to pay.

Personally if my daughter or wife or sisters were raped and I found out who it was they would no longer be living. If the police got to them first, then they wouldn't be living an hour after they got out.

I know a lot of men who feel this way.

Thus is why there are laws against all of these actions, to try and create a more civilized society. But all actions tend to create a equal opposite reaction one the rapist wouldn't like so much I am sure.

Why do you think rapists are targets in jail. Because a lot of those men have daughters, sisters and of course mothers.

You talk about civilizing, well things may have changed from the prehistoric times but this is only like scratching the surface ? On the inside things remain the same and will never change.
Men still lust for the women like they used to but now there are just more obstacles in the path.
If not for the formalities and consequences men would immediately degenerate into the primitive neanderthal he was.

Things have changed, and we are still changing, some may not be able to adapt to the changes and they will end up pushed out, in jail for crimes against society etc etc.

To move forward, we have created these formalities and consequences. Made by us to allow us to leave the caves and advance.

Doesn't mean we should not or will not continue to lust after the opposite sex. In fact, that is important for the continuation of the species, but so are socio-economic concerns which allow for security and growth.
To JamesR:
If you think that I'm fabricating things and thus lying then you're welcomed to not post in my thread. The reason you keep posting over and over proves to me that you believe what I post is truth. Surely you are smarter than to reason with a liar,troll or moron.
Ok. So women are no longer. The world ends in one generation. Done deal. Happy now.

It's a ridiculous argument to say that one is more powerful than the other.

The truth is, women are more powerful to men and men are more powerful to women.

It's because of how important we are to each other.

We can't live without each other.

So we are truly opposites and in being so we compliment each other.

I can't imagine. No, I wouldn't want to live in a world where there are no women. As a man, what's the point. And the most important point is the incredible connection that is made spontaneously between the two.

If all you see women for is for raping, then get yourself a blow up doll and go to town. If you want a woman who willingly gives back the affection and rocks your world your going to have to mentally stimulate them.

That is always our biggest challenge, lol.

You made a mistake here. You said you wouldn't involve God but you just did.

You sound like you believe in some grand plan laid centuries ago by the almighty. Unfortunately you can't use this against me because GOD can only be described by one word that is incomprehensible. You got no proof that God is good guy hell he could be doing it just for the lulz.
If you do not believe in wrath of God then there is no reason to not use the weaker to satisfy your own desires.
You made a mistake here. You said you wouldn't involve God but you just did.

You sound like you believe in some grand plan laid centuries ago by the almighty. Unfortunately you can't use this against me because GOD can only be described by one word that is incomprehensible. You got no proof that God is good guy hell he could be doing it just for the lulz.
If you do not believe in wrath of God then there is no reason to not use the weaker to satisfy your own desires.

I don't believe in god and certainly didn't bring gods into this here.

I am talking our evolution. Socially and physically.

We humans do have a plan, it's to continue to grow and learn, adapt and survive.
So why do people bother trying to reason with this guy? At first, I kept seeing a "j" for the "i" in his name, which would make it an unfortunate anagram of Nagarjuna Max (Super Nagarjuna?). Do you all frequent the neo-nazi forums and try to reason with those idiots?

But I've got to take issure with something James said:

So, logic must come first for the intelligent? Hmmm. Are you suggesting that one might conclude that women are inferior if he bases his assessment on instinct alone? Nonsense. One concludes such only by his only highly skewed brand of logic.

I'll set Nagarjuna aside, and defer to the original source:

Incidentally, note how women respond in this thread:

(I'll forgive CutesieMarie for bothering to try reasoning with this moron.)

Perhaps women are superior in knowing how to respond to a fucking idiot who doesn't warrant a considered response.

Do not get butthurt just because someone has different opinions than you. It is indeed very difficult to admit that you could have been doing it all wrong.
Since I'm an idiot and you're just arguing with an idiot now you're not much better either.
Why? Any evidence it isn't?

That's an assumption.

Then tell me why don't elephants rule the world instead of mankind. Are elephants physically not much much more powerful than a human being. The answer is simple they lack the brains of humans. To succeed you need to have both the brains and brawn. Men had more brains and more brawn that is why it led to the male dominated society.
To JamesR:
If you think that I'm fabricating things and thus lying then you're welcomed to not post in my thread. The reason you keep posting over and over proves to me that you believe what I post is truth.
Wow, now there'san illustration of flawed "thinking".

Then tell me why don't elephants rule the world instead of mankind. Are elephants physically not much much more powerful than a human being. The answer is simple they lack the brains of humans. To succeed you need to have both the brains and brawn. Men had more brains and more brawn that is why it led to the male dominated society.
Maybe from an elephant's point of view they do rule the world.
And once more you fail completely to provide any evidence.
yes, because men are more intelligent, they act like idiots. you're apparently a genius. rape anyone lately?

what a load of bullshit.

men disrespect women because women disrespect themselves. they allow it. i'm not talking about rape, but a lot of women play into the "sex object" perception just as much as men do.

You don't seem to understand my point. Isn't intelligent all about choosing the least resistive way and thereby minimizing the oppositions we face?
Exploiting the weaker has always been one of the ways that mankind has been able to thrive since weaker are easier to exploit than the stronger which takes much more effort. So why the sexes be an exception. Since men are born physically and mentally stronger it would be intelligent to exploit the women to their gain.
How do you know women haven't been exploiting men? They get to sit around and have babies while men work and defend the village!
Wow, now there'san illustration of flawed "thinking".

Maybe from an elephant's point of view they do rule the world.
And once more you fail completely to provide any evidence.

They don't and neither do other animals like a deer or a tiger. This is just the food chain weaker gets eaten by the stronger who in turn gets eaten/killed by the strongest. Strongest is the humans that you already know and can exterminate any species on the planet with ease. Elephants can't do the same to human species. They can kill only a few hundred before humans take notice of them and eliminate them.
How do you know women haven't been exploiting men? They get to sit around and have babies while men work and defend the village!

You may be correct on this. However this was not the focus of my article. My original post said why not use women as sexual playthings just because we can if we can get away with it?
Most men do just that. It may not be non-consentual but there could be a high degree of deception involved. It's like an arms race. We seek to spread our genes as much as possible, but it is in the woman's interest to be more discriminating.
I don't believe in god and certainly didn't bring gods into this here.

I am talking our evolution. Socially and physically.

We humans do have a plan, it's to continue to grow and learn, adapt and survive.

and what about enjoying yourself just because you can?

Unfortunately you can't come out and say that what I state is the plan. You're just one individual. You can't prove that so and so is the plan of every country and every individual of the world. Different people will have different plans and goals.
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