I did have some thoughts along the lines of the brain body along with a thread (? this forum?) Which ask - where do thoughts come from?
You do like straying off topic...
I'm sure you know conscious actions are first constructed in the subconscious
before (<---- better for emphasis?

) the conscious mind knows?
I contend this
not knowing ie appearing not to have control of your thoughts, is the mind / body problem
Probably not since biologists have pretty much mapped all that stuff out. The self-identity thing is very primitive and the most rudimentary creature has one.
The sentience is a mammalian thing and comes from the limbic system, which is actually generally in charge. It has final word in all decisions and, coupled with the cerebellum (the primitive thing) has all the controls for the actions at its disposal. The limbic system isn't particularly smart, but it's in the driver seat because it is efficient. The conscious part (that allows introspection, language, and generally intelligent stuff) is like a slow but smart adviser to the king. The king takes advice from it, but when things need fast processing, it is set aside.
The limbic system has memory and some core beliefs, and will not necessarily give them up if the Cerrebrum has worked out different beliefs.
Thus, if that is the mind body problem, it has pretty much been worked out by science.
Edit: The italics are the standard way to convey emphasis, but I notice this site changes all quoted stuff to italics font, so your emphasis on 'before' is lost. That's kind of hostile of the software the site uses. Maybe better to choose bold or underline instead of italics, at least when posting here.
I look at the problem as not being a problem. My subconscious is still ME and I have faith instructions passed to my conscious brain are in MY best interest
What if it lies to you? I've mapped out a number of lies it tells because such lies make you fit, and if one is more fit for belief in a lie, then evolution will select for the holding of that belief. Things like: You and the person 1 second ago are the same person, which is false if a thing now is the same as a thing one second ago only if :
ABSOLUTELY no change occurs.
Still, there are some interesting consequence of holding that position, such as the fact that you cannot die.