Why must people hate Islam?


you asked what country divided that is islamic.... i said pakistan

most already know saudi, iran and most countries surrounding palestine, including palestine are all islamic majority countries.

the liberation you talking about was not hindu liberating, it was the whole of BOTH pakistan and india removing british occupation

SG, you diggin yourself into a hole

The question was this:
Originally Posted by mike47
Look how many Muslim countries were liberated thanks to their wars against tyranny, colonialism and injustice .

India was not a Muslim country at the time, and it was divided by religion. It was liberated by a Hindu. Had they added Jihad to the picture, their war with the UK would still be going on.
The world is waking up to Islamic extremism, and they are starting to recognize that comprimise is not an option with Islam. It's their way or the highway.

do you know why the divide remains? :bugeye:

Do you know why Obama TOLD israel to stop the building of settlements?

Has nothing to do with religion?

The religion issue can be found in observing that the occupiers believe they have a right to build, by GOD.

That is the EXTREMISM............. they actuall think they can oppress any because their god gave them the land.

SG..... go get a cup of coffee, and do some reading.....

put the smoke :m: down.....

when the golan are returned, then maybe perhaps after reparations to all the uprooted palestinians, and a big claim of 'sorry' and responsibility, taken by the OCCUPIERS

then the muslim peasants might forgive us (the west)

but you know that can't (will not) happen

that is why the divide remains, until one or the others does that wiping stuff

seems you are not well-read enough to have a good conversation on this subject.
Oh give me a break, Osama was never victimized by an Israeli. He uses the Palestinians, it's just a minor point in his plan for Jihad, which is not about simply liberating Palestinians, but about liberating the world for Islam, which means establishing Islamic dominance over the entire planet.
The question was this:

Originally Posted by mike47

Look how many Muslim countries were liberated thanks to their wars against tyranny, colonialism and injustice .

India was not a Muslim country at the time, and it was divided by religion. It was liberated by a Hindu. Had they added Jihad to the picture, their war with the UK would still be going on.

OH my, the brittish WERE the TYRANNY, COLONIALISM And INJUSTICE, that ghandi was trying to get KICKED out of the INDIA/pakistan

he represented the COLLECTIVE called india

they divided based on religion during the PEACEFUL demonstrations

MUSLIM AND HINDU, doing it peacefully...............

a complete contrast of palestines issue

the zionist blew up the brittish and uprooted the muslim, by force

and america paid for it
Oh give me a break, Osama was never victimized by an Israeli. He uses the Palestinians, it's just a minor point in his plan for Jihad, which is not about simply liberating Palestinians, but about liberating the world for Islam, which means establishing Islamic dominance over the entire planet.
You keep on mixing religion with politics .
These days the world is run by politicians and not by clergy men .
Politics is running the world .
You keep on mixing religion with politics .
These days the world is run by politicians and not by clergy men .
Politics is running the world .

There is no distinction in Islam between politics and religion, that's the problem.
786 said:
As for current hatred for Jews, granted now Muslims have turned on Jews to the point of hatred but this is political in origin and is primarily about Israel/Palestine issue. But any Muslim who can separate the political bs doesn't hate Jews.
That doesn't appear to be enough of them.
mike said:
You keep on mixing religion with politics .
Not our fault - the situation is what it is.

The separation of the political bs from the religious bs is particularly difficult for the deeply religious.
bishadi said:
YES..... the global issue is based on the jewish migration into palestine
How is that a "global" issue? Pretty small place, Israel. The Colombia/Venezuela, Tibet/China, Chiapas/Mexico, Cuba/Florida, Georgia/Ukraine, Bosnia/Croatia, Paraguay/Argentina, Sudan/Somalia, issues might compare. The Congo/Nigeria region business is considerably larger.

If all we are concerned about is the political bs.
bishadi said:
Originally Posted by Bishadi
and if you really want to see news, look who declared war on Germany before ww2 even began

The non-Islamic Westerners who fall for shit like that are recognized for their anti-Semitism, their irrational hatred of "the Jews", their twisted bigotry and violent tendencies. Do we cut Muslims slack, and on what grounds?
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The non-Islamic Westerners who fall for shit like that are recognized for their anti-Semitism, their irrational hatred of "the Jews", their twisted bigotry and violent tendencies.

are you screaming at yourself in the mirror?

how did sharing news articles about who declared war on who first, have anything to do with your comment?

are you suggesting, that anyone not supporting the who cause, is anti?

Do we cut Muslims slack, and on what grounds?

handle human beings as if they're your brother; judge by what they do, not what others think they doing?

ie.... i know why palestine was invaded, do you? Really?
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3 billion, and we send hundreds of millions to Palestine, do they stop missile attacks?

i guess you are not aware that the 30 (Thirty) billion a year is real. (this is wrong; it is 3bil per yr, but i am leaving it to show)

why not read the news



there are pages and pages of folks protesting.... about stopping the 30 billion

ie... that is 10 times what you tink you know (kids knows more and you an adult, i assume)

p/s.... maneur filled rockets in comparison to phosphorus weapons

...mysterious burns. Human rights groups blame the wounds on sometimes-incendiary white phosphorus munitions



you are actually defending the nasty side of the divide

and that means, you either hold a blind eye or you are just biased

but every comment is a return with nothing but uneducated opinion
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As I said, 3 billion a year. It is a nasty war, and that goes for both sides. Israel just has better weapons and training, should they pick up rocks instead? I'm not defending every action of the Israeli military, but it doesn't change my view. Why would it make a difference if some asshole got burned? I do think some of what Israel does is counter productive.
you may not comprehend WHAT HAPPENED but the globe is waking up

YES..... the global issue is based on the jewish migration into palestine

and it would be OVER WITH, if the divide was not so ONE SIDED

ie.... one side is building with a huge western resource (for almost 70 yrs) and the others are in a concentration camp (gaza) or just not allowed to vote (20% of the polulation within israel is muslim)

Curiously, the islamic world didn't have a problem with the issue being so one-sided prior to 1915 or so. I wonder if there would be such an outcry if it were one-sided in that way again. Is there much outrage in the "globe" about the plight of Coptic Christians in Egypt, for example? Is there as much outcry in the islamic world about Darfur?
what demands?


that just shared how little you really comprehend on the subject.

No one should hate any, period

AND wow, i am having trouble with how little some here really know about the middle east.

there were no issues until the occupation of zionist into palestine during and after ww2

Well, of course not. Ze Jews knew their place back then, no?
As I said, 3 billion a year. It is a nasty war, and that goes for both sides.
you are right, i am wrong

the package, i just looked it up from congress (30bil package, 3bil per YR)

you have proven me in error

it happens and i claim mine whenever i taste my toes

Israel just has better weapons and training, should they pick up rocks instead?

because 'we the people' paid for it

(my claim is 'we the people' screwed up)

I'm not defending every action of the Israeli military, but it doesn't change my view. Why would it make a difference if some asshole got burned?

what a sick thing to say............ if you saw the actual footage of the concussion and the junk raining down on civilians, (i saw not one person holding a weapon)...... then how the heck can real live WAR CRIMES not be important for you to observe and feel responsible for...(Our tax dollars are paying for them weapons)

gaza is primarily women and children (widows and orpans) (look up the demographics)

the 1.2 million have been behind fences for generations now (those are just a few reason why MANY (arond the world) don't like us)

what humanitarian is there to allowing our allies to retain such a force over simple human beings without any responsibility?

I do think some of what Israel does is counter productive.

like taking the golan, surrounding the dome

and then using the media like a tool to keep up the momentum, that islam is evil.......................

the thread title along......... STINKS

and i can't understand how and why, us (free) people can sit and watch, having the ability to dig

and still feel no compassion to find out and stop it

just the idea, that the place is being geared for a religious state is completely against everything america stands for (we the people) FREEDOM of men, not the control by religion/beliefs.

'we the people' have been bamboozled by politics, the media and stoned-cold ignorance by the population
Curiously, the islamic world didn't have a problem with the issue being so one-sided prior to 1915 or so. I wonder if there would be such an outcry if it were one-sided in that way again.

never in all history has any side had the weapons and capability of today

the whole region is mixed and has been for hundreds of years

and 'we the people' even bought the notion that the new state was to be free and equal and democratic

but that aint so (what was the campaign of the current PM (loyalty to the 'religious state' or lose citizenship) (already 20% of the population are fine, accepting muslims within israel are not allowed to vote; that is wrong across the board (1/5... can't put in a voice because of religion)

Is there much outrage in the "globe" about the plight of Coptic Christians in Egypt, for example? Is there as much outcry in the islamic world about Darfur?

them conflicts are not being paid for, with our tax dollars (as far as i know; i could be wrong)

i am opposed to idea that the religion is the reason why the divide, and we are paying for the furtherance of oppression

when american's fight for the oppressed, i see the compassion there of

but in this campaign, it seems it's been mixed up (backwards)
never in all history has any side had the weapons and capability of today

the whole region is mixed and has been for hundreds of years

This speaks nothing to my comment of the centuries of degradation and abuse of Jews at the hands of the majority Muslim population in the Middle East, including Judea/Palestine.

them conflicts are not being paid for, with our tax dollars (as far as i know; i could be wrong)

Completely irrelevant; and your side-track into money deviates from your initial moral imperative, I note.
This speaks nothing to my comment of the centuries of degradation and abuse of Jews

while you were alive?

why would anyone try and use, what a history book says to support TODAY's atrocities?

is that your kind of morality?

it is like reading the story of adam and eve, and go home and slap your wife for it.

Completely irrelevant; and your side-track into money deviates from your initial moral imperative, I note.

you should stop tapping keys and take notes....

in both posts, you put up BS to side track giving a direct answer

stay focused
You keep on mixing religion with politics .
These days the world is run by politicians and not by clergy men .
Politics is running the world .

Really? Doesn't Islam dictate everything in a Muslims life, including politics? The politician may control the government, but Islam controls the politician.