Why Punctuation is Everything

[thread hijack]

you're 62? :eek:

I've been going under the impression that you were a teenager, given your er, um, youthful posts.
[/thread hijack]

By youthful, you mean posts that disagree with you, you old Rhino!

Not quite 62,
but I'm younger now than when I was ten years old.

I had a very influential English teacher, who taught me both cynicism and punctuation.
It was a double-period.

btw. Take a day off. You can't spend every day battling against the evil hoardes.
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By youthful, you mean posts that disagree with you, you old Rhino!

Not quite 62,
but I'm younger now than when I was ten years old.

I had a very influential English teacher, who taught me both cynicism and punctuation.

btw. Take a day off. You can't spend every day battling against the evil hoards.

Whats a day off?:p

Glad you're enjoying the second childhood.

I had great English teachers, all of them. Loved the language, loved teaching it, instilled a love for reading and writing well in us. I have been lucky.
I had great English teachers, all of them. Loved the language, loved teaching it, instilled a love for reading and writing well in us. I have been lucky.

If you get a good English teacher , it's the equivalent of having good parents.
They set you up for life.
Actually SAM you are just as pedantic because a Panda is a Bear..so in what respect is it not a bear?

Jeezus..I'm not used to such literal, autistic, semantic stringencies on my forum..its a bit more freeform and spontaneous..I'll get used to things. Somehow.

Actually I think I've invented a new word there...


Someone who is pedantic but only concerning punctuation.

I'm going to add that to my lists.

A Microbe

A very small dressing gown for children.

A Tadpole

Someone born here but with a Polish parent.

A Weevil

A small devilish child. (see Damien).
Any good teacher.

If you were born after 1945 but before 1965, you're a Baby Boomer. That puts you in a different generation from us War Babies, young feller. :)
Any good teacher. You are right there.

No, I wasn't born before the terrible Winter of 1948, so I'm definitely a baby boomer, Old Timer.

We'll both outlive all these spoiled weevils (post 1965, see below)
They've no sense or punctuation about them at all.
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Is there a term for those born after 1965?

Well 1965 saw the advent of thee Beatles so Weevils seems a plausible term. Ermm we'd expect the Dynasty/Dallas generation...overly money oriented, conservative and with a peculiarly dire taste in music (mainly with synthesisers).
Is there a term for those born after 1965?
In the USA they're called Generation X. Although the boundary is not precise, it's often pushed to 1961. The term is also used in other countries.
We'll both outlive all these spoiled weevils. They've no sense or punctuation about them at all.
Pehaps you're confusing "punctuation" with "punctuality." We will die "punctual" deaths. :)
Gen X is 1965 to 1980... ish.

Gen Y is 1980 to 1995... ish.

Who's after "Y"... and don't say "Z"... because it Ain't!
