Why would evolution create a higher state of consciousness?

Are you sure about that? I've seen how primative individuals think, and it is really scary how dumb they are. It seems that enlightenment would be smarter, not dumber.
Does that mean evolution would not create a higher state of consciousness specis because there is no need for it as all that is needed to know has already been known and no use will come from such specis to whether converting Jupiter to a Sun, or teraforming Mars or roam the galaxy to lend a hand to the nature or harness the blackhole etc....

Then the question comes why the middle staters? towards what?
Are you sure about that? I've seen how primative individuals think, and it is really scary how dumb they are. It seems that enlightenment would be smarter, not dumber.

Enlightenment has little to do with intelligence or the abilities of so-called primitive people.
A shift in our patterns of consciousness coupled with a dis-identification with the illusory personna that culture influences us to create. It's a return to a more natural, less linear and analytical way of thinking. It's a release of conscious control over the actions of the mind. Instead of forcing yourself to think about certain things, it's more like stepping back and observing the production of your mind. Your mind itself, after all, cannot be observed with itself.
We think about what is in our environment. The production of your mind will always be a reflection of your environment. How is that enlightenment?
It is. Enlightenment is surrounded with all kinds of mysticism and hooey, but it's really very simple.
Enlightenment has little to do with intelligence or the abilities of so-called primitive people.

en·light·en·ment /ɛnˈlaɪtnmənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[en-lahyt-n-muhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the act of enlightening.
2. the state of being enlightened: to live in spiritual enlightenment.
3. (usually initial capital letter) Buddhism, Hinduism. prajna.
4. the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement of the 18th century, characterized by belief in the power of human reason and by innovations in political, religious, and educational doctrine.

Looks like dumb people can get their too....:D forget the higher cosnsciousness.....
Related topic:

March 26, 2007
Special to World Science
Updated March 27

Human evolution has been speeding up tremendously, a new study contends—so much, that the latest evolutionary changes seem to largely eclipse earlier ones that accompanied modern man’s “origin.”

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If enligtenment is an evolutionary advantage, then why are so few of us apparently enligtened? We all have opposable thumbs - and yet we all aren't enlightened?
Because not all of us are willing to do the ultimate sacrifice in order to become enlightened. It is to surrender that who you think you are, your personality; and start living a pure life on which you do exactly what you want to do with total dedication to truth.
I understand why you think people choose not to be enlightened. I am asking, well, doesn't the fact that so few people choose to be enlightened evidence the fact that enlightenment does not contain an evolutionary advantage?
I understand why you think people choose not to be enlightened. I am asking, well, doesn't the fact that so few people choose to be enlightened evidence the fact that enlightenment does not contain an evolutionary advantage?

Our goal in life is to become enlightened, any other goals are fabrications of society that are strongly liked to our personality.

Why do I say that our goal is to become enlightened? Well maybe because if you become enlightened, the real you will reach the surface and you will do exactly what you were meant to do in this life. If you don´t become enlightened, or even followed that goal, then you will live your whole life following other people´s expectations for you, and you will never know you true self. You will get another chance for sure, as many chances as necesary for you to understand.
O.K. I get that you believe in enlightenment. I don't believe in enlightenment. Moreover, I don't see how enlightenment would even exist as it serves no evolutionary advantage. Unless it gives us an evolutionary advantage, there is no reason to believe the body is capable of enlightenment. Now, enlightenment can surely exist as a philosophy or man made thought. I don't doubt that. I doubt that there truly is a physical state of enlightenment that our brains are designed to reach. Get what I am saying?