Why would God punish children for the sins of their fathers?

ok let's try this

its not uncommon for atheists to raise the objection that if God does in fact exist, then why hasn't he solved the issue of evil in the world. The answer is of course that he is dealing with the issue of evil, but in a progressive manner. Atheists incorrectly assume that God's only choice is to deal with the problem all at once in a single act. God, however, is dealing with the issue of evil through his justice system (dharma - religious rules, karma - resultant acts according to the obedience/transgression of those rules, samsara - the booby prize, ie repeated birth and death in the material world).

The atheist is then likely to respond that it shouldn't take so long for an omnipotent god to deal with the issue of evil, to which the answer is: "Let's say that right now, god asserted that all evil in existence will now simply cease to be. In other words every human being in creation would simply vanish into non existence. Is this an acceptable solution for you?"

The atheist is then likely to demand that a better solution must be available. They would probably suggest that God should have created living entities in such a fashion that people would avoid evil completely . This idea falls on its face since such a scenario means we would no longer have the facility of free will. This situation requires that God manufactures robots who act only in pre-programmed ways.

If the atheist insists saying there must be a better solution to the issue of evil, one can give them this easy test. What is the solution to the problem of evil that
(a) does not infringe on human freedom, or
(b) acts in such a fashion to cause god to violate His constitutional attributes in some way.

Don't expect much of an answer.

Perhaps, there still remains the issue of ultimate responsibility.

"Suppose I create a bomb linked to a random fuse (or an AI algorithm), and the bomb goes off, hurting people, can I say that I am not responsible because it is the bomb, using its randomizer or AI, that creates the explosion, and not me? In other words, if God creates Man, and Man creates evil, doesn't the presence of evil still trace all the way back to God? Is it wrong then, to say that ULTIMATELY evil has its source in God? Ultimate power carries ultimate responsibility, so if God wishes to be the supreme being, he cannot dodge the responsibility of creating evil simply because he creates it indirectly."

The above was quoted from the following site for your reference: http://www.taoism.net/articles/evil.htm

Is this correct or incorrect, in your view?

Perhaps, there still remains the issue of ultimate responsibility.

"Suppose I create a bomb linked to a random fuse (or an AI algorithm), and the bomb goes off, hurting people, can I say that I am not responsible because it is the bomb, using its randomizer or AI, that creates the explosion, and not me? In other words, if God creates Man, and Man creates evil, doesn't the presence of evil still trace all the way back to God? Is it wrong then, to say that ULTIMATELY evil has its source in God? Ultimate power carries ultimate responsibility, so if God wishes to be the supreme being, he cannot dodge the responsibility of creating evil simply because he creates it indirectly."

The above was quoted from the following site for your reference: http://www.taoism.net/articles/evil.htm

Is this correct or incorrect, in your view?


The analogy of the bomb works with only one conscious entity, namely the person who manufactured it
God, on the other hand is manufacturing conscious entities, thus when there are two conscious entities the role of responsibility changes.
Like for instance, suppose a scientist creates new bomb technology and it is utilized by a terrorist.
God of course has a jurisdiction of power that we cannot approach, so our independence cannot overcome his, so thats why the material world functions much like a jail in society.
Than father of Jesus is a sinner.
its common for the residents of a prison to deride the system of authority that keeps them there since they think it is some person in authority and not their own activities or nature that has landed them in their current predicament
Once again he is completely right and you can't refute it!!
actually its not worth refuting them since his points, like the arguments of most comedians, are not really designed to withstand philosophical analysis.

If however you believe this is not the case, feel free to reiterate his arguments and we will take it from there
All you need to do is open your fuc*ing eyes and realize that most of what he says is true! Religion is Bull Shit cause you can't provide the damn evidence of your claims! Empty claims with no evidence for them is sumed up as bull shit!
All you need to do is open your fuc*ing eyes and realize that most of what he says is true! Religion is Bull Shit cause you can't provide the damn evidence of your claims! Empty claims with no evidence for them is sumed up as bull shit!

Pity you are not a pavement stomping ranting and raving born again christian - you seem to have all the qualities required to be a good one
until you give some sort of philosophical framework for opinions all you have are ... well ... opinions

N yours are what? delusional mystical caca with unsuported evidence! :rolleyes:
Every time one presents a philosophical argument to you of your delusion, you conclude to come up with further non-sequirtus drivel bull shit! so why even give an attempt of having a philosophical discussion with a brainless twit like that?

See why I don't offer a philosophical meritorious argument?
Every time one presents a philosophical argument to you of your delusion, you conclude to come up with further non-sequirtus drivel bull shit! so why even give an attempt of having a philosophical discussion with a brainless twit like that?

See why I don't offer a philosophical meritorious argument?
lol - yes, particularly since when quizzed about your philosophical foundations you slide into ad homs
lol - yes, particularly since when quizzed about your philosophical foundations you slide into ad homs

you really need to look at the meaning of ad homs before claiming that I constantly use them! No dip shit! what I do is direct insult! But since you claim that your consciousness is "limited" and that the brain is not capable of perceiving objective reality, the above statement is only "in your imagination" ;) :rolleyes:
you really need to look at the meaning of ad homs before claiming that I constantly use them! No dip shit! what I do is direct insult! But since you claim that your consciousness is "limited" and that the brain is not capable of perceiving objective reality, the above statement is only "in your imagination" ;) :rolleyes:
if it makes you feel better I don't take you seriously
if it makes you feel better I don't take you seriously

Cool with me, I usually don't take anyone serious who has their head up their ass! Remeber this is only an illusion! I never said your head is stuck up your ass! It only appears that way! ;) :D