woman fined 200,000$ for 24 songs

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There is nothing illegal about copying material for your own use.
Making a copy on an analog device or a on digital device that precludes additional replication is not illegal. Making a copy on your computer is.
That is something else I missed out on mentioning, 'The dilution of the music industry'.

You have to consider before radio there were phonographic records and before that the only time you would hear someone sing is if you had someone playing at a family do, or if you went somewhere to have a knee's up.

The introduction of commercialised radio brought about the trends in young people buying music in their droves because it wasn't just about playing a jukebox that got updated occasionally with records that people thought others might like, but down to people tuning in to hear the music play.

This generated the whole pop culture that the corporate machine has evolved itself into being the masters of. 'Dilution' plays apart in sales because when people are offered more choices from more artists, they are more likely to go with their particular tastes rather than just dealing with the choice bands of that time.

I guess you can say that the Era of the Beatles or Rolling Stones is pretty much dead (along with Elvis). After all if you were to look to those periods of time, you could probably name every artist that existed in the top 10 (or 20) because their was limited choices.

Nowadays what is the top 10 or 20? Well it's different in regards to what ever poll or publication is being used and these poll's don't fully reflect the public's tastes just their corporate buying habits.

Music being freely available on the internet and 'Monitored' to identify such polling makes sense, since after all how do you poll how many people listen to a radio station or play a specific song at home.

I say this for those that get sued:

You have been brainwashed into wanting that particular song via corporate commercials, via the radio and television stations. Your now 'diseased' mind makes you accumulate and download while throwing caution to the wind. I guess you can say you are entrapped to break laws because the corporates so badly wanted to sell you something. You should be suing them for 'brainwashing', for entrapment and should their be need false imprisonment.
Making a copy on an analog device or a on digital device that precludes additional replication is not illegal. Making a copy on your computer is.

But that law wasn't in effect when Napster first started up in the 1990's. So without a law no one was doing wrong. It wasn't until the music industry lobbied Congress to make a law prohibiting copying songs did that take affect. So how do you prove when a song was downlaoded and was that song downloaded or just copied from a friends CD?
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Making a copy on an analog device or a on digital device that precludes additional replication is not illegal. Making a copy on your computer is.
All they have to do is put some sort of B.S. "copy protection" on the music and even otherwise-legal backups become illegal under the DMCA.
I think they fined her way too much, but its her fault for trying to fight the initial fine, I dl music all the time, and I know im taking a risk but i dont care...I love free!
All she would have had to say is that she copied them from a CD that she bought then gave the CD away.
I say this for those that get sued:

You have been brainwashed into wanting that particular song via corporate commercials, via the radio and television stations. Your now 'diseased' mind makes you accumulate and download while throwing caution to the wind. I guess you can say you are entrapped to break laws because the corporates so badly wanted to sell you something. You should be suing them for 'brainwashing', for entrapment and should their be need false imprisonment.

exactly. And shouldn't we protect the weak in our society from the hungry beasts`?
I'm gonna remember that! But I'm gonna say I sold them in a yard sale, so I won't have to remember who I gave them to.

The problem wasnt that she had them, it was that she had them and was sharing them for others to download.
Open access is the future.

Artists should just put their songs on their websites for a small pittance.

People will download and the middlemen will be eliminated.

I agree with everything that you wrote. I believe that the artist and executives in the entertainment industries (music, videogames, movies) have to stop living in the twentieth century. Downloads (free or not) are the way of the future. I don’t believe that people should be forced to pay for a product that they can get for free. I refuse to buy a product that I may not enjoy when I can get it for free. If someone purchases a product from a store they should have the right to share the product with anyone. Sharing a movie or album with millions of people on the net is no different than allowing one of your friends to make a copy of it. Our technology continues to evolve every year but the executives in the entertainment industries refuse to evolve with it. They have to stop living in the past and think of new creative ways to continue making their profits. I don’t have a problem with the idea of paying for a product or service, but I refuse to pay for something that I don’t think I will enjoy. The text below is a list of changes that I would like to see.


There was a time when I enjoyed going to a movie theater to watch a movie on a large screen. That was before the creation of things like affordable high definition televisions, Blueray discs, hddvds, torrent websites, and quick dvd releases. The service that’s provided at most movie theaters around the world really hasn’t improved over the past ten years. I can’t believe that most theaters in North America are still using film projectors. Every theater in North America should be using DLP projectors. I also can’t believe that actions films or any movie with a lot of special effects are still shown on flat screens. 35mm or Imax DMR. It doesn’t matter. They should all be shown in the Imax dome format. If I am going to spend $20 or more (the average cost for a movie with popcorn and a drink) at a theater then I want to have the ultimate experience, otherwise I am just going to wait until the movie is released on DVD. At that point I will rent it from a video store and copy it. (That’s if I can’t find a good copy on the net)


It’s been almost a decade since I was really satisfied with a videogame that I purchased. I don’t think I would be playing them at all if I didn’t have the option of getting them for free. I will start spending hundreds of dollars on videogames again when I have the option of going to high-tech entertainment centers where I can experience high quality graphics, good gameplay, good storylines, and immersive virtual reality.


The people in this group are selling the simplest product out of all of the groups that I mentioned, but they are the ones that are complaining the most. They are only proving the public with sound. The idea of spending $10 - $20 for an album is just ridiculous to me. I am willing to support the musicians that I like, but I shouldn’t be forced to pay for sound that I can acquire for free. Musicians should earn most of their money from their live performances. I am also willing to support the artists that I like by purchasing super audio cds or dvd audio discs, but I refuse to purchase regular cds. I believe that all albums that are released in the present should be dvd audio discs that contain massive amounts of data. Perhaps it could contain most of the songs that were released by the artist, or a lot of behind the scenes footage. I would also support a system where the artists provided most of their music for free on their websites in return for a voluntary financial donation.
By downloading a CD instead of buying it,
What if someone downloads album tracks to see if the album's worth buying? Surely that way is best - If the artist has any talent then they still sell cd's. The only reason I buy cd's is because if you don't then the artist will cease to exist, but I download first, it weeds out the crap, saves me money, makes the industry money as I wouldn't buy blind ever again.
(times how many thousands of other people who may have download it from your PC if you are filesharing).
I'm a bad boy, I don't share. :cool:
More importantly however, how many people do you think share my attitude of download then buy? Would it not be far better to encourage downloads along with this attitude as it's better for everyone? I actually buy more now than when I listened to the radio with tapes and the record button at hand!
I personally think bands benefit a lot from the exposure of filesharing, and should set up legal sites for all of their music(as opposed to putting maybe 3 of their new songs on their webpage).
After all, when you shop you get to compare everything with it's rivals, yet we can't do that with cd's without actually listening to them, something which is made difficult for consumers, especially as the industry prefers hyping an album on the basis of one single track.
Just a few points to think about.
Did she force them to download an illegal file?

If someone steals my the laptop I stole myself should I be punished for his theft?

noone is stealing it shes holding up a big sign that says "OTHER PEOPLES STUFF FOR FREE" by sharing them, its a risk she takes and she lost..bummer

... The service that’s provided at most movie theaters around the world really hasn’t improved over the past ten years. I can’t believe that most theaters in North America are still using film projectors. Every theater in North America should be using DLP projectors. I also can’t believe that actions films or any movie with a lot of special effects are still shown on flat screens. 35mm or Imax DMR. It doesn’t matter. They should all be shown in the Imax dome format. If I am going to spend $20 or more (the average cost for a movie with popcorn and a drink) at a theater then I want to have the ultimate experience, otherwise I am just going to wait until the movie is released on DVD. At that point I will rent it from a video store and copy it. (That’s if I can’t find a good copy on the net)

I would guess most theatres (theaters) are identifying the costs of their overheads. If they have only a few people turn up each night to watch what ever flick they've had to spend an amount of royalities for, the likelihood is they don't need an escalated overhead cost of projectors with expensive replacement parts. After all if they parts have 2,000 hours worth of playtime, they'd want to only use them when the room is full otherwise those parts are being wasted on the lack of an audience.

If you want a movie theatre ('cinema' for the language differences) that meets the entertainment value of a theme park attraction then you'll have to be prepared to queue up, as they will be far and few between as well as costly an a bit of a novelty.
radiohead is giving away their album.

courtesy of redarmy11.

apparently there is no technical necessity to punish downloading for the sake of the band. It's merely an economic motive for a few.

And this motive is used to destroy people.

And in cases like this I would like to bring in the principle: what would jesus do?

And I am an atheist.
Stealing is stealing is stealing - a better award would be a cool half-million bucks for EACH song illegaly downloaded. Along with five years of hard time, regardless of age.
I agree it's wrong to steal music whether you physically steal a CD or download it. But shouldn't the punishment be proportional to the crime?

What's the penalty for someone caught shoplifting 24 CD's? Hell, this was just 24 songs! Thats like 3 CD's. Are they fined $200,000?

I think this sentence is absurd. And your proposed sentence even more so. People commit murder and get out in 8 years. The value of the music this person stold is, what? $50 at the most? How are you fined $200,000 for stealing 50 bucks?

The sentence should be the same as if they were caught shoplifting. No more, no less.
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