Word Salads

That is not a word salad. Wernnicke's aphasia makes word salids. For discussion, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernicke's_aphasia
Broca's aphasia is with meaning but very labored production of speach. This figure shows where each is produced by small local stroke.
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Word salad is also sometimes used to convey emotive appeal while avoiding concrete argument. President Bush was a master at it. His detractors said he was dumb because they tried to dissect his speeches like an editor would the syntax of a book. They totally missed the point.
His detractors said he was dumb because they tried to dissect his speeches like an editor would the syntax of a book. They totally missed the point.
That's what the linguists said. The physicians said he had all the classic symptoms of pre-senile dementia. Personally I side with the physicians. As a person who loves language I find it preposterous that a man who was as articulate as Bush was when he was governor of Texas would deliberately make himself sound like a stereotyped redneck retard. Reinforcing that stereotype is an insult to all Southerners. (Especially after our last Southern President was a Rhodes Scholar.) Besides, an intelligent communicator could come up with several far better ways to achieve his goal. Look at some of Obama's speeches. He's very skilled with language, and he often uses that skill to say nothing very eloquently. That's the usual way politicians handle it.
and eleventy-four is... 114?
"Eleventy" is like "umpty." It just means "ten multiplied by a number too large to count right now." "Umpty" is usually followed by "ump," as "umpty-ump," meaning, I suppose, why bother to count the units if you haven't bothered to count the tens?
That's what the linguists said. The physicians said he had all the classic symptoms of pre-senile dementia. Personally I side with the physicians. As a person who loves language I find it preposterous that a man who was as articulate as Bush was when he was governor of Texas would deliberately make himself sound like a stereotyped redneck retard. Reinforcing that stereotype is an insult to all Southerners. (Especially after our last Southern President was a Rhodes Scholar.) Besides, an intelligent communicator could come up with several far better ways to achieve his goal. Look at some of Obama's speeches. He's very skilled with language, and he often uses that skill to say nothing very eloquently. That's the usual way politicians handle it.

Obama is nothing without his teleprompter. Bush got reelected despite or maybe because of his style of saying lots of feel good things without really saying anything you could hang your hat on. ie 'America must be strong in defending democracy for our principles of freedom and democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. The evil terrorists will not stop our freedoms depspite their hateful ways. I know together America can defeat the evil doers who hate our freedoms and democracy. God bless America!' Applause...

For people who know how to think critically this stuff is rubbish but for a huge percentage of the population who like foot ball and beer, and hate bad guys this is right up their alley. They don't really have to think to get the emotional feel of what is being said.