Would it be okay for Obama to rape and murder?

Science requires proof .

The religious thought is Davids hands were covered with blood and that is why his son Solomon built the Great house of god and not David . David be bad by his act of sending Bathsheba's husband into battle to be killed anyway , so that ain't a good example . We all know King David be bad by analysis of the story
What's your point?

Why think that David's line of action was the one that the Bible endorses?

2 Sammuel 12:
Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for[a] the LORD, the son born to you will die.”

So David effectively gets away with murder and rape.

Can you imagine people allowing Obama to stay in power after raping and murdering a woman if he just claims god said that he is forgiven and the punishment paid will be the abortion of the raped womans child?

I don't think the punishment really fits the crime. Actually I don't think any logical person would believe that the punishment fits the crime.

And christians today sing psalms written by king david, as if he is some sort of holy role model. I can think of better role models that are in prison.
Science requires proof .

The religious thought is Davids hands were covered with blood and that is why his son Solomon built the Great house of god and not David . David be bad by his act of sending Bathsheba's husband into battle to be killed anyway , so that ain't a good example . We all know King David be bad by analysis of the story

There's a difference between positive and negative proof. Science can justify atheism by bringing down the alternative beliefs. Atheism does not add anything to the default position of belief/lack of belief so therefore has no claims that can be positively proven.

I write like this because people like William Lane Craig like to claim that atheism needs to do more than bring down the alternative beliefs. But atheism is the null hypothesis. By default if the evidence is not there the null hypothesis is retained.
2 Sammuel 12:
Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for[a] the LORD, the son born to you will die.”

So David effectively gets away with murder and rape.

Can you imagine people allowing Obama to stay in power after raping and murdering a woman if he just claims god said that he is forgiven and the punishment paid will be the abortion of the raped womans child?

I don't think the punishment really fits the crime. Actually I don't think any logical person would believe that the punishment fits the crime.

And christians today sing psalms written by king david, as if he is some sort of holy role model. I can think of better role models that are in prison.

You didn't answer my question:

Why think that David's line of action was the one that the Bible endorses?
The Bible doesn't endorse the line of action, it underpunishes it. Unjust punishment = unjust god.
Also David is referred to in the bible as holy and righteous. But I think anyone with any sense of morality could see that that is far from the truth.
Also David is referred to in the bible as holy and righteous. But I think anyone with any sense of morality could see that that is far from the truth.

So you seem to think that David should be judged by some things he did when he was young, and it should be completely disregarded what he did later?
Yes you should be punished for raping a woman and murdering her husband.

I think the courts will agree with me on that one.

It's funny that humanistic morality would dictate that david should have been put in jail for 20 years but god says that aborting a child is good enough.

Also here's a nice verse, I don't think David deserves the praise though.

1 Samuel 13:14
New International Version (NIV)

14 But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.”
David, a man after gods own heart. And yet he is incredibly immoral, sociopath kind of material. I wonder if that says something about the christian god.
2 Sammuel 12:
Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. 14 But because by doing this you have shown utter contempt for[a] the LORD, the son born to you will die.”

So David effectively gets away with murder and rape.

Can you imagine people allowing Obama to stay in power after raping and murdering a woman if he just claims god said that he is forgiven and the punishment paid will be the abortion of the raped womans child?

I don't think the punishment really fits the crime. Actually I don't think any logical person would believe that the punishment fits the crime.

And christians today sing psalms written by king david, as if he is some sort of holy role model. I can think of better role models that are in prison.

That is the Past and the way the ancients thought . Most Nations don't stone people anymore either . Law is still being developed today . Consider this . The laws today will seem like barbarism a 500 years from now . Moral judgment is a moving target . Just think if Abraham killed Isaac we might still kill one of our children today as to make our crops grow better
My point is that if it was right for god to do that before, and if unlike the development of society and human law, gods ways never change, then by rights it should be right for him to do the same now.
The Bible doesn't endorse the line of action, it underpunishes it. Unjust punishment = unjust god.

You look at the past from the eyes of the future and your own spot in history . Hitler was the golden boy back in the Day . Did you know that ? Yeah Americans thought he was the greatest in his beginnings. Hell America almost went to socialism then. His racism did not seem to bother people so much . It was not until he started Killing that the world turned against Him . Lets Take Truman as an example . The bomb was he right or wrong for dropping the bomb ? You get a mixed answer still today . Your looking at the past from your future eyes . O.K. what is your stance on Obama bombing Lybia ?
My point is that if it was right for god to do that before, and if unlike the development of society and human law, gods ways never change, then by rights it should be right for him to do the same now.
You have not proved anything . You don't know your bible well enough either to realizes the attributes of god that don't change . Circumstance changes but the mercy of God don't . You missed important books of bible . The ones were God says to forgive .

Anyway you are still stuck on the Bible interpretation of a living God
BTW this is one good reason why humans are better than the christian god.

How did you reason that again . I didn't get it ? Cause he let David Kill ? Or because he didn't put laws in place to put David in prison for 20 years to life or stone him ? To be equal Ah yeah Humans are working on it . They are not there yet . You think cause we have collective laws we try to enforce ( were 33% of all people in jail are innocent that we are better than the christian god . O.K. then what ever
Just wondering if people think it would be okay for president Obama to rape a woman and then send her husband to Iraq on a suicide mission so he could have the rape victim all to himself. And if he admitted wrong doing and then claimed that god said that if he aborts the baby of the widowed rape victim, he is now forgiven, would you then consider president obama forgiven, and all in all a great holy man worthy of leading America for years to come?

... And yes I'm going somewhere with this one as well.

Yes of course. Not only could he rape and murder as he wished, he could enrol 50 other nations to do it - voluntarily and with no pressure - along with him. Which is why inspite of Abu Ghraib, inspite of hundreds and thousands of people killed or tortured, inspite of many thousands massacred, he is still free and respected as the President of the US and still raping, murdering and torturing as he desires, if not directly, then by proxy.
Yes of course. Not only could he rape and murder as he wished, he could enrol 50 other nations to do it - voluntarily and with no pressure - along with him. Which is why inspite of Abu Ghraib, inspite of hundreds and thousands of people killed or tortured, inspite of many thousands massacred, he is still free and respected as the President of the US and still raping, murdering and torturing as he desires, if not directly, then by proxy.

Ha Ha Ha Ha you are the Greatest Sara . I tip my hat
My point is that if it was right for god to do that before, and if unlike the development of society and human law, gods ways never change, then by rights it should be right for him to do the same now.

What exactly does it mean that "God's ways never change"?

If we look just into the Bible, the range of attitudes and behaviors ascribed to God is quite vast. He immolates or drowns some, has others torn to shreds by beasts - and He forgives others and parts seas for them and such.
He certainly isn't described as a one-trick pony!
Can you imagine people allowing Obama to stay in power after raping and murdering a woman if he just claims god said that he is forgiven and the punishment paid will be the abortion of the raped womans child?

It's not clear how a modern-time president (with atheist leanings) can be meaningfully compared to an ancient king.

I don't think the punishment really fits the crime. Actually I don't think any logical person would believe that the punishment fits the crime.

Even modern, humanist countries differ vastly in the punishments they assign for crimes.
A crime that by US state laws would earn the offender the capital punishment, might, in some European countries, earn 20-30 years of prison sentence. In some European countries, the highest possible prison sentence is 30 years.
In some Far-East countries, a person can be sentenced to death for drug-related crimes. The same crime in Europe could get them as little as a few months in prison.

The punishment fitting the crime is a very relative term.

And christians today sing psalms written by king david, as if he is some sort of holy role model. I can think of better role models that are in prison.

There is repentance, and there is forgiveness.
Without them, we are stuck in misery.