Would you stand in jesus's place?

I would definitely die to save others - whether in eternal life or for the rest of their life on this planet wouldn't matter. I would not likely sacrifice myself for just one other person... Simply because I believe there is more good I could do with my life that throwing it away for someone else. And the reason why has nothing to do with a belief in the afterlife. One's death is their final act in this world. I would want my final act to be as significant as possible, and sacrificing myself to save others (the more, the better) would be the most significant.
I would definitely stand in for Jesus...as long as I could turn water into wine...Party at Mac's house!
What verse indicates he knew he would come back to life?
Matthew 12:38 - 40. Typically refered to as the "sign of Jonah".

38 Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, “Teacher, we want to see a sign from you.”
39 He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Matthew 12:38 - 40. Typically refered to as the "sign of Jonah".

I'll admit; I was not familiar with that verse.. Though I still wouldn't agree with your supposition that him knowing he would rise (or having faith that he would) meant he did nothing for others.
To be nailed to a cross and die in slow agony. No. To be the progenitor of a religion that uses violence and torture to further its power. NO
I think the intent is well intentioned, but the point is lost. The point is that Jesus- the son of God suffered and died on our behalf... it's not about the suffering and dying as much as it's about the son of God doing it. To simply replace him with me would serve no point! It goes against the core beliefs of Christianity!

I believe the point of this thread is to ask how altruistic you are... how far you are willing to go to save another human.

And to that point, I would gladly die to prevent a death from happening- the reward of doing so is so great that what point do I have but to commit the ultimate karmic action?!!

Send them virgins on...
The problem, as always, is in interpretation of what we are told, or read and obviously, to believe. JC was NOT the SON of God, but a member of a sect of that name. He was MADE a god by the early christians, nobody else. Why do you think Islam does not recognise him although they worship the same god? Mo was a prophet but they do not claim he was a god himself.
The problem, as always, is in interpretation of what we are told, or read and obviously, to believe. JC was NOT the SON of God, but a member of a sect of that name. He was MADE a god by the early christians, nobody else. Why do you think Islam does not recognise him although they worship the same god? Mo was a prophet but they do not claim he was a god himself.
Where do you get this "Son of God" sect information from? I have never heard that one.
OK i will die for you, but do i really need to be nailed to
a tree for three days to prove it? OM