WTC Conspiracy Thread (merged)



The answer is simple, it didnt; it was demolished.

That takes weeks of planing and installations.

There were repairs with security compromised days
before 9-11 and that too of exactly of thoes 3
buildings, what a coincidence.

Shame on U.
Frankly, i'm surprised that you and your ilk [Brian Foley et al] have the capacity to type english words and post on these science forums, let alone know how to turn a computer on.

I think people like you whom have obvious mental instabilities need to be to volunteer? I promise I won't prod you too much or put an inordinate amount of electrodes into your brain.......
It's quite interesting an phenomenon though. The conspiracy theory starts small. The internet gets infested. People hear about it. They do a google. They can only find sites that claim 9/11 was a conspiracy. The thing takes off into deep space.
people get a hard on for conspiracies but if you have even trace amounts of intelligence you can refute the claims easily.
people get a hard on for conspiracies but if you have even trace amounts of intelligence you can refute the claims easily.

Why does everyone talk about refuting the claims and yet nobody refutes anything? I haven't seen anyone rebute anything Disaster had said, so... what's the point of talking tough?

Besides Larry Silverstein himself said he gave the order to "demolish" it, so why does everyone keep saying that the attacks had something to do with WTC 7?
So...the airplanes had nothing to do with it?

No, because the planes hit the two main WTC towers, not building 7.

And as Hurricane Angel mentioned, Larry Silvertein, the owner of the WTC, SAID IT HIMSELF, that WTC 7 was "pulled" (aka intentionally demolished). Someone even posted a link showing it, I think it was Anomolous' spam link.

There's nothing whacky about those claims. That speaks for itself. It's up to you guys whether or not you wanna believe it and what you can draw upon it. That right there shows something VERY fishy going on, or as Happeh and Brian would prefer, something gefilte.

Who's making the conspiracy theory now? Saying something fishy is going on by having WTC 7 intentionally demolished out of the mouth of Larry Silverstein and other fire department recordings, or ignoring the fact that it was intentionally demolished and instead accepting the so-called "official" response of it burning to the ground?

- N
Here is something you might find suspicious .
CNN: 'Hijacker' Visa Found in Flight 93 Wreckage
CNN is reporting that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah's visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
And this is Fucking amazing !
SECOND Hijacker Passport Found on Street Below WTC
the passport of suspected hijacker Mohammed Atta was found intact, in pristine condition, lying on the sidewalk below.
I wonder were these passports planted ?
Brian Foley said:
Here is something you might find suspicious .
“ CNN: 'Hijacker' Visa Found in Flight 93 Wreckage
CNN is reporting that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah's visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. ”

And this is Fucking amazing !

“ SECOND Hijacker Passport Found on Street Below WTC
the passport of suspected hijacker Mohammed Atta was found intact, in pristine condition, lying on the sidewalk below.

And this is Fucking amazing !

I wonder were these passports planted ?
Do you remember the reports where the Arab students enrolled in a Florida flight simulator school and humorously stated that they would not need any landing ibnstructions? This from supposed terrorists engaged in a conspiracy requiring the tightest security possible. Likewise, flight simulator schools are found in many countries, even in the near east and Saudi Arabia. So why go to the country targeted for attack and take flight instructions there, and increasing the possibility of compromising security? Seems like another serious breach of security, not by the terrorists, but by those planning and coordinating the simulator schooling.

Is the terrorist internal structure that stupid, or is this another plant, or is there such a thing as an Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist Organization? Where is the proof?

NO bodies or crash debris discovered in Shanksville, but a passport survived.

In the context of probable cause, who would deny that enough contradictory evidence exists to believe that some criminal activity other than the assumed Islamic Fundamntalist Terrorists was involved?

Would an investigation be that far removed from a reasonable course of action? Aren't the consequences sufficiently crucial that would demand a wide open investigation? If every thing turned out that the consoiracy theories were unsubstantiated,then "no harm no foul". Wouldn't any high ranking official that denied the nececessity for such an investigation be exhibiting, at the very least, gross incompetence, or even aiding and abetting those that committed an act of war against the US?

geistkiesel said:

So why go to the country targeted for attack and take flight instructions there, and increasing the possibility of compromising security? Seems like another serious breach of security, not by the terrorists, but by those planning and coordinating the simulator schooling.​

If I remember correctly they also went to flight schools in other countries. I can remember a report of one going to a Dutch flight school.

The US was probably easiest to get flight training. Cheap training. Lots of flight schools and it is perfectly normal for someone to want to take flying lessons. And no questions asked if you hand over the money of course. It's a business.​
Hmmmm, you can lead a horse to water, but it's easier to just shoot them........:D
geistkiesel said:
Do you remember the reports where the Arab students enrolled in a Florida flight simulator school and humorously stated that they would not need any landing ibnstructions?
There has been much that has come out about these 9/11 attacks alot is pure speculation alot has been deliberate muddying of the waters . I will tell you one observation I made about these hijackers . In the week that followed the attack surveillance photos were released of these hijackers at various locations such as ATM banking machines , also it was revealed several of the Hijackers were in Las Vegas .

Below is a story from the San Francisoc chronicle about their stay in Las Vegas this article is from Oct 4 2001 .
Agents of terror leave their mark on Sin City
"True Muslims don't drink, don't gamble, don't go to strip clubs," said Dr. Osama Haikal, president of the board of directors of the Islamic Foundation of Nevada. "These things are a sin, just like what they did in New York and Washington is a sin.
These hijackers drank , caroused , consorted with prostitutes and went to strip clubs etc , now these hijackers have been portrayed in the media as fanatic islamicists serving Allah . Why is it that their behaviour strikes me as mercenaries out on the town before a big job than pious Moslems on a divine mission ?
marv said:
Hmmmm, you can lead a horse to water, but it's easier to just shoot them........:D
Hey marv , you have got to stop reading Ayn Rand comics , remember when I told you to read a porno mags , the activity is very calming & satisfying ;)
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According to their particular sect, such behavior is permissible when they are on a mission. They get a special dispensation, I saw it on Frontline. Such people can shave their beards, drink alcohol, blend in with the crowd.
spidergoat said:
According to their particular sect, such behavior is permissible when they are on a mission. They get a special dispensation, I saw it on Frontline. Such people can shave their beards, drink alcohol, blend in with the crowd.
I dont know , I mean seriously spider take a look at these hijackers why would they wish to blend in ? There was no reason for them to blend in , Moslems are not uncommon in America there are afterall some 10 million Americans who are moslem .
That's true, there are muslims in the US, but you can understand the greater secrecy it would provide.
spidergoat said:
That's true, there are muslims in the US, but you can understand the greater secrecy it would provide.
Wouldnt such behaviour by these hijackers actually cause attention to themselves ? When the IRA did work it was secret and covert , they operated in the shadows , they would come into Britain on false passports or actually be smuggled in , whilst there they would move from one safe house to the next without causing any notice . In this case the hijackers made no secret of their identities and their behaviour drew attention to them , most dangerous for persons on a terror mission .
But it didn't draw any attention to them. In the US, such behavior wouldn't. I guess they were a bit hypocritical, weren't they? I guess they figured they were going to do such good for the cause that it justified their lapses of Islam.