The scholarly opinions:
1) Prophet had a dream when she was 9, that God had chosen her as a wife for him.
So, according to the "scholars" it's ok to have sex with 9 year olds, as long as you have a dream where god says it's ok.
Sweet dreams.
The scholarly opinions:
1) Prophet had a dream when she was 9, that God had chosen her as a wife for him.
OK, I personally know Muslims who think Mohammad married and consummated his marriage with 9 year old.
So? Do we all agree Mohammad was NOT a pedo?
Does the Quran say anything about a minimum age for marriage???
many Muslims think she was 6 when they married and 9 years old when Mohammad consummated their marriage.
Lets suppose that a 53 year old man TODAY had sex with a menstruating 9 year old.
OK now, suppose she was 12.
There was "Adult" and there was "Child". Following menstruation a child was an adult. Done.
Does the Quran say anything about a minimum age for marriage???
Was Aisha no longer 'pure' after she has sex with the Prophet?
Puberty. This is also the law according to the Torah and Bible.
And you're an anthropologist and a historian? Whats your view on Socrates banging little boys in brothels?Well it's a good thing we've evolved past getting our mores from the ignorant bastards who wrote books of mythology like the koran, torah, and bible.
Well it's a good thing we've evolved past getting our mores from the ignorant bastards who wrote books of mythology like the koran, torah, and bible.
These relations are considered immoral in the west. Not, apparently, in the backward religious cults of the Bronze and Iron Ages. Congratulations on refusing progress.
Since when has immorality stopped the 'liberated' Western mind from engaging in these acts. There is no morality without religion. Most people in the West are Christian in name only. Relations before marriage is so common in the West that marriage between virgins rarely ever takes place, whereas most Muslim cultures require virginity as a prerequisite to marriage. Social norms are disintegrating in the West completely, and many Western people acting on their desires and impulses, are committing heinous acts against nature. Parents copulating with their children, brother-in-laws having affairs with their brother's wives, just watch Oprah, Judge Judy, to see exactly how far the US is falling.
These relations are considered immoral in the west. .
So Socrates is considered a pedophile in the west? And I thought the Greeks were considered the forerunners of rational thinking in the west.
Probably not, since they're "backwards".Does "backward religious cults" include forerunners of rational thinking?
No.Does pederasty make Aristotle and Socrates "ignorant bastards"?
Relations between man and woman before age of consent are still quite prevalent in the West, only it is no longer dictated by marriage. The rise of teenage pregnancies, STDs, perversion, etc are all the results of this trend toward total anarchy. The divorce rate is more than 60% in the US alone, in other Western nations its even higher. Most children in the West grow up now with only a single biological parent. Children are growing up as social misfits and sociopaths, suicidal and violent tendencies are more prevalent in children who do not have the benefit of being raised by their biological parents. Not to mention the rise of infidelity of parents has disastrous effects on a child's psyche and self-esteem.
You truly have evolved, congratulations.
See? Here is a muslim explaining why muslims suck and not getting it at all.
Forgive us if our social norms are of a higher level than yours. Chastity, modesty, and honor have indeed indeed foreign words for many people in the West. More than 60% of Western populations are ill-begotten, many of them don't even know both their biological parents. You call this evolution, I call it social anarchy and social decay.
The first step is to recognize that your society has a problem. That problem is ruining the lives of your children. The main purpose of marriage is for raising and cultivating the next generation, even from an Atheist view. Why are rationalists and scientists cultivating a contradictory and illogical society?
The Muslims have the rare privilege of tracing their ancestry for hundreds of generations, and of being descendants of honorable and stable families. Forgive us if our lives do not revolve around trapping and using, then throwing away, as many loose women as we can get our hands on. The preposterous notion that this classifies as advancement and culture is mind boggling to a truly rational mind.
Back then it was normal to make an military alliance by taking a man's daughter. If in this case that man's daughter was a 9 year old girl, well, for back then this was probably considered normal :shrug:
Of course, I think we all agree that by today's standards, if you saw a 50+ year old man tongue-and-gumming with a 9 year old - well, you'd punch him square in the nose. But, back then, yeah, that sort of behavior was considered acceptable. Normal even.
So? Do we all agree Mohammad was NOT a pedo?
If a whole society thinks this is normal then it makes all of them pedophile. So by being part of a pedophile society and marrying her makes Mohammed a pedophile too. He should have seen it through(prophet?) and set an example by not marrying her.