Just what IS a photon really?
Most accurately, it is a key constituent of a theoretical model used to describe electromagnetic radiation.
I've heard many definitions, some entirely circular. For instance some say light, while describing it as being composed of photons, then say photons are basically quanta of light! That's not really a very illuminating definition.
There is a smallest unit of light possible at any given frequency. That unit is a photon. You can have 1 photon, or 7 photons or 500 billion photons, but you can't have 1.5 photons, or 6.8 photons or half a photon. The term "quanta" refers merely to this fact that that light comes in discrete units. There's nothing circular about that.
The light coming into your eye each second usually contains enormous numbers of photons. Not mere billions. More like thousands of billions of billions.
How does one define a particle that can behave in so many incredible and "unparticle-like" ways and still call it a particle?
When it behaves in particle-like ways, it makes sense to refer to it as a particle.
Are we just going to have to give up the particle model completely someday?
In a sense, we already have. Our best models of matter and light have as their fundamental constituents quantum objects that, under suitable conditions, exhibit either the properties of macroscopic particles or waves. The term that is usually used for this is
wave-particle duality.
And what would that do to QFT?
QFT goes a step further, describing all particles as excitations of fields that pervade all of space.
This conception of the photon relies on a belief that light or energy is a substance that particles and waves are composed of. Which is hopelessly circular. It's like saying that matter is made up of quarks which are defined as particles composed of matter.
The concept of a photon does not posit that photons light is made of energy, or that light is a "substance". There is nothing circular here, as long as you are careful to define terms like "matter" appropriately. Depending on how you define that term, it might be true to say that matters is made of quarks (in part) or, if you define it a different way, to say that quarks
are a kind of matter. But again, there's nothing circular. One thing is defined in terms of the other, and the definition only goes in one direction, not in circles.
We see the limitations of the particle model in that it always assumes a substance that the particle is made of.
No. Particle models posit
fundamental entities. Molecules are made of atoms, which are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. Electrons aren't "made of" anything smaller. They are fundamental. Protons and neutrons are "made of" quarks, but quarks aren't "made of" anything smaller; they are fundamental.
So the 'assumptions' you mention - which aren't really assumptions, by the way, stop. It's not an endless regress.
But what is the empirical evidence for these substances? Nowhere.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Do you honestly think that somebody one day just said, at random, "I'm going to imagine that there are these things I'm going to call 'atoms', and I'm going to assume they are made of things I'm going to call 'protons', 'neutrons' and 'electrons'"?
That's not how science is done. For starters, protons, electrons and neutrons were all discovered, experimentally, at different times, decades apart. As theoretical elements of physical theory, they were necessitated by the results of many separate and disparate experiments.
In other words, the reason scientists believe in things like protons and electrons, these days, is
precisely because of the vast body of empirical evidence for their existence.
It can only be through ignorance that you could claim that there is no empirical evidence for the existence of something like an electron. You've heard of electronics, right? What do you think is going on with that, exactly? What are electrical engineers working to control and exploit exactly? You must wonder. Or maybe you just take modern technology entirely for granted and don't think about how or why it works?
Quantum field theory seems to posit the field as the irreducible substrate of light and energy and matter.
It's that stubborn circular duality again.
No. The clue is right there: "irreducible substrate". The regress stops right there. It goes in one direction only. There is no circularity.
Of a field being made of particles, and particles being made up a field.
It doesn't go both ways. It only goes one way. Particles are described as excitations of fields. Never the reverse. No circularity.