Yogic Sleep


Valued Senior Member
Anyone tried this?

I have twice so far. First time, I fell into regular sleep before achieving conscious sleep. Second time I got restless and couldn't get close enough to nidra!

Are you confused because
a) I am not stating the problem clearly or
b) you are unfamiliar with yogic sleep?
Well cause B is leading into cause A

well im being an ass too..I could easily google it up but...you know...lazy...

but yeah...

When you're awake, your mind is at a high frequency
When you sleep, your mind is a low frequency.

Yoga nidra is basically the practice of sending your mind to ultra-low frequency levels (even lower than sleep,) while remaining awake. Which is about equal to a good nights sleep in far less time. You can probably imagine how valuable such a skill would be.

What I'm trying to figure out is the problem with my technique.
Are you talking about Alpha, Theta or Delta Sleep? Delta has two levels - dream state which you can consciousely control your dream or you can go blank (shut down your brain activity but let your body do the repairs....

I have taught the Delta state to a stroke victim to repair his neuronal damages actively which resulted in 99% recovery.....
kmguru said:
I have taught the Delta state to a stroke victim to repair his neuronal damages actively which resulted in 99% recovery.....

Hi KMGuru, this is interesting! Can you share the details?
My best friend's son had a stroke when the kid was about 18. The tranditional therapies only worked about 30% improvement over two years. The kid was in to music and I was involved in his band as a sound engineer. Since he did not have anything to lose, we tried various ideas including visualization in a meditative state (the Delta State). At the time, I was teaching meditation separately in a yoga center. It took about 6 months to get about 95% recovery and another 6 months to 99%. That was about 1990. Today, he is married and gainfully employed doing great.

I know, a lot more today and I think, I can speed up the process using certain medicines to improve nerve cell growth in conjunction with therapy. I do not know the demand for such service...may be someday I could set up a center to do that.
Xerxes said:
is about equal to a good nights sleep in far less time.

So, it's good if you for some reason want to spend more time awake?

Nothing for me then, if I could, I would sleep away my whole life.
It is by no means a substitue for sleep. Y.N. is supposed to keep you refreshed and more energetic.