You tube


Your tube

Can we stop it please with the silly TV references on this forum? It's getting really out of hand and it bloody annoying.

It's TV people. A medium evolved to influence minds with clever editing and restricted presentation of data.

And I am never clicking on any of the TV links. I'm probably not the only one.
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Oooooooh (sorry, I haven't got a handbag, otherwise I'd surely brandish one at you).

I don't think they serve much purpose - they're hardly a means of furthering debate - but some of the satirical clips can be quite pertinent, as well as amusing.

Vote with your mouse, spurious. Or not, as the case may be. Surely there are worse things in the world (and on Sciforums).
i like youtube, i use it for my music as well as waching some movies on it, oh and i got to watch lost before it came out over here
Look at how many of the postings to online forums are about posting to online forums.

Ah. And then we have the slightly more rare, but no less interesting, posting about postings about posting on online forums.

c.f. this:

perplexity said:
Look at how many of the postings to online forums are about posting to online forums.

c.f. this:

Theoryofrelativity said:

The thread is re the constant 'request' in this forum for evidence every single time someone cites something from their own experience. The view being that unless there is a peer reviewed paper on it, their experience is no more than the result of a deluded mind and malfunctioning brain. This is what the thread is about. Not God.

Sorry to disappoint.



Or. The slightly more rare posts about posting about postings about posts on forums.

c.f. this:

invert_nexus said:
perplexity said:
Look at how many of the postings to online forums are about posting to online forums.

Ah. And then we have the slightly more rare, but no less interesting, posting about postings about posting on online forums.

c.f. this:

perplexity said:
Look at how many of the postings to online forums are about posting to online forums.

c.f. this:

Theoryofrelativity said:

The thread is re the constant 'request' in this forum for evidence every single time someone cites something from their own experience. The view being that unless there is a peer reviewed paper on it, their experience is no more than the result of a deluded mind and malfunctioning brain. This is what the thread is about. Not God.

Sorry to disappoint.




Or there's the even slightly rarer posting about posts about postings about posts about posting on online forums...

(Of course, the same goes for any types of discussion. No reason to single out posts on forums or discussion of television.)
Have you ever dreamt you were sleeping?

Why go to the extreme of 'all'?

Hell, if we followed your point, we'd just ditch language altogether as talking about life is just time spent not living it. Burn those books. Throw the computers on the dung-heap of history. Let's all go back to the trees when life was for living.

We could just take a more realistic assumption that people don't spend 'all' their time in meta situations.
Can we stop it please with the silly TV references on this forum? It's getting really out of hand and it bloody annoying.

This reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Peter crashes his car into the cable tv satellite uplink and killed tv for the entire town. Hilarious hijinks ensued, of course, part of which was how he put the blame for killing tv on his daughter's head, rather than his own, but the main point is how Peter suffered serious television withdrawals and came up with the novel device of creating his own television by suspending a frame in front of him which he could view reality through.

This frame somehow softened the blow that reality normally has and tamed it. Peter was unable to handle full reality, but he could easily handle the 'filtered' reality through his newly devised framing device. (Note. The filtering was obviously post perception, in this instance, as it was reality which he was viewing although he had convinced himself that it was television.)

Such a perceptual trick could cause one to put oneself in all sorts of dangerous situations as there is the buffer zone of 'it's only television' that makes on think one is safe. Walking in traffic, for instance. Or wandering through a dangerous part of town to watch a documentary on the seedy underbelly of our youth culture in the inner city...

An interesting phenomena, if you think about it.

At the end of the episode, Peter comes to realize his dependence upon television and gives a last word of advice to the audience at home, (thus breaking the infamous fourth wall) "Turn off your televisions. Now."

At which point the episode abruptly ended in a hiss of static.

(Note: It's been a long time since I've actually watched television, and I am now thinking that I might be hazy on several of the details. Perhaps even going so far as to merge several episodes in my mind. I'm sure some of our 'you tube' watchers could find the episode in question so that Spurious could refuse to follow the link.)
invert nexus said:
This reminds me of the episode of Family Guy where Peter crashes his car into the cable tv satellite uplink and killed tv for the entire town. Hilarious hijinks ensued, of course, part of which was how he put the blame for killing tv on his daughter's head, rather than his own, but the main point is how Peter suffered serious television withdrawals and came up with the novel device of creating his own television by suspending a frame in front of him which he could view reality through.

Sort of like that part in the Blair Witch Project (allow me to hastily distance myself from that movie with insults: it made me motion sick, etc) where the chick was like "why you always filming ese?" and he's all "cause it makes life not so real, bitch."

But I may be confusing that scene with a scene from another movie with Mexicans in it.
TV 'can numb pain for children'

The results suggested that, not only did watching television reduce levels of pain, it also improved children's tolerance of the pain they did register, the team said.
Researcher Dr Carlo Bellieni said watching television might simply divert attention but it was also possible that the pleasure it generated might stimulate the release of natural painkilling hormones called endorphins.

1. If you like beating your children turn on the TV, you can beat them harder.
2. The Power of the TV is not to be underestimated and could be compared to shooting heroin.
3. My children will hate me later in life for not letting their lives revolve around drugs such as TV and sugar.
4. Divert attention? That's what news channels are all about aren't they?
my television is on for 24 minutes a day, to watch the simpsons. and then, only when i am home at that particular time.
my lady tells me im not "american".

The Devil Inside said:
my television is on for 24 minutes a day, to watch the simpsons. and then, only when i am home at that particular time.
my lady tells me im not "american".


Indeed, you are an american hater for not being glued to the television. You missing all the hidden messages shown on TV and can't be kept full indoctrinated if you keep insisting on being unpatriotic.

TV hater!
true to form, the only television i watch is cartoons.
fuck the tv. in fact, most of the cartoons i watch are downloaded.

and if not watching tv is tantamount to burning a flag...hand me a lighter. i can use it to set my joint ablaze afterwards.
invert_nexus said:
At the end of the episode, Peter comes to realize his dependence upon television and gives a last word of advice to the audience at home, (thus breaking the infamous fourth wall) "Turn off your televisions. Now."

At which point the episode abruptly ended in a hiss of static.

(Note: It's been a long time since I've actually watched television, and I am now thinking that I might be hazy on several of the details. Perhaps even going so far as to merge several episodes in my mind. I'm sure some of our 'you tube' watchers could find the episode in question so that Spurious could refuse to follow the link.)
6:30 is where he crashes into the dish.

And here is the part where he loses grip with reality and copes with a fake TV:,,68073,00.html

There you go spurious :)
Youtube is better than TV. They have music videos and strange commercials, US soldiers in Iraq upload raw footage of the fighting, it's a revolutionary thing.

And I feel like Sam in Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" when I watch it at work.
spuriousmonkey said:
Empty statement:
The turd I produced today is better than TV.
no, he is right, spuriousmonkey. it is only censored if you post something considered to be ridiculously outside the realm of acceptable material in the "western world". and even then, someone i think has to vomit or something...i dunno. it is an EXCELLENT site.
The Devil Inside said:
no, he is right, spuriousmonkey. it is only censored if you post something considered to be ridiculously outside the realm of acceptable material in the "western world". and even then, someone i think has to vomit or something...i dunno. it is an EXCELLENT site.
Well, if you say so I'm convinced.

But I'm still not clicking.
oh, you will click.

you will submit to our american fast food culture, and our "BREAKING NEWS!!!" reporting.

you will give in.....capitalism will lift your tail up, and have it's way with you...oh yes...
Please Sir, can I have some more?

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spuriousmonkey said:
Can we stop it please with the silly TV references on this forum? It's getting really out of hand and it bloody annoying.

It's TV people. A medium evolved to influence minds with clever editing and restricted presentation of data.

And I am never clicking on any of the TV links. I'm probably not the only one.

I must have missed something here. Who keeps talking about you tube, and making threads about it. Making these conversations inevitable....