Your Supreme Comedy



YOUR Supreme Comedy:
Discard everything YOU have ever learned
and ignorance will explode
in a Big Bang of unfathomable Bliss
in which nothing has ever been learned.

Life is the Supreme Comedy that YOU wrote
So that YOU cannot remember what you wrote
Until the Laughter of this Bliss wakes YOU up: to YOUR Supreme Comedy.

Life is the Supreme Comedy
for which most of "YOU"
death is the punch-line.

The Supreme Comedy is that
YOU wrote this
except you cannot remember.
This reminds me of what The Buddha once said:
“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”
re: Buddha and the sky

This reminds me of what The Buddha once said:
“When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky”

If you can believe the Buddha then U can also laugh at Everything -- not just the sky -- before the final punch-line.

-- the U called Remember.
This could also apply to this quote:

"Life is a tragedy to those feel, and a comedy to those who think."

Works well, no?