Your top ten...

ten special arms off the top of my head:
1-ak-47 ---as if it needs an introduction.
2-calico ---submachine gun with 100 bullet magazine.
3-OICW ---first rifle with a computer "brain"
4-g11 ---awesome caseless ammunition.
5-harris ---can shoot a helicopter down around 2.5 kilometers away.
6-MM1 ---baby oh baby
7-derringer ---little pea shooter.
8-spas15 ---automatic shotgun
9-itm ---dual barreled assault rifle
10-skorpion ---works like the micro uzi, but usually by the Palestinians:D

got some more, can't it be top 15 or 20?
ten special arms off the top of my head:
1-ak-47 ---as if it needs an introduction.
Hardly "special".

2-calico ---submachine gun with 100 bullet magazine.
Machine -pistol

5-harris ---can shoot a helicopter down around 2.5 kilometers away.
Link? All I can find is a sniper rifle, the only way that's going down a helicopter at 2500m is a lucky hit on the pilot.

8-spas15 ---automatic shotgun

9-itm ---dual barreled assault rifle

10-skorpion ---works like the micro uzi, but usually by the Palestinians:D
Predates the Micro Uzi and is a Czech weapon.
Most everything by Miyazaki is excellent. One of my faves is The Red Pig.

I've seen a few of his movies. They were decent, but it seemed like the same, recycled storyline over and over. :shrug:
My top 10

Trading Places
ShawShank Redemption
X-Men 2
Clash of the Titans

As you can tell I'm not into art house borefests.
My top 10 movies:

Full-Time Killer
The Boondock Saints
The Big Lebowski
The Searchers
Black Hawk Down
The Matrix
The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Som favort foods.!!!
Chili soop
Vegetable soop
Bean soop
Cabbage soop
Celentra soop
Split pea soop
Bananana coco peanutbutter milk-shake
Wheet toast

Ha... i jus made myself hungry... off to eat a apple an peanutbutter an then fix supper :)


Mac&cheese... slaw... cornbread... baked sweet potato an baked beans.!!!

Milk shake for desert an then som decaf coffee.!!!
top 10 people I wish I could meet and talk to

10. Martha Washington
9. Sally Hemmings
8. Lizzie Borden
7. Mary, Queen of Scots
6. Janis Joplin
5. Mary, mother of Jesus
4. Georgia O'Keeffe
3. Dolly Parton
2. my husband's grandma. She served time in prison for attempted murder during prohibition
1. Freddy Mercury
I've fired only two of these.

The MM1 was fun, but my favorite was the M60 and the M20.
Hardly "special".
the godmother of all rifles around the world throughout history, largest production and usage, survives almost anywhere and operated by nearly anyone, affordable and easily maintained, and gives a helluva punch to be feared nonetheless..
"hardly" special indeed..:rolleyes:

Machine -pistol
big difference, as if machine pistols exist anymore..
Link? All I can find is a sniper rifle, the only way that's going down a helicopter at 2500m is a lucky hit on the pilot.
if you want to be technical they're not sniper rifles..they're called anti-material rifles..because they shoot materials(like helicopters, not pilots) down..
Harris Gunworks markets several different models of 50 caliber sniper rifles. Its 1999 catalog announced "2 exciting additions to the 50 caliber line-up" including the M-95 Ultra-light "designed for a high efficiency of 'hits' providing operational capability at ranges of 2000 meters on hard targets, allowing the engagement of fast moving vehicles, helicopters, etc. with greater portability."
ehm, and uh, it was 2000 meters not 2500..
anti material rifles are one of my favorite special classes, and mind you, they existed scince world war, if you haven't heard of them, you're missing a LOT.
here, this should compensate you:
no, frecking FULL automatic, you keep your finger on the trigger and the baby keeps spitting..

strangely enough, couldn't find one, seems like ITM don't care much for websites, but once again you've missed a whole line of production of special weapons, not only assult rifles of all kinds but submachine guns and light machine guns too, they also have two typs of ammunition in two magazines, one in each grip..

Predates the Micro Uzi and is a Czech weapon.
i saw your picture!!! you are very pretty mrs.Trip the hubby!!

top 10 people I wish I could meet and talk to

10. Martha Washington
9. Sally Hemmings
8. Lizzie Borden
7. Mary, Queen of Scots
6. Janis Joplin
5. Mary, mother of Jesus
4. Georgia O'Keeffe
3. Dolly Parton
2. my husband's grandma. She served time in prison for attempted murder during prohibition
1. Freddy Mercury
Top 10 Nuclear Weapons/Delivery Systems:
1) 'Tsar Bomba' 57 megaton bomb - Crazy Ivan, I love you man !
2) 'Ivy Mike' - first H-Bomb. An era begins...
3) Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle - Because you can't eat just one.
4) Intercontinental Ballistic Missile - The iconic symbol of our ability to annihilate one another... ...God help me, I love it so...
5) B-52 Stratofortress - still kickin' ass after 55 years.
6) 'Atomic Artillery' - Boom Boom...(What is it ?)...out go the lights !
7) Davey Crockett 'Nuclear Bazooka' - Who needs to be out of blast range ?
8) Fractional Orbital Bombardment System - Talk about a Sword of Damocles being held over your head !
9) Nuclear Depth Bomb - Subbies can run, but they can't hide !
10) Atomic Demolition Munition - I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down !
if you want to be technical they're not sniper rifles..they're called anti-material rifles..because they shoot materials(like helicopters, not pilots) down..
Actually the only one I could find was a sniper rifle, not an AMR.
I know about AMRs and the FN BRG-15 is better.

no, frecking FULL automatic, you keep your finger on the trigger and the baby keeps spitting..
The type of action (semi-automatic, or manual pump) is selected by the position of the forearm.
The weapon is based on the SPAS-12, and has similar pump-action/semi-automatic firing modes.

strangely enough, couldn't find one, seems like ITM don't care much for websites, but once again you've missed a whole line of production of special weapons, not only assult rifles of all kinds but submachine guns and light machine guns too, they also have two typs of ammunition in two magazines, one in each grip..
Ah so not so much a double-barrelled assault rifle as an assault rifle combined with another calibre.
My top ten favorites:

1. my boyfriend :eek:
2. holiday
3. sleeping time
4. relax time
5. beach
6. chess game
7. manga & anime
8. Il Divo
9. Champions League
10. Sushi
My top ten favorites:

1. my future girlfriend
2. holiday
3. sleeping time
4. relax time
5. beach
6. chess game
7. manga & anime
8. Il Divo
9. Champions League
10. Sashimi
My top ten favorites:

1. my future girlfriend
2. holiday
3. sleeping time
4. relax time
5. beach
6. chess game
7. manga & anime
8. Il Divo
9. Champions League
10. Sashimi

That list looks familiar !!? I don't believe you can play chess, though. :p
My top ten fav things in the world:

Skinny guys. :)
Mustangs (the cars)
Desperate Housewives (the tv show)
Elvis Presley
My dog
My mom
My top ten fav things in the world:

10. Skinny guys. :)
9. Meatloaf
8. Sugar
7. Pickles
6. Mustangs (the cars)
5. Sex
4. Desperate Housewives (the tv show)
3. Elvis Presley
2. My dog
1. My mom

Now the list looks about right ^^