You're welcome


Registered Senior Member
Abraham Lincoln, a white man, freed the slaves!

I would just like to say to the African American population:
You're welcome!
He did it as an afterthought, as a political maneuver. The Union was doing pretty badly in the war. A lot of Northerners were wondering why the hell we were sending our sons to die in it and why the hell our tax money was being tossed into an effort which was starting to look pretty futile. The war was not about slavery: slavery was legal and enthusiastically practiced in Maryland and Kentucky, which were Union states. The war was about economics and egos, which is what war is always about. Well, when it's not about religion anyway.

Lincoln needed something to pep up the Northerners and revive our support for his war. (Is this sounding eerily familiar?) He realized that--Maryland and Kentucky notwithstanding--public opinion in the Union states was overwhelmingly opposed to slavery. So he came up with the brilliant idea of making us think the war was about freedom, about making America into the country it was originally supposed to be as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

And he issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Which freed the slaves... everywhere except in Maryland and Kentucky! (That came slightly later after he got the support he needed and it got to be just a little embarrassing for Union citizens to have slaves when we were supposed to be fighting to free them in the Confederacy.) He was a masterful double-dealin', smooth-talkin', back-stabbin' politician if ever there was one, old "Honest Abe" was.

Lincoln was no egalitarian. He is liberally quoted as believing that black people really are inferior to white people by nature and would probably always need white people in charge to help them achieve a measure of happiness and prosperity. He just felt that because one man is inferior to another doesn't give the one the right to keep the other as a slave.

Of course that weighty and complex philosophical opinion is one he developed only when it suited his political goals.

Don't give Lincoln too much credit. He was a man of his times and a real politician.
The Emanicpation Proclimation didn't free anyone. It stated that the slaves in the "Rebelling states" were now free...the Confederacy, believing itself to be a sovereign nation, and they were not the only ones who thought so at the time, said that they didn't have to follow the edicts of another nation.
And what say the more than 180,000 black Union soldiers, over one third of which lost their lives in battles like this: ...?

The Battle of New Market Heights, Virginia (Chaffin's Farm) became one of the most heroic engagements involving African Americans. On September 29, 1864, the African American division of the Eighteenth Corps, after being pinned down by Confederate artillery fire for about 30 minutes, charged the earthworks and rushed up the slopes of the heights. During the hour-long engagement the division suffered tremendous casualties. Of the sixteen African Americans who were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Civil War, fourteen received the honor as a result of their actions at New Market Heights.
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frisbinator, if i kidnapped you, held you as a slave for 20 years and then let you go, would you say 'thank you' to me???

i thought not

so why expect African Americans to say 'thank you' when they were given freedom?
Thanks for nothin' Frisbee guy. You just had to perpetuate the guilt old whitey has been saddled with for the last 150 years. Just when I think the slave angle has lost its punch some jerk brings it up again. For Christ's sakes its done, over, gone forever. This goes for blacks and whites and any other colors out there. Doesn't anybody else get tired of this shit? I'm talking stereotyped grudges.

Whites enslaving blacks, Jews killing Christ, Serbs killing Croats, Croats killing Serbs, IRA, Jihad, 1000 year wars, 100 year wars, any fucking war....let it go!!! I grew up thinking all politicians are crooks, all women are inferior to their male counterparts, all whites are pricks, all Germans are war happy, all Jews are rich and all Africans prior to slavery lived a peaceful utopian existence. All of that is a bunch of bullshit, except possibly the politicians. Stereotyping is a direct result of past events. Get over it. I think we're better off forgetting the past.
Jesus H. Christ! those last 2 counterposts were lame. Guys, I am as big an atheist as you can get but there is a distinct possibily that Hey-soos did exist. I don't believe in a God, Christ is just another schmuck. Even if he didn't exist our Christian friends would say he did until the Jews and Romans got him.
cosmictraveller wrote...
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
Spot on my friend.

Tell me, is the phrase Lest we forget as well known in the 'States as in Europe?

To the desirous amnesiacs, How do YOU remember YOUR war veterens?

The past is the past.

Unless you want it to be the future,
Remember It.
Lincoln did it to gain support for the war. The British were thinking about backing the Confederacy and when Lincoln did this and issued the Emancipation Proclamation ( which did nothing really ) he changed the aim of the war to freeing slaves and the Brits. could not and would not support the South when slavery is something they didn't even have largely in their own country.
Fuck Lincoln. Damn despot, he was. Sure, he freed the slaves, but that seems to be the only good thing he did.
In Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of Sept. 1862 he said:

"I have urged the colonization of the Negroes (back to Africa), and I shall continue. My Emancipation Proclamation was linked with this plan (of colonization). There is no room for two distinct races of White men in America, much less for two distinct races of Whites and Blacks ... I can think of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal ... Within twenty years we can peacefully colonize the Negro ... under conditions in which he can rise to the full measure of manhood. This he can never do here. We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable."
"... We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable."

Smart man, that Lincoln! He saw the difficulties/impossibilities, years ahead of the reality, of an unworkable, forced integration that this nation has attempted to accomplish. Racial integration is simply not going to work ...forced breeding of the races is the only way ...creating the "ideal" of one race. But like any other integration scheme, it, too, will have to be forced'll never work voluntarily.

Baron Max
Racial integration is simply not going to work ...forced breeding of the races is the only way ...creating the "ideal" of one race. But like any other integration scheme, it, too, will have to be forced'll never work voluntarily.
Baron Max is my Fuhrer... SIEG HEIL!

When exactly are we going to annex Britain? After all, the Europeaners there are racially pure, just like the Europeaners in America, right?
mountainhare said:
Baron Max is my Fuhrer... SIEG HEIL!

When exactly are we going to annex Britain? After all, the Europeaners there are racially pure, just like the Europeaners in America, right?

Where did I ever say anything about racial purity? Or was that the only thing that you find to make a comment about? ...just put erroneous words in my mouth, then post an argument? ...LOL!

Baron Max
Baron Max:
Where did I ever say anything about racial purity?

Sounded like you were for creating an 'ideal' race. Then again, you could merely have been explaining Lincoln's rationale. You were a little unclear.

Given your history of slamming the blacks, it isn't surprising that some would assume that you are hinting about the creation of an 'ideal' race.