Zakir, Shakti and Ravi


Registered Senior Member
So in the upcoming two weeks Toronto is experiencing greatness! And I get to be there! The unforgetable Shakti is coming back featuring Zakir Hussain (who I've seen in concert three times), and the very next week Ravi Shankar!! Sweeeeeeeet!

So - anyone else into indian classical?
Originally posted by Tyler

So - anyone else into indian classical?

Is Mohammed Rafi considered classical? hell i don't care if he is or isn' is a legend. Also Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Boshle, R.D Burman and many others.
i am into indian classical musicians daughters...namely shankars kid, norah jones.....a goddess!

does that count?
no but iam indian

Me too :)

I don't listen to vocalists like Lata Mangeshkar etc too much.. they are very good though. Zakir Hussain is very good, i've been to a few concerts of his. Ravi Shankar is a bloody genius. He plays the sitar so well it's unbelieveable. For 12 years, while he was living with his guru, he practiced for 11 hours a day, locking himself up in a room. Otherworldly, he is.
I've not seen Ravi. But Zakir is disgustingly good. I can't imagine a better tabla player. On top of that, I saw him once with Shankar and Ginger (not Ravi), and the improve games they played with each other were awsome.
Same here.

Also from India (now in Canada).

I'm a fan of classical music. Alas that I don't own any of the CD's...I only used to catch their music on the radio and such back home.

however...a tip...there is an internet radio station you can tune into

in winamp..just open it up..and press control + l

and then:

I recently attended a religious sufi celebration to honour a great sufi, a Muslim friend of mine is a follower and asked me to come along. They had Qawal there. Now I've always liked Qawal, but had ever seen one live. Fucking amazing is all I can say.

RIP Nusrat Fatheh were the Godfather.

Sawney I've only heard of in relation to Asian Dub Foundation.

I like Qawal well enough, but not nearly to the point of being a Zakir or Ustada Allahraka fan. And on Thursday I'll be sitting with a big smile watching Ravi do his thing!
Originally posted by dpvtank

too much bhangra type punjabi music's actually annoying.

That's becuase every hiphop wannabe producer is jumping on the Bhangra band wagon.

I suggest you check out traditional Bhangra/Punjabi music.

Start with Gurdass Mann, however a lack of knowledge of the Punjabi language would probably hinder, since Man uses heavy Old school Punjabi dialect, and his lyrics are very deep.

but you gotto admit. Bhagra music is everywhere. Every friggin hindi movie you see, you get that type of music [most of it anyways], the movies don't have a good plot to begin's usually one of these stories

1. guy and girl fall in love. some conflict and stuff. story starts of funny, then gets serious
2. a bunch of guys fall in love with one girl. they all compete to win the girl's heart.
3. guy's parents are killed when he younger and he swears revenge. he grows up, falls in love with the daughter of the person who he is trying to get revenge on. daughter understands the need of revenge. huge fake fight scene. villian dead..end of story..

it usually that, or a combination of those..

yup...movies got bhangra, and every other's's annoying now..

but nah...I'm just trying to point the "few" flaws in listening to bhangra again and again with the same beat...again and again.
Originally posted by Wraith

Start with Gurdass Mann, however a lack of knowledge of the Punjabi language would probably hinder, since Man uses heavy Old school Punjabi dialect, and his lyrics are very deep.

My dad has a picture taken with the guy. His earlier songs are classic though he has been absent from the Bhangra scene for a while now. I fear he is also going the way of Bhangra pop.....hate that bullshit.

but you gotto admit. Bhagra music is everywhere. Every friggin hindi movie you see, you get that type of music [most of it anyways], the movies don't have a good plot to begin's usually one of these stories

No. You missunderstand. The music in Bollywood films is not Bhangra. Bhangra isn't some generic term used to define all Indian music all clumped together. Bhangra is a specific genre of music, whose roots lie in the agricultural ares of Punjab.

However all Punjabi music (that is songs sang in the Punjabi language) IS NOT Bhangra.
Hmmm, kinda looks like mya.

Also I would recomend Outlandish's album "Bread and barrels of water"

Very very good album, especally the track "Guantanamo", and if you can get hold of the desi mix...even better.